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Kuat Drive Yards / Imperial Department of Military Research All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST)

Kuat Drive Yards / Imperial Department of Military Research All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST)

Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM (Various Series)Subtype: Mobile Suits (Starfighters)Era: Cosmic EraCanon: Crossover


Craft: ZAFT YFX-200 CGUE DEEP Arms
Type: Experimental mobile suit
Scale: Starfighter
-Height: 21.55m (head height)
-Mass: 80.83 metric tons (max gross weight)
Skill: Mecha Piloting (OR can use Walker Operations and/or Starfighter/Aircraft Piloting)
Crew: 1
Cargo Capacity: 10 kilograms (or less)
Consumables: 1 week (survival pack)
Cost: 85,000 ZAFT credits
Hyperdrive: N/A
Nav Computer: Yes (short-ranged, carrier-based)
Maneuverability: 3D (all environments)
-Space: 7
-Atmosphere: 350; 1,000kmh ("jumps" only)
-Ground (Walking): 35; 100kmh
Hull: 5D+1
-Strength: 3D+1
-Armor: 2D
Shields: N/A
   Passive: 25/1D
   Scan: 50/1D+1
   Search: 70/2D+2
   Focus: 4/3D

*Natural Pilots: If a ZAFT mobile suit is ever piloted by a Natural human, all Difficulty Levels for piloting will be increased by one Level.  If this roll is not made, the pilot will recieve no bonus dice from Maneuverability or Fire Control of Weapons.  Also, if a proper Operating System is not installed for natural pilots, then these bonuses will be -1D

WEAPONS (Fixed Armaments):
   NOL-Y941 Heavy Laser Sword
      Location: Stored on left hip, hand-held in use.
      Fire Arc: Close Combat
      Crew: 1 (pilot)
      Skill: Mecha Combat
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 1D
      Space Range: N/A (Close Combat, under "1")
      Atmosphere Range: N/A (Close Combat, under 50m)
      Damage: Str+ 2D+1
      Ammo: N/A
      Rate of Fire: N/A

   2 JDP8-MSY0270 Directed Thermal Energy Cannons
      Location: mounted on left/right shoulders.
      Fire Arc: front
      Crew: 1 (pilot)
      Skill: Mecha Gunnery (OR can use Starfighter/Aircraft Gunnery)
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 2D
      Space Range: 1-3/15/30
      Atmosphere Range: 50-300/1.5/3km
      Damage: 7D+2 (fire-linked, 6D+2 otherwise))
      Ammo: N/A
      Rate of Fire: 1 fire-linked beam per attack.

   ZAFT CGUE (Pronounced "Seh-GOO")
   Although ZAFT is the first organization to create military use mobile suits, it is the Earth Alliance that invents beam weaponry. On January 25, C.E. 71, a ZAFT force under the command of Rau Le Creuset conducts a raid on the Orb Union's Heliopolis colony, where Orb is secretly constructing mobile suits for the Alliance. After stealing four prototype Gundam mobile suits, ZAFT reverse engineers them and begins to incorporate beam weaponry into their own mobile suits. One such design is the experimental YFX-200 CGUE DEEP (Directional Energy Emission exPerimental) Arms, modified from the standard ZGMF-515 CGUE. The DEEP Arms has been equipped with an upgraded battery to power its shoulder-mounted thermal energy cannons. Because the thermal cannons are experimental, they create a high level of heat loss each time they are fired . The DEEP Arms is also armed with a heavy laser sword.

---NOL-Y941 Heavy Laser Sword: The Heavy Laser Sword is a functional cross between close combat and beam weaponry.  While it has the damage capacity of a true Beam Saber (Hull Dice count as pips, not dice), it has a solid part that can be broken and therefor ruin the blade.  Without the Laser Blade function, it can still act as a standard sword with the solid part, and inflict damage as normal.

*Natural Pilots: If a ZAFT mobile suit is ever piloted by a Natural human, all Difficulty Levels for piloting will be increased by one Level.  If this roll is not made, the pilot will recieve no bonus dice from Maneuverability or Fire Control of Weapons.  Also, if a proper Operating System is not installed for natural pilots, then these bonuses will be -1D

---Ultracompact Energy Battery: in the Gundam SEED setting, ZAFT has dispersed many Neutron Jammers across Earth and uses them extensively in space.  This means nuclear power and weapons systems are impossible to use and forces both sides to rely in various compact energy batteries to power their ships and mobile suits.
  Because of this, when using any of these machines in the Gundam SEED setting, take the unit's Hull Dice number, multiply it by 100 (add 25 per pip), and this is the amount if power in the battery system (600 for standard GINNs).
  When mobile suit/mobile armor launches, it begins depleting it's battery by at least 1 per round.  If it has energy weapons (I.e., beam sabers, beam rifles, etc.) or other advanced high-energy systems directly connected to it's power supply (Phase Shift Armor, Mirage Colloid, etc.), then these will draw more power from the battery.  Energy weapons draw power points equal to their Damage Dice.  Equipment like Phase Shift Armor or Mirage Colloid draw power points equal to the mobile suit's Hull Dice.  All of this is per round of activation.
   The ZAFT CGUE is starfighter scale, like most mecha, because it is space and flight capable.  I have chosen most of the dice codes for it based on its size (which is similar to a space transport in Star Wars D6, and lack energy shields), and the fact that it is an early model (other more improved models follow later with improved statistics, which is why the CGUE may still seem comparatively weak in may ways).  The Ginn and most standard mobile suits do not actually "fly" in an atmosphere, but can jump with their equipped thrusters.  Their space speed may seem slow when compared to other starfighters from Star Wars D6, but these are earlier models (later designs are much faster), and what amounted to "starfighters" (mobile armors) in the Gundam Seed setting were not so fast anyways.

-Model number: YFX-200
-Code Name: CGUE DEEP Arms
-Manufacturer: ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom treaty)
-Operators: ZAFT
-First Deployment: C.E. 71
-Accomodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
-Armor Materials: unknown
-Powerplant: Ultracompact energy battery, power output rating unknown
-Equipmentt/Design Features: sensors (range unknown)
-Fixed Armaments: 2 JDP8-MSY0270 directed thermal energy cannon, mounted on shoulders; NOL-Y941 heavy laser sword, stored on left hip, hand-carried in use.
-OPTIONAL Fixed Armaments: none
-OPTIONAL Hand-Held Armaments: none

Comments made about this Article!

13/Aug/2009 04:35:59 Posted by HellStormer1 {}

Update for the CGUE DEEP Arms (and any other mecha using beam swords or beam sabers):

The Heavy Laser Sword entry in the Description says that "Hull Dice count as pips" against beam weaponry such as beam swords or beam sabers. Instead, it should be "Armor Dice count as pips". While "Armor Dice" are not listed in any of the entries (yet), simply look at the entries for "Hull" and "Strength" below it. "Strength" is just the "Hull" diceinus the "Armor" added on for protection. The missing dice from the "Hull" are your "Armor" Dice. So, a 5D Hull with 3D Strength (standard GINN) against a Beam Saber or Beam Sword would actually be 3D+2. If the Hull Dice ever already have pips before this, just add them in (5D+2 Hull/3D Strength becomes 3D+4).
Another option if GMs/players wish to do so and stick with the traditional way would be to take pips that add up to 3 and make them into another die for the roll, so that the example given above would become 4D+1 instead.

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