S.I.E. Fighter
Sienar's Single Ion Enginer (SIE) starfighter was one of the final steps
toward the development of the highly successful TIE series of starfighters.
While not overly durable, fast or maneuverable, the SIE was cheap and quite
easy to repair and upgrade. Experienced starfighter pilots often times found
that it took very little adjustment time to master the flight of the SIE,
making it somewhat more appealing as a replacement for aging fighters.
In form, the SIE featured a pair of folding maneuvering fins to aid in
atmospheric flight, which were incorporated directly from Sienar's armed
courier. The fuselage extending past these fins contained the cockpit and
mounts for the laser and ion cannons. A small sensor array was mounted
directly behind the cockpit on the aft end of the vessel.
The SIE saw very limited production past the initial prototypes. They
were on Sienar's productions lines for only a year and the majority of
those were sold to the Republic, who would later sell them off publically
upon the introduction of the superior T.I.E. model.
Era Introduced: Yavin -40 years
Craft: Sienar Design Systems' S.I.E. Starfighter
Class: Starfighter
Cost: 85,000 (new), 35,000 (used)
Size: Tiny (10.6 meters long)
Crew: 1 (Normal +2)
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: 15 kilograms
Consumables: 2 days
Hyperdrive: None
Maximum Speed: Ramming
Defense: 20 (+2 size, +10 armor)
Shield Points: 0
Hull Points: 80
DR: 5
Weapon: 2 Laser Cannons (fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Attack Bonus: +10 (+2 size, +2 crew, +6 fire control)
Damage: 4d10x2
Range Modifiers: PB +0, S -2, M/L n/a
Weapon: 2 Light Ion Cannons (fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Attack Bonus: +12 (+2 size, +2 crew, +8 fire control)
Damage: Special
Range Modifiers: PB +0, S -2, M/L n/a