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Section of Site: Equipment D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: ARMOUREra: ImperialCanon: No

Concealment Vest
Model: BlasTech Survivor 1000 Concealment Vest
Type: concealed energy dissipating armor
Cost: 8,000 cr
Availability: 3 X
Protection: torso: front and back, +1D vs. energy, +1 vs. physical
Capsule: This lightweight vest is easily worn under clothes, or even under other armor. It has only recently been developed and is produced in limited quantities because of the high price. This vest, while not cost effective for military use, is gaining popularity in the world of undercover law enforcement. The vest is made of special (ie. expensive) Insula fibers which dissipate energy very well, but are not so effective against physical attacks. This technology could be the future of body armor. Due to the unique fibers used in this vest, the armor cannot be modified for increased protection, nor do multiple layers of vests have any additional effect.

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