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Section of Site: Races D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Player Character RacesEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Terrelian Jango Jumpers
         Terrelian Jango Jumpers were a species of sentients native to the planet Terrelia.

         Blue-skinned humanoids, Terrelians were gifted with impressive physical abilities that made them natural athletes, included being capable of running great distances at great speeds for long periods of time, and being able to jump vast distances, comparable to the Force-enhanced jumps employed by members of the Jedi Order.

         One Terrelian, a thief by the name of Cassie Cryar, was able to elude and physically match the Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano while being chased through the underworld of Coruscant.

         Another member of the species named Lika was hunted down on Wasskah by Trandoshans who hunted for sport.

Attribute Dice: 12D
Dex: 2D/5D+1
Know: 1D/3D+2
Mech: 1D/3D+2
Perc: 1D/4D+1
Str: 1D/4D+1
Tech: 1D/3D+1

Special Abilities:
         Agile: Terrelian Jango Jumpers are gifted with natural athletics, and gain a bonus 2D to all Climbing/Jumping rolls.
         Long distance Runners: Terrelian Jango Jumpers can run for extended distances without becoming tired, and gain a bonus 2D on all running related Stamina rolls.

Story Factors:
         Multi-colored skin: Terrelian Jango Jumpers have various bright shades of skin, varying between Blue, Gray and White with Red coloured Hair, making them stand out from the crowd and easily recognised.

Move: 11/13
Size: 1.7-2.1 meters tall

Comments made about this Article!

12/Jan/2018 03:21:02 Posted by hellstormer1

I like this. Rarely ever seen a species that had bumps to Dex and athletics. Glad to see that.

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