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Mee Deechi (Umbaran Senator)

Mee Deechi (Umbaran Senator)
TT-8L-OT (Olega Jedi Temple Gatekeeper Droid)

TT-8L-OT (Olega Jedi Temple Gatekeeper Droid)

Ekim Ryelli (Human Jedi Master)

Ekim Ryelli (Human Jedi Master)

Section of Site: Droids D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: DROIDSEra: ImperialCanon: No

Cybot Galactica 4PZ Human-Cyborg Relations Droid
Dexterity: 3D
Dodge 5d, Running 5d
Knowledge: 5D
Alien Species 7d, Cultures 9d,
Languages 11d. Value 5d, Bureaucracy 6d. Planetary systems 6d, Survival 5d, Technology
Mechanical: 2D
Communications 7d, Sensors 5d ,
Shield 5d, Repulsorlift operation 5d
Perception: 3D
Con 5d, Bargain 5d , Persuasion 5d,
Hide 5d
Strength: 2D
Technical: 2D
Security 5d, Computer Programing/repair 5d, First Aid 4d Equipped with:
• Humanoid Body (two arms, two legs, head)
• Two visual and two auditory sensors - human range
• Motion Sensors (Droid gains a +2D bonus to Search checks against movement)
• The Droid's vocabulator speech/sound system makes the Droid capable of reproducing virtually any sound it hears
or is programmed to produce
• Broad-band antenna receiver
• Heuristic Processor (Droid can learn by doing)
• A-30 VerboBrain
• TranLang 4 Communications module with over ten million languages
Move: 12
Size: 1.7 meters tall
Cost: 8,000
Description: The 4PZ Protocol Droid, is the update model of the extremely successful 3PO series, and includes many technological upgrades from its predecessor. As well as having a larger language database than the 3PO, the 4PZ is also faster and capable of moving as fast as a human being, and has an extensive knowledge of communications systems, to make the droid actually useful in more than a single very specialized niche job. The personality of the 4PZ has also been updated, changing away from the fussiness of the 3PO series, and more deferential and polite, generally appearing more competent than its ancestors. 4pz is also capable of wearing human business attire to better blend into the office space.

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