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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Canon: Crossover

The Cybermen were cybernetically augmented humanoids. Though the Cybermen varied greatly in design through time, the various versions of the Cybermen had several things in common. Nearly all were silver in colour, though, for stealth purposes, a black variety also existed in the London sewers. They also exhibited exposed circuitry and tubing which may contain hydraulic fluids for motion, covering a rubber or mylar-like outer skin. Cybermen frequently attempted to increase their numbers by cyber-conversion.

Dex: 0D (stat and subskills are adjusted upwards by cybernetic systems dependent on the version of Cyberman they are)
        Blaster: 2D

Know: 2D
        Alien Species: 4D+1
        Intimidation: 5D
        Languages: 3D
        Planetary Systems: 5D+1
        Tactics: 4D+2

Mech: 3D
        Astrogation: 4D+1
        Repulsorlift Operation: 5D
        Space Transports: 4D
        Capital Ship Piloting: 4D
        Communications: 4D

Perc: 2D
        Command: 4D
        Search: 3D

Str: 0D (stat and subskills are adjusted upwards by cybernetic systems dependent on the version of Cyberman they are)
Climbing/Jumping: 1D
Brawling: 2D

Tech: 3D
        Computer Programming: 4D
        Demolitions: 4D+2
        First Aid: 4D
        Security: 5D

Move: 8
Size: 1.7-2.0 meters tall
Force Sensitive: No

Energy Blaster: 5D

Cybernetic Body: {various versions}

Mondasian Cyberman
This is an early version of the cyberconversion of a humanoid into a Cyberman. As temperatures dropped on their homeworld of Mondas, the humanoid inhabitants began replacing parts of their bodies with cybernetic systems to survive the extreme environment. As they lost their humanity, they became the unemotional creatures known as the Cybermen who would do anything to survive. These are still mainly humanoid inside, within a sealed support system and containing cybernetic enhancements.

Dex: 2D
Strength: 4D

Enviromental Support: The cyberman can survive extreme temperature variations and exposure to vacuum.
Electric Blaster: This chest mounted weapon can do 4D damage in combat, or can be used for mining.
Spotlight: The cyberman has a headmounted spotlight used for illumination.
Vocoder: The cyberman has a artificial voice which allows basic verbal communication.

Telosian Cyberman
As conditions on Mondas continued to get worse, the some Cybermen left their homeworld for other planets, Telos was one world they conquers, and this became a tombworld with large storage buildings containing many Cybermen in cryostorage until they were needed. In many ways this design was simplified from the original, as organic systems were totally eliminated and the Cybermen became more robotlike.

Dex: 2D
Strength: 4D

Enviromental Support: The cyberman can survive extreme temperature variations and exposure to vacuum.
Vocoder: The cyberman has a artificial voice which allows basic verbal communication.
Cybernetic Senses: The cyberman has artificial senses which are slightly more efficient than human ones, gaining a bonus dice to search and spot rolls.

Late Era Cyberman
As cybermen spread across the galaxy, they refined their technology, becoming increasingly powerful until they reached their peak during the cyberwars.

Dex: 4D
Strength: 5D

Enviromental Support: The cyberman can survive extreme temperature variations and exposure to vacuum. However a vulnerability was introduced in this variant, where the system is incapable of removing gold from its filters leading to the choking death of the cyberman. This led to the development of the Glittergun, a weapon capable of inflicting fatal damage to Cybermen, but harmless to other species.
Vocoder: The cyberman has a artificial voice which allows basic verbal communication.
Cybernetic Senses: The cyberman has artificial senses which are slightly more efficient than human ones, gaining 2 bonus dice to search and spot rolls.
Electrical Blaster: The cybermen once again incorporated a weapon into their bodies, mounting the emitter on their forehead for improved aiming. They gain a bonus dice to use this weapon which does 4D damage in combat.
Commlink: Cybermen have internal communications systems to improve communications within their forces.

Alternate Universe Cyberman
In a similar universe to our own, the cybermen developed on earth as a method to extend life. These cybermen are less technologically advanced, retaining many of their human systems as was the case with the earliest other cybermen. However their programming to "upgrade" themselves quickly led to their adoption of alien technology, making them a galactic menace in their own right.

Dex: 3D
Strength: 5D

Enviromental Support: The cyberman can survive extreme environments and short exposure to vacuum.
Vocoder: The cyberman has a artificial voice which allows basic verbal communication.
Cybernetic Senses: The cyberman has artificial senses which are slightly more efficient than human ones, gaining a bonus dice to search and spot rolls.
Electrical Blaster: The cyberman has a forearm mounted electrical blaster which can do 4D damage in combat.
Electrical circuit: The cyberman can electrify their hands, allowing massive surges of electricity to be delivered to an opponent in hand to hand combat. This does 6D damage.
Commlink: Cybermen have wireless communications systems allowing communications and data to be easily exchanged, including the upload of tactical files to upgrade an ordinary unit into a cyberleader.

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