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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: HALOSubtype: UNSC/Human WeaponsEra: Human-Covenant WarCanon: Crossover

"The MA5C is the workhorse for us ground-pounders. Just holding it makes you feel like God’s own anti-son-of-a-bitch-machine."
-Anonymous E2-BAG/1/7 serviceman.
   The MA5C Individual Combat Weapon System (abbreviated MA5C ICWS), more commonly known as the MA5C Assault Rifle, is a standard United Nations Space Command firearm. It is the successor of the MA5B Assault Rifle.
NOTE!: The rules given below for Autofire may seem long and complicated at first.  But after a quick read, you may find that the rules are very much worth it!  There are summaries after each explanation to help simplify how it all works.
Model: UNSC MA5C Assault Rifle
Type: Assault rifle (ballistic, bullpup)
Scale: Character
Skill: Firearms: Assault Rifle
Rate of Fire: Fully Automatic (see Autofire below)
Fire Control: +1
Ammo: 32
-Weapon: 1,686 cR
-Magazine: 50 cR
Availability: 2, R
Range: 1-32/80/315
-Difficulty: Easy/Moderate/Difficult
-Single Round: 4D+1
-Automatic: 5D+1+ (See Autofire below)
-Melee: Str+1D Physical (Blunt)
-MODIFICATIONS: The MA5C is an upgraded variant of the MA5B.  Using the rules tables for modifications found in WEG Star Wars RPG Revised Edition, the MA5C has the first level of improvements for Range (+5%, shown above), Damage (+1 pip, shown above) and Fire Control (+1 pip, shown above).
-ATTACHMENTS: See 'Design Details', below for more details.
--Sound/Flash Suppressors: Difficulty to Perception rolls to hear/see the weapon being used dropped by -2 Levels.
--Grenade Launcher: Ammo 1; Range 3-6/12/24 (Easy/Moderate/Difficult); Damage 5D/4D/3D.
--Flashlight: Visibility Range 1-3/12/24; Visual Difficulty Easy/Moderate/Difficult.
--Laser Site: Fire Control +1.
-HUD: When using a Heads Up Display (HUD) or Command Neural Interface (CNI) to work with the MA5B's electronics suite, the user gains a +1 to their skill when using the weapon.  This stacks with any other bonuses, such as modifications to the weapon to increase Fire Control, other equipment, etc.  These also display various information on the weapon, such as ammo count, targeting reticule, overheating and other general relevant information.
-VS ENERGY SHIELDS: When used against energy shields, such as those used by the Covenant, the Damage of most UNSC firearms is reduced by -1D in Semiautomatic, and automatic fire (below) only gets half the stacking pip bonus from all bullets spent in Ammo Depletion (either "Sustained Fire' or 'Short, Controlled Bursts').  Specifically, Autofire will grant the +1D for the first extra bullet (as the Fire-linking rules from Star Wars RPG Revised Edition), but then every TWO(2) bullets fired grants +1 pips.  This can still be damaging at close range, but beyond this, energy shields become a problem.  Stronger weapons may be required!
-AUTOFIRE: This weapon is designed for a fully automatic rate of fire, able to fire multiple shots by holding the trigger when operated and deliver more damage than a single round would produce.  There are two methods of using Autofire ("Sustained Fire" and "Short, Controlled Bursts", below), both of which require making ranged attack skill rolls at higher-than-normal range Difficulties than normally used for firing single rounds.  The result is more damage at the expense of ammunition and accuracy...
--SUSTAINED FIRE: This is when the user is trying to unleash as many bullets as possible for maximum possible damage against the target.  Make the skill roll for the ranged attack (Firearms skill); any Difficulty Level rolled above the set Range Difficulty level (easy for short/moderate for medium/difficult for long) causes Ammo Depletion of 1D rounds per +1 Difficulty rolled (+1 Difficulty = -1D Ammo Depletion from magazine).  EVERY extra bullet is used as per the Weapon Fire-Linking rules (as in Star Wars RPG Revised Edition by West End Games), with the first extra bullet adding +1D to Damage (making the Damage 5D+1 before adding more), and every extra bullet after that adding +1 pips (with ever 3 pips combining as 1D; for example, +6 pips equals +2D).  The cost of this is that while it is very effective in close quarters (no penalties at short range), it is less so at further ranges due to the weapon shaking itself from the recoil of firing multiple successive rounds (-2D at Medium Range, -4D at Long Range, but Ammo Depletion still adds 2D and 4D, respectively, for making the attempt).
    -Weapon skill roll at +1 Range Difficulty or more.
    -Ammo Depletion of 1, +1D rounds per +1 Range Difficulty rolled.
    -Damage is +1D (5D+1), +1 pip for every extra bullet used in Ammo Depletion (Fire-Linking rules).
    -Skill roll is -2D at Medium range/-4D at Long range; Ammo Depletion still +2D/+4D, respectively.
--SHORT, CONTROLLED BURSTS: Where sustained fire has less accuracy, firing in short, controlled bursts maintains some accuracy while still doing some extra damage than a single round would produce.  The user holds the weapon with both hands tightly against their shoulder, aligning their site along the body of the weapon for better 'line-of-sight' targeting, and squeeze the trigger to release limited bursts of rounds from the magazine.  The result is having more control over where the bullets go, without the extreme penalties at further ranges as with "Sustained Fire".  When making the weapon skill roll for a ranged attack, the Range Difficulty is increased by +1, and every shot has Ammo Depletion of 1+1D rounds (this ensures that at least two rounds will always be fired, "1" plus whatever is rolled on the "+1D").  The damage is figured as per the Weapon Fire-Linking rules (again, in Star Wars RPG Revised Edition), with the first extra bullet adding +1D to Damage (making the Damage 5D), and every extra bullet after that adding +1 pips (with ever 3 pips combining as 1D; for example, +6 pips equals +2D).  While this will cause less extra damage than Sustained Fire, it does grant a better chance to cause more damage at all ranges.  The extra damage will always be between 5D+1 to 7D when using this rule.  
   BUT, if the user CANNOT roll the +1 Range Difficulty needed to hit a target at the given range with the burst, they either cause normal damage (if they rolled the normal Range Difficulty but no higher, with one bullet hitting out of the whole burst), or miss entirely (if they did not roll either Range Difficulty needed), but in any case, the Ammo Depletion remains the same at 1D+1 rounds from the weapon's magazine.
    -Skill roll as normal for attacks.
    -Range Difficulties are +1 Level.
    -Ammo Depletion is 1+1D per attack (burst).
    -Damage is +1D (5D+1), +1 pip for every extra bullet used in Ammo Depletion (Fire-Linking rules).
    -No other penalties/bonuses except those from other sources (such as HUD, other equipment or situational modifiers).
- - - - - - - - - -
   The MA5C Assault Rifle is an air-cooled, gas-operated, magazine fed weapon designed for automatic fire. The MA5C is the third rifle in the MA5 Series, the workhorse of the UNSC Marine Corps that has been in service for more than 50 years. The MA5C has an attached electronics suite that provides information on rounds remaining in the magazine, compass heading, as well as several other "housekeeping" functions. The rifle performs well in a variety of environments especially given the perceived delicacy of the attached electronics suite. The MA5C Rifle can be outfitted with a number of modifications including sound suppressors (Difficulty to hear the weapon being used dropped by -2 Levels), a grenade launcher (Range: 3-6/12/24, Damage: 6D/5D/4D) or a standard issue flashlight (Visibility: 1-3/12/24, Visual Difficulty: Easy/Moderate/Difficult). More “exotic” ammunition types, like Shredder Rounds (Damage +2D when used against light or unarmored opponents with no more than +1D physical protection, but -2D when used against energy shields such as those used by Covenant forces), are available for use, however these modifications are available only by Mission Conditional Requisition (MCR). The MA5C Assault Rifle is easily one of the most versatile weapons in the UNSC’s arsenal. Due to this versatility, the MA5C is complimented by many of the UNSC’s other weapons as either the primary means to a kill or in a secondary role as the fallback weapon. The MA5C Rifle has received technical, as well as physical improvements over the MA5B Assault Rifle that include: a heavier barrel with a 1 in 7 twist; a redesigned cowling to house the electronics suite that reduces weight and increases portability of weapon; and a redesigned handguard which is sturdier and provides a more positive grip. The magazine capacity has been reduced to 32 rounds from the original 60 in the MA5B, and the rifle’s range and accuracy has been substantially improved over its predecessor, making it a more formidable Assault Rifle.
   The MA5C is made of Titanium Alloy and Polymer - the rifle is gas-operated with a rotating-bolt and therefore must be cocked before the first shot can be fired. The charging handle used to chamber the round is situated on the left side of the rifle and moves during operation. Once the first round is fired, the gases from that round and those to follow impinge upon a gas piston, which pushes back the bolt carrier, rotating the bolt inside and continuing to chamber rounds until the magazine is empty. Once the magazine is empty, the charging handle must both be pulled back and locked or, must be fully cycled after a fresh magazine is inserted to load the next round. The magazine release button is located above the magazine housing and has an arrow pointing down toward the housing. The MA5C Assault Rifle is a bullpup rifle with the magazine placed at the butt of the rifle and the electronics suite integrated along the top rail guard of the weapon - the MA5C is designed for the toughest of situations, able to be subjected to elements that would otherwise jam and render a weapon inoperable. Although not seen during gameplay, the MA5C has concealed iron sights used by Marines and other personnel with the improper equipment to up-link a targeting reticule to the users Heads Up Display or Neural Interface.
   The MA5C Assault Rifle and the MA5B Assault Rifle uses M118 7.62x51mm Armor Piercing, Full Metal Jacket Rounds. These rounds are designed to pierce body armor so the rounds are reasonably large, and are surrounded by a molded jacket of either steel or titanium, which enhances its armor-piercing capabilities. The round might also have a carbide or similar hardened tip, and might also be coated in copper or another metal over the steel, titanium, etc. shell. Actual energy from this round is 2472 ft·lb force. This is quite high for a rifle cartridge, and the round has been historically noted for its power and range. "7.62mm" is the diameter of the bullet itself, which equates to 0.3 inches, or .30 caliber. The "51mm" comes from the length of the bullet. Often being associated with a considerable amount of recoil, the MA5C appears to be able to absorb it so the weapon remains steady even during cyclic fire. Armor-piercing rounds have the obvious advantage of being able to deal with protected targets, but instead of causing larger wound channels by tumbling like lower-caliber ball or non-jacketed munitions, AP rounds have a tendency to over-penetrate the body, causing less overall trauma.
   The MA5C in both offensive and suppressive situations remains the Marine Corps' most reliable weapon. When fired in short bursts the MA5C Rifle can be effective at hitting targets at longer ranges, and the rifle's armor penetrating ability makes it key for handling even the toughest of infantry. The MA5C Rifle is effective at killing armored infantry at short-to-medium range and its high rate of fire allows its user to spray an area with suppression fire in defensive situations. At close range, the MA5C is arguably deadlier than the M7/Caseless Submachine Gun, as the firepower is approximately equal. The MA5C also provides the user with an ammo count on its digital readout, as well as a compass pointing toward the arbitrary magnetic "north" position. In the hands of someone who can control his trigger finger, the MA5C becomes a deadly weapon in close-quarter situations.
   The MA5C's main disadvantage is that it is grossly inaccurate when fired in full-automatic. Even though substantially better than the MA5B, it is too inaccurate for use at longer ranges, which makes the user an easy target for long range weapons - at long range a high ratio of misses to hits is likely, especially if the target is moving (Dodging). The magazine can run out very quickly in fully automatic fire and has relatively low power per round compared to many other weapons; an engagement with numerous and/or particularly resilient enemies will likely require the user to reload a few times before they die. It should be used as a secondary weapon for shorter ranges, paired with a long range weapon like the Battle Rifle.
   The MA5C Assault Rifle is one of the weapons which players will love and loathe in equal measures. The rifle's rate of fire makes it a devastatingly powerful weapon in close range combat, and it's melee attack usually ensures victory in close quarter battles. In a skilled player's hand, the Assault Rifle can easily be a formidable weapon.
   The MA5C is based on a few different weapons. One inspiration for the MA5C Assault Rifle was the MA–75B Assault Rifle (with integral 40mm Grenade Launcher) from the Marathon series. Another inspiration was the M-590 7.62mm assault rifle of the USMC from 1995-1996 TV series Space: Above and Beyond. The MA5 series of Assault Rifles have a very similar outline as the real world FN F2000 assault rifle. The weapons designer Robert McLees, claims he wasn't inspired by the FN F2000 and similarities are purely coincidental.
Changes from the MA5B in Halo: Combat Evolved to Halo 3 videogames:
-Longer barrel for greater accuracy.
-Redesigned electronics suite cowling to reduce weight and increase point ability.
-Decreased magazine capacity down from 60 rounds to 32.
-Different firing sound.
-Increased maximum magazines.
-Increased range and increased damage per round.
-Decreased rate of fire and a faster reload time.
Changes from Halo 3 to Halo 3: ODST:
-The damage done to shields is decreased by 50%.
UNSC Remarks:
-“I have slogged through snow and mud and sand with my MA5C; even got dumped into an open sewer with it and it has never given me a bit of complaint. I trust it like I trust my own arms.”
-“The MA5C is built like a brick outhouse with Venetian blinds. You can pound on a mike foxtrot with it like it was a sledgehammer.”
-“For every time I’ve felt out-gunned by those alien bastards shooting blobs of energy at me I have felt like Death himself watching their bodies come apart under a hail of lead from my MA5C.”
-“The Romeo Echo Mike Foxtrot’s decision to mechanically reduce the MA5C’s magazine capacity by nearly half is pretty frustrating; even if their data was showing that jamming because of loss of spring strength was becoming an issue.”
-“The only thing I can think of that would make the MA5C any sweeter would be an under-slung shotty or a forty mike mike.”
Technical Specifications:
--Length: 88cm/34.6" (overall); 60.7cm/24" (barrel)
--Weight: 3.8kg/8.378lbs (empty); 4.1kg/9.05lbs (loaded)
-Damage Per Hit: Medium
-Magazine Size: 32
-Maximum Ammunition: 384 rounds/12 magazines
-Fire Mode: Automatic (In Halo 3 and Halo 3 ODST for XBOX 360); Automatic or Semiautomatic (for this write-up)
-Ammunition Type: 7.62x51mm Full Metal Jacket rounds.
-Operation: Short-stroke gas-operated rotating-bolt.
-Rate of Fire: About 650 rounds per minute.
-Muzzle Velocity: 905 m/s; 2970 f/s.
-Accuracy: Low to Medium.
-Range: Close to Semi-medium (300m)
-Eras: Human-Covenant War (2525-2553)
-Affiliation: United Nations Space Command.

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