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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: PlanetsEra: ImperialCanon: No

S'Ytnom System

System Datafile:
System: S'Ytnom
Star: Amem (yellow)
Orbital Bodies:
Name            Type                          Moons
Cassi              warm terrestrial           0
Ord Perpan    temperate terrestrial     1
Crotek belt     asteroid belt                 -
Heese            large gas giant              14
Ilk                 small gas giant               5

Capsule: The S'Ytnom system sees much use as a naval training ground. The Crotek belt, which seems to be made up almost entirely of trapped comets, is used extensively for training exercises, and as such is always off limits to all non-naval vessels. The same goes for the gas giant Heese and her moons, where cadets are taught the intricacies of maneuvering around, and occasionally even within, a gas giant. Ilk is often used for the same purposes, but is not quarantined as Heese is, exceot when the training exercises are actually taking place, although this is a moot point since there is really no reason to visit the gas giant or any of her moons. The two inner planets of the S'Ytnom system are inhabited. Cassi is a world rich in petroleum, and has a large plastics industry. Ord Perpan is much more heavily populated, and serves as the base of all military training in the system, both army and navy. Because of this there are certain areas of space around the planet that are off limits, but they are clearly marked by nav beacons, and clear paths to and from the planet exist to facilitate the fairly extensive trade that exists.

Type: warm terrestrial
Temperature: warm
Atmosphere: Type II (breath mask suggested)
Hydrosphere: moist
Gravity: standard
Terrain: swamps, jungles
Length of day: 29 standard hours
Length of year: 342 local days
Sapient species: Humans, some aliens
Starport: standard class
Population: 6 million
Planet function: resources
Government: Corporate
Tech level: space
Major exports: plastics, some pharmaceuticals
Major Imports: high tech, mid tech, foodstuffs
Capsule: Cassi is uncomfortably warm, incredibly humid, and has a much thicker atmosphere than most lifeforms are used to (all actions are at -1 without a breathmask, although people who have lived on the planet for at least 1 month find that the atmosphere no longer bothers them. The heat and humidity are another matter...). Added to this is the fact that there are many dangerous animals in the swamps and jungles, as well as countless annoying insects. In short it is not a pleasant place to live. In fact the only reason it was settled was because the intial survey team centuries ago found that there were immense petroleum deposits hidden underneath the swamps, and, in some places, the jungles.
    Soon after its discovery, and the settlement of Ord Perpan, a young company named Reetav Resources purchased Cassi. At first only small-scale operations were set up on the planet, but within a decade Reetav had recieved enough investments to set up massive oil wells, refineries, and plastic factories. Profits boomed, and production has fairly steadily increased over the years since then. At this point nearly 60% of the Cassi's easily accessable oil fields have been drained, but it is expected that it will be another 800 years before the planet is completely drained, even assuming constant increases in production. Reetav operates using massive platforms which use repulsorlifts to reach a field, and then lower into place on their pylons. Drilling then commences using plasma drills, and soon after placement petroleum is pumping into the storage tanks of the platform. These huge platforms (each one is roughly 300m square) make stable areas for Reetav's freight airspeeders to land. These airspeeders carry the unrefined oil to the stationary refineries, which are located in the jungles on solid land (both because of the stable foundation, and because there are fewer dangerous creatures in the jungles than in the swamps). After the petroleum is refined, it is then pumped through pipelines to the nearby factories where it is used to make all sorts of different types of plastics. The factory complexes are the only places on the planet where there are facilities for spacecraft to land, and these facilities see a constant stream of Reetav bulk freighters taking the plastics to the transfer point on Ord Perpan.
    In the past hundred years Reetav has decided to try to diversify slightly on Cassi, and has created a pharmaceutical research and production facility which uses the local flora and fauna to create medicinal products. So far this facility has struggled to break even, let alone make a profit, but Reetav is convinced that this is the industry of the future for Cassi, once all of the petroleum is used up, and so the facility continues to experiment.
    Everyone on Cassi is an employee of Reetav, and very few of these are permanent residents. Typically employees are recruited from Ord Perpan, although many also come from other worlds in the sector. Most employees have contracts whereby they spend 200 days on Cassi, return to their homes for 100 days, and then serve for another 200 days, and so on. Many people only work for one or two 200 day shifts, and then try to find another job, but just as many continue on untill retirement, their spirits bouyed by the relatively high pay, and the fact that there is virtually nothing for them to spend it on while they are on Cassi. Usually a Reetav employee coming off of a shift on Cassi will spend money like nobody's business for about a month before settling into a more normal spending pattern, and then going back to Cassi just when the money starts to run out.

Ord Perpan
Type: temperate terrestrial
Temperature: temperate
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: moderate
Gravity: standard
Terrain: varied
Length of day: 20 standard hours
Length of year: 312 local days
Sapient species: Humans, some aliens
Starport: Imperial class
Population: 14 billion
Planet function: trade, military training
Government: Imperial governor
Tech level: space
Major exports: manufactured goods, foodstuffs, tradegoods
Major Imports: raw materials
Capsule: Ord Perpan is the only heavily populated world in the S'Ytnom system. Ord Perpan served as the regional depot in the early days of Conheav sector (hence the Ord designation), and for centuries it was a very active trade world, although it has slowly declined in the past 200 years or so. Today trade is still an important part of Ord Perpan's economy, but it is nowhere near as dominating as it once was. Agriculture and minor industry have always been encouraged on the planet, and in recent years they have both become important employers.
     One important function which Ord Perpan has always fulfilled is that of a military training base. In the days of the Old Republic this base was set up to serve as the major regional army training base for the surrounding 3 sectors, not so much because of favorable terrain for training, but because of the fact that Ord Perpan was a regional supply depot. Eventually a naval training facility was constructed in orbit. These facilities were expanded under the Empire and significantly modernized.
Although not blessed with the ideal variety of terrain that such training worlds as Carrida have, the training facilities at Ord Perpan are exceptionally good, largely due to the extensive indoor simulators. These simulators include vehicle simulators, as well as huge simulated battlefields for infantry. The facilities on the ground are the size of a large city, and are separated into an army facility, and a smaller stormtrooper training facility. The naval facilities in particular have been improved under the Empire. The facilities consist of a cluster of 4 Rendili StarDrive space platforms (see Planets of the Galaxy vol.3, or the Planets of the Galaxy collection for stats), along with a host of smaller special purpose stations, and countless navigation buoys. The facilities are protected at all times by 2 aging Dreadnaughts, supported by 3 Nebulon-B frigates. This is a fairly large force, but Moff Lesbeat considers his training facilities to be of vital importance, and thus deems the defense force appropriate. In addition to the defense force, the naval training base is equipped with a number of older vessels, including one huge Invincible-class ship (see the Corporate Sector sourcebook), that serve as training ships, and a large number of TIE fighters, also for training purposes. Because of the naval training facility there are constant war games in the system. In order to keep unauthorized vessels out of these games there are specific routes which ships must take to get into the system. These routes are marked off with navigation buoys, and when a ship first jumps into the system it is advised by an automated system of the route to take. If there is any deviation from these routes the offending ship will be met by TIEs and advised to return to the proper lanes. If the ship refuses to comply it will be fired upon. Captured offenders will be dealt with in varying degrees of severity depending upon the circumstances (for example if there was a "hot" combat simulation going on at the time then the penalty will be harsh, but if there were no training flights going on at all at the time then the sentence will be less severe).
     One side effect of these training facilities is that there is a sizable entertainment industry on Ord Perpan to cater to the military. This means that, above all else, there are a lot of bars in the cities of Jarlfort and Rontburg, the two closest cities to the massive army training facility. As far as the rest of the planet is concerned, however, the training facilities might as well not exist. The result of this is that there are two very different impressions that it is possible to get from Ord Perpan depending on what cities you visit. If a visitor goes to Jarlfort or Rontburg he might get the idea that the entire world revolves around the military and nothing else, but it is quite possible for a traveller who goes anywhere else on the planet to forget completely that the military exists.

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