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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: DROIDSEra: High RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: Pip
Date destroyed: 132 BBY, Khofar (rebuilt)
Model: PIP droid
Class: Repair droid
Height: 0.183 meters
Gender: Male
Sensor color: Blue, White
Plating color: Orange and teal
Affiliation: Trade Federation

        Search: 3D
        Capital Ship Repair 4D+2, Computer Programming/Repair 4D, Starfighter Repair 4D, Space Transports Repair 4D, Repulsorlift Repair 4D

Equipped With:
        Retractable fine work grasper arm
        Small electric arc welder (1D to 5D damage, 0.1 metre range)
        Holographic projector/recorder
        Fire extinguisher
        Acoustic signaller
        Some additional tools and equipment

Move: 0
Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 3

Description: Pip was a PIP repair droid who accompanied Verosha "Osha" Aniseya during the High Republic Era.

Osha became Pip's owner sometime before 132 BBY. The droid assisted her in her work as a meknek performing repairs to the outer hulls of starships. When two Jedi, Yord Fandar and Tasi Lowa, arrested Osha as a suspect in the murder of Jedi Master Indara, they took Pip into custody as well.

Aboard the prison ship Palwick, most of the inmates staged a mutiny, abandoning the ship in an escape pod and leaving Osha and Pip confined. The lurching of the ship knocked Pip within Osha's reach, and they worked together to unlock her cell. Pip's welder also freed the remaining prisoner from the dybbuk parasite that was immobilizing him, but he immediately took the ship's other escape pod, leaving Pip and Osha to crash onto the planet Carlac.

Master Sol tracked down Osha and enlisted her help to find Indara's killer, who Osha now believed to be her twin sister, Mae. Pip assisted Osha and Sol in the next phase of the investigation. He synced with Sol's transport shuttle to improve its operation. When Osha briefly went undercover, posing as Mae on the planet Olega, she carried Pip with her to transmit and record her conversation. When the Jedi then tried to arrest Mae, Sol told Osha not to interfere; but with Pip's help, she was able to tap into the Jedi comms to listen in on the chase and pursue Mae on her own.

From Olega, the Jedi returned to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and Osha and Pip went with them. In the temple, Pip was fully serviced until he was good as new. He chided Osha for not maintaining him so well herself; her excuse was that she lacked the right tools. Osha next carried Pip with her when she accompanied the Jedi on their Mission to Khofar. During the briefing, the tracker Bazil gave a threatening growl when he saw Pip moving in his pouch. In response, Pip sprayed him with water.

After a fight ignited between the Stranger and the Jedi, Osha removed Pip's head and told him she loved him. She then ignited the light on Pip's head and stabbed it into the Stranger's back. The Sith swung his lightsaber in defense, but Sol protected Osha. A swarm of umbramoths attacked the Stranger, who pulled him away after he killed a few of them. Later, Bazil found Pip's head shortly after the Stranger had slain the umbramoths. As the Sith walked away, Bazil picked it up and sniffed the droid's head before rushing off.

In the aftermath of the fight with the Stranger, where every Jedi with the exception of Sol was killed, Bazil brought Pip's head back to the ship where Sol and Mae, pretending to be Osha, headed back on. Bazil reactivated Pip, and later after Bazil and Pip attacked the disguised Mae, she reset Pip to factory settings. Pip's light turned red as he reactivated, as opposed to his previous white light.

Pip was small enough that organic beings could use him like a sentient, handheld tool. Inside his tiny, orange and teal frame were tools suited for a wide range of purposes, from welding to shipboard diagnostics. He could fold up and fit inside a pouch that Osha wore on her belt. Pip had limited mobility and had to be carried from place to place in order to perform his functions.

Pip had a chipper, eager personality, which could sometimes be too much for Osha, especially early in the morning.

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