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Kai Brightstar (Human Jedi Youngling)

Kai Brightstar (Human Jedi Youngling)
WET-02 Vapor Tank

WET-02 Vapor Tank

Emperors Royal Guard (Infinities Human Force User)

Emperors Royal Guard (Infinities Human Force User)

Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

TEMPLATE TYPE -  Clone Commando
SPECIES - Human/Mandalorian (Clone)
Move: 10
Size: 1.83 meters tall
Force Sensitive: No

Dex: 3D
            Armor Weapons: 5D
            Blaster: 6D+1
            Dodge: 6D+2
            Brawling Parry: 6D
            Grenade: 6D
            Missile Weapons: 4D
            Vehicle Blasters: 5D

Know: 3D
            Intimidation: 5D+2
            Survival: 6D
            Streetwise: 5D
            Willpower: 6D
            Value: 5D+2
            Tactics: 5D
            Tactics; Clone Commandos: 5D

Mech: 3D
            Jet Pack Operation: 5D+1
            Repulsorlift Operation: 4D
            Starship Gunnery: 5D
            Walker Operation: 5D
            Space Transports: 4D+2
            Astrogation: 4D+2

Perc: 3D
            Command: 5D+1
            Command; CloneTroopers: 5D+1
            Command: CloneCommandos 5D
            Hide: 6D
            Search: 6D+2
            Sneak: 5D+2
            Investigation: 6D

Str: 3D
            Brawling: 6D+2
            Climbing/Jumping: 5D+2
            Stamina: 6D+1
            Swimming: 5D
            Lifting: 5D+1

Tech: 3D
            Armor Repair: 4D
            Blaster Repair: 5D+1
            Computer Programming/Repair: 5D+2
            Demolitions: 6D
            First Aid: 5D
            First Aid; Clone Commandos: 5D+1
            Security: 6D+2
            Slicing: 5D+2
Equipment: BlasTech DC-17m Blaster Rifle (5D+2)
DC-15s Blaster Pistol 5D
Merr-Sonn Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon 5D

Katarn Class Armor (+2D+2 Physical, +1D+2 Energy, -0D+2 Dexterity)

Model: Mandalorian Heavy Battle Armor (red & green)
Type: Personal Battle Armour
Game Effects:
            Basic Suit:
                        +4D Physical
                        +3D Energy
                        +1D Strength (used for physical activity, not for
resisting damage.)
                        No DEX penalties

            Wrist Lasers:
                        Skill: Armour Weapons
                        Ammo: Powered from armour power supply
                        Range: 3-5/25/50m
                        Damage: 5D

            Flame Projector:
                        Skill: Armour Weapons
                        Ammo: 20
                        Range: 1m diameter 1-5m long
                        Damage: 5D

            Grenade Launcher:
                        Skill: Missile Weapons
                        Ammo: 4
                        Fire Rate: 1/2
                        Range: 1-50/200/300
                        Damage: Varies

                        Allows 70m horizontal or 50m vertical jumps.
                        Has 10 charges, may expend one charge every other round.

            Turbo-Projected Grapple:
                        Uses either a physical or magnetic grapple.
                        0-3/10/20m range.
                        Mounted on the right arm.
                        Missile Weapons skill.

                        Attached to grapple, has 100kg capacity (wearer and his

            IR/motion Sensor:
                        +1D PERC in darkness and/or against moving targets,
ahead and to both sides.

            Sensor Pod:
                        +2D Search, 25-100m

                        +3D Search, 100-500m

            Sound Sensor:
                        +1D PERC in quite situations only.

            Broadband Antenna:
                        Can intercept and decode most communications
frequencies. Can patch into shipboard and vehicular communications systems.

            Environmental Filter:
                        Filters out most harmful particles from the air or seal
with two hours of air.

Charcter Bio - CT-5108/8843, nicknamed Corr, was a clone trooper munitions
disposal specialist who was assigned to a desk job on Coruscant GAR logistics
base after he was severely injured by an explosive. He lost both of his lower
arms from just above the elbows down, and was waiting for more advanced
prosthetic replacements to become available.

Due to his prosthetic limbs he developed the habit of sharpening knives on his
fingertips, and was known for his tricks with blades, many of which carried the
risk of maiming a normal human.

Corr assisted Kal Skirata, Omega Squad, Delta Squad, and Null-class ARC troopers Null-7 and Null-11 to eliminate a terrorist cell on Coruscant. During this assignment, he surprised Omega squad with his non-discretion with a Z-6 Rotary Blaster. Impressed by Corr's competence, Skirata decided to train him as a clone commando with the permission of Arligan Zey.

Corr could have replaced Darman in Omega Squad in order for Darman to accompany
Etain Tur-Mukan to Qiilura, but Darman declined the offer.

While training to become a commando, he developed tastes similar to Mereel and
would often explore the social scene of cities they visited. Also during his
commando training, he worked briefly with Jaing Skirata and Kom'rk.

Later, he was officially designated as RC-5108/8843 and assigned to Omega Squad
to fill the role that RC-8015 had vacated, due to a severe brain injury.

When the Clone Wars ended he was among the first to desert to Mandalore. He
later developed a relationship with Jilka Zan Zentis. His Mandalorian armor
colors were red and green.

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All text, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
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