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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Robotech Defence Force (RDF)Subtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: Crossover

MISSILES!!! (Robotech/Macross/Rifts)

   The following is a set of rules and conversions for the missiles rules found in Palladium's RPG sets of Robotech and Rifts, and some added from's website.  These are meant to be used for any vehicle listing them as available, but could easily be used for anything else with some thought and imagination, and the proper (or not) modifications.
   The range type of the missile describes the actual launch system used to fire the desired warhead type.  The warheads listing decide what type of warhead can be mounted on that range type of missile.  
   -Short ranged missiles fire as Walker scale weapons.  Also called  SRMs.
   -Medium ranged missiles fire as Starfighter scale weapons.  Also called MRMs.
   -Long ranged missiles fire as Capital scale weapons.   Also called LRMs.
   -Mini missiles fire as whatever vehicle scale they have been made for.  Also called MMs.  (This is because so many different vehicles, starships and mecha use mini-missiles that this made it much easier to use them.  The advantage of mini-missiles is not their range or how they fire, but that they are so small you can have so damned many of them!)
   -No Death Star scale missiles are presented here, but many such scaled warheads are.  Such a missile would be large and unwieldly, but is a possibility as a DOOMSDAY weapon, could also make for a great plot device, and is up to the GM.  Future entries may include such a thing, but not for the purpose of this chart.
   While missile range types work as specific scales for attack rolls to hit, they can be armed with many different types of warheads for various kind of damage, even some of different scales lower or greater than the scale of the missile range type (except for mini-missiles, same reason as above).
   -Light warheads do damage as Walker scale.
   -Medium warheads do damage as Starfighter scale.
   -Heavy warheads do damage as Capital scale.
   -X-Heavy warheads do damage as DEATH STAR scale!
   -No listing of warhead type means the missile does damage as it's range scale.
   For other stats on missile weapons, such as Fire Control bonus dice to hit on attack rolls, such things are left to the targeting sensor systems and other hardware installed in each specific vehicle, stafighter, mecha or other launch system being used.  
   -Unguided missiles are simply point and shoot, like any gun or blaster, and rely entirely on the skill of the one launching the weapon, having a Fire Control modifier of 0D.
   -Guided Missiles have a bonus from the Fire Control systems used to launch them at a target.  This usually ranges between 1D to 3D, with 3D being the high end, expensive brand, but could be higher (GM Discretion on price).  These missiles are fired once, and if they miss their target, then the missile is lost.
   -Smart Missiles and Smart Bombs are warheads/missiles that have been given an advanced, computerized target acquisition and High Maneuverability system in the form of thrusters built into the missile housing and extra control surfaces (fins, wings, stuff like that).  Sometimes called High Maneuverability Missiles (Especially if one looks up Macross).  Smart Missiles/Bombs have a programmed skill of 6D to acquire a target (such as for Multi-Warhead missles), or to reacquire a target if it misses (also for Multi-Warhead missiles, as well as any others marked available for conversion as Smart Missiles), can attack once per combat round, and 5D to dodge attacks to take them out.  This is like Homing Missiles from Star Wars RPG, but more advanced (These can DODGE!).  
   -High Maneuverability Missiles are also called HMs, and are available as Short Ranged (SRHMs), Medium Ranged (MRHMs), and Mini-Missiles (HMMMs)
   -Technically, any and all warheads, missiles and conversions listed here could be altered for different scale (range and/or damage), or as Smart Missiles.  What's listed here is the more likely approach to these kinds of technology, but there are always other races more or less advanced than everyone else, and could have variants of these missiles all together.  The Game Master should use these and change them as they feel needed.
   -REFLEX MISSILES: In the Robotech series, the humans eventually created Reflex weaponry, especially in the form of Reflex Missiles, which were standard missile warheads enhanced with Protoculture, dealing more damage, and also allowing a "Reflex" effect where the weapons responded according to certain situations.  For the conversion stats on these, look below at the Nuclear Warheads.  All of these were pulled and converted from both the Robotech and Rifts RPGs.  Reflx and Nuclear missiles had the same stats in both respective games.  For this conversion, i decided to make use of both.  Nuclear warheads are the standard with everything else, and Protoculture can be used to enhance any warheads that one desires.  When a protoculture-enhanced warhead is made, double the Damage dice and Blast Radius, and enhance the Fire Control Dice by 1D.  This "Reflex" effect could also be used to enhance other weapons systems, especially energy based weaponry if it is built to handle the increased energy output.  These missiles were more devastating than anything ever used by humanity before, and took out a ship hundreds of times larger than the SDF-1 was, which would also be hundreds of times larger than an Imperial Star Destroyer (ISD), and even still, a Super Star Destroyer!!!
   -War Economy (OPTIONAL!): AS conflcit ebs and flows throughout the galaxy of Star Wars, or whatever setting you happen to be using, remember this!  These are the prices people will most likely get during peace time, when there is no conflict, therefor no need for weapons of destruction, so people can get bargain deals on unused hardware.  As war and battles erupt and escalate, the war economy may raise the prices on weapons in specific areas, depending on the given budget a government has alloted to fight a battle in that area, and also how the Black Market will try to capitalize on the fighting, acuiring or stealing weapons wherever they can and selling them to whoever can pay their price.  This is up to the GM as the game progresses.
IMPORTANT!  If there are other entries for vehicles, starships or mecha, or whatever, that refer to this chart and the statistics do not match that write-up, this chart will be the DEFAULT for those weapons and whatever is here should be used and replace any different stats given on another write-up elsewhere.

SHORT RANGE MISSILES [SRMs] (Walker scale for attack rolls to hit): These are intended as anti-mecha armaments for use in close-range engagements and fighter combat. They are small enough that groups of them can be mounted in clusters on a single hardpoint, or inside the hull of a fighter where they are protected until needed. SRMs are NOT available as smart bombs.
Space Range: 1/3/5
Atmosphere Range: 30-100/300/500m
Cost: 200 per missile without the warhead.
   High Explosive (light): (Counts as a standard Concussion missile but Walker scale damage)
      Damage: 8D
      Blast Radius: 10ft/3m
      Cost: 300 credits per missile.
   High Explosive (med.): (Counts as a standard Concussion missile but Starfighter scale damage)
      Damage: 8D
      Blast Radius: 15ft/4.6m
      Cost: 400 credits per missile.
   High Explosive (heavy): (Counts as standard Concussion missile, but Capital scale damage)
      Damage: 8D
      Blast Radius: 20ft/6.1m
      Cost: 500 credits per missile.
   High Explosive (x-heavy!): (Counts as standard Concussion missile but DEATH STAR scale damage)
      Damage: 8D
      Blast Radius: 25ft/7.6m
      Cost: 800 credits per missile.
   Proton Torpedo:
      Damage: 9D
      Blast Radius: 20ft/6.1m
      Cost: 700 credits per missile.
   Fragmentation (light): (Meant to cover a larger blast area than high explosives, as it sends shrapnel outwards upon impact)
      Damage: 8D
      Blast Radius: 20ft/6.1m
      Cost: 400 credits per missile.
   Fragmentation (heavy): (Meant to cover a larger blast area than high explosives, as it sends shrapnel outwards upon impact)
      Damage: 8D
      Blast Radius: 30ft/9.1m
      Cost: 600 credits per missile.
   Armor Piercing (med.):
      Damage: 8D (roll twice for damage; once against hull at full dice, next against hull at -1D)
      Blast Radius: 5ft/1.5m
      Cost: 550 credits per missile.
   Armor Piercing (heavy):
      Damage: 8D (roll twice for damage; once against hull at full dice, next against hull at -1D)
      Blast Radius: 5ft/1.5m
      Cost: 650 credits per missile.
   Plasma/Napalm (med.):
      Damage: 8D (roll 1D6; roll damage for this many rounds as it keeps burning)
      Blast Radius: 15ft/4.6m
      Cost: 600 credits per missile.
   Plasma/Napalm (heavy)
      Damage: 8D (roll 1D6; roll damage for this many rounds as it keeps burning)
      Blast radius: 25ft/7.6m
      Cost: 700 credits per missile.
   Tear Gas:
      Damage: 1D impact if someone gets hit by the missle; Very Difficult stamina roll per combat round for anyone in the blast radius and/or whoever gets caught in the gas, whether stationary or if the gas cloud moves (GM's discretion!).  Failed roll means temporary "Wounded" result.  Three failed rolls and characters are "Incapacitated", but still concious, just unable to move due to effects of the gas.  Effects last until the gas clears out, +3D rounds.  (NOTE: People have been known to get used to tear gas!  For every exposure to tear gas, drop the difficulty by one, but never lower than Medium difficulty)
      Blast Radius: 10ft/3m
      Cost: 500 credits per missile.
   Knock-Out Gas:
      Damage: 1D impact if someone gets hit by the missile; 6D effect like a stun grenade to anyone caught in the blast radius of the gas.
      Blast Radius: 10ft/3m
      Cost: 450 credits per missile.
   Smoke (colors available):
      Damage: None; can make a 1 mile/ 1.6km smoke trail, and/or smoke an area equal to the last radius on impact.
      Blast Radius: 20ft/6.1m
      Cost: 250 credits per missile.
   Fire Retardant:
      Damage: None (Technically; used for putting out fires.  If Players/GMs would like a straight-forward strength/damage to use against a fire, use 7D.  Can be used to put out Plasma/Napalm/Heat missles)
      Blast Radius: 20ft/6.1m
      Cost: 300 credits per missile.

MEDIUM RANGE MISSILES [MRMs] (Starfighter scale for attack rolls to hit): These make up the bulk of the UN Spacy missile armaments (also, these have the standard range of all Star Wars Starfighter missiles I have come across, so these are also the "bulk" of Star Wars missile armaments). Intended for medium- to long-range engagements between mecha and small ships, these missiles are usually mounted externally on hardpoints in groups of 1 to 3 missiles and launched in the initial seconds of combat.
Space range: 1/3/7
Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700m
Cost: 300 credits per missile without the warhead.
   High Explosive (light): (Counts as a standard Concussion missile but Walker scale damage)
      Damage: 8D
      Blast Radius: 20ft/6.1m
      Cost: 400 credits per missile.
   High Explosive (med.): (Counts as a standard Concussion missile but Starfighter scale damage)
      Damage: 8D
      Blast Radius: 20ft/6.1m
      Cost: 500 credits per missile (like a standard concussion missile).
   High Explosive (heavy): (Counts as standard Concussion missile, but Capital scale damage)
      Damage: 8D
      Blast Radius: 30ft/9.1m
      Cost: 600 credits per missile.
   High Explosive (x-heavy!)*: (Counts as standard Concussion missile but DEATH STAR scale damage)
      Damage: 8D
      Blast Radius: 30ft.9.1m
      Cost: 900 credits per missile.
   Proton Torpedo (med.):
      Damage: 9D (same as a standard Star Wars proton torpedo)
      Blast Radius: 30ft/9.1m
      Cost: 800 credits per missile.
   Fragmentation (med.): (Meant to cover a larger blast area than high explosives, as it sends shrapnel outwards upon impact and explosion)
      Damage: 8D
      Blast Radius: 40ft/12.2m
      Cost: 600 credits per missile.
   Fragmentation (heavy): (Meant to cover a larger blast area than high explosives, as it sends shrapnel outwards upon impact and explosion)
      Damage: 8D
      Blast Radius: 50ft/15.2m
      Cost: 700 credits per missile.
   Armor Piercing (med.):
      Damage: 8D (roll twice for damage; once against hull at full dice, next against hull at -1D)
      Blast Radius: 15ft/4.6m
      Cost: 650 credits per missile.
   Armor Piercing (heavy)*:
      Damage: 8D (roll twice for damage; once against hull at full dice, next against hull at -1D)
      Blast Radius: 20ft/6.1m
      Cost: 750 credits per missile.
   Plasma/Napalm (med.):
      Damage: 8D (roll 1D6; roll damage for this many rounds as it keeps burning)
      Blast Radius: 40ft/12.2m
      Cost: 700 credits per missile.
   Plasma/Heat (heavy)*:
      Damage: 8D (roll 1D6; roll damage for this many rounds as it keeps burning)
      Blast Radius: 40ft/12.2m
      Cost: 800 credits per missile.
   Multi-Warhead (light): (This missile actually carries several smaller missiles within.  Can carry four Mini missiles.  OPTION 1- Uses the Multi-Warhead missile's range to get near a target, then launches the smaller missiles which then use their own ranges to reach a target.  If this is done, each missile does it's own separate damage.  OPTION 2- The M.W. can also hit a target as a whole missile, stacking the damage done by the individual warheads as one damage roll.  In that case, damage equals the missile type +3D, and uses the given Blast Radius.  To use first option, M.W. MUST be taken as a Smart Bomb or Smart Missile, where the smaller missiles will acquire targets on their own.  Second option can be used either way
      Damage: Varies according to what warheads are used.  Either four individual damage rolls, or one damage roll +3D.
      Blast Radius: 20ft/6.1m
      Cost: 500 credits per missile, plus the cost of the other missiles installed inside.
   Multi-Warhead (heavy)*: (This missile actually carries several smaller missiles within.  Can carry four Short ranged missiles, or eight Mini missiles.  OPTION 1- Uses the Multi-Warhead missile's range to get near a target, then launches the smaller missiles which then use their own ranges to reach a target.  If this is done, each missile does it's own separate damage.  OPTION 2- The M.W. can also hit a target as a whole missile, stacking the damage done by the individual warheads as one damage roll.  In that case, damage equals the missile type +3D, and uses the given Blast Radius.  To use first option, M.W. MUST be taken as a Smart Bomb or Smart Missile, where the smaller missiles will acquire targets on their own.  Second option can be used either way
      Damage: Varies according to what warheads are used.  Either four individual damage rolls, or one damage roll +3D.
      Blast Radius: 40ft/12.2m
      Cost: 700 credits per missile, plus the cost of the other missiles installed inside.
   Smoke (colors available):
      Damage: None; can make a 40mile/64.3km smoke trail, and/or smoke an area equal to the blast radius on impact.
      Blast Radius: 40ft/12.2m
      Cost: 350 credits per missile.
   Fire Retardant:
      Damage: None (Technically; used for putting out fires.  If Players/GMs would like a straight-forward strength/damage to use against a fire, use 7D.  Can be used to put out Plasma/Napalm/Heat missiles)
      Blast Radius: 40ft.12.2m
      Cost: 400 credits per missile.

LONG RANGE MISSILES [LRMs] (Capital scale for attack rolls to hit): These are the largest and most powerful missiles in the UN Spacy (and now Star Wars, lol!) that can be carried by mecha and starships. Intended for anti-warship operations or for taking out groups of enemy fighters, they are usually issued only in situations where heavy combat is unavoidable.
Space Range: 2/6/12
Atmosphere Range: 75-200/600/1.2km
Cost: 500 credits per missile without the warhead.
   High Explosive (light): (Counts as a standard Concussion missile but Walker scale damage)
      Damage: 8D
      Blast radius: 20ft/6.1m
      Cost: 700 credits per missile.
   High Explosive (med.): (Counts as a standard Concussion missile but Starfighter scale damage)
      Damage: 8D
      Blast Radius: 30ft/9.1m
      Cost: 800 credits per missile.
   High Explosive (heavy): (Counts as a standard Concussion missile but Capital scale damage)
      Damage: 8D
      Blast Radius: 40ft/12.2m
      Cost: 900 credits per missile.
   High Explosive (x-heavy)*: (Counts as a standard Concussion missile but DEATH STAR scale damage)
      Damage: 8D
      Blast Radius: 50ft/15.2m
      Cost: 1,500 credits per missile.
   Fragmentation (light): (Meant to cover a larger blast area than high explosives, as it sends shrapnel outwards upon impact and explosion)
      Damage: 8D
      Blast Radius: 80ft/24.4m
      Cost: 800 credits per missile.
   Fragmentation (heavy): (Meant to cover a larger blast area than high explosives, as it sends shrapnel outwards upon impact and explosion)
      Damage: 8D
      Blast Radius: 100ft/30.5m
      Cost: 1,000 credits per missile.
   Armor Piercing (med.):
      Damage: 8D (roll twice for damage; once against hull at full dice, next against hull at -1D)
      Blast Radius: 15ft/4.6m
      Cost: 1,000 credits per missile.
   Armor Piercing (heavy)*:
      Damage: 8D (roll twice for damage; once against hull at full dice, next against hull at -1D)
      Blast Radius: 30ft/9.1m
      Cost: 1,100 credits per missile.
   Plasma/Heat (light):
      Damage: 8D (roll 1D6; roll damage for this many rounds as it keeps burning)
      Blast Radius: 40ft/12.2m
      Cost: 1,000 credits per missile.
   Plasma/Heat (med.):
      Damage: 8D (roll 1D6; roll damage for this many rounds as it keeps burning)
      Blast Radius: 50ft/15.2m
      Cost: 1,100 credits per missile.
   Plasma/Heat (heavy)*:
      Damage: 8D (roll 1D6; roll damage for this many rounds as it keeps burning)
      Blast Radius: 60ft/18.3m
      Cost: 1,200 credits per missile.
   Plasma/Heat (x-heavy)*:
      Damage: 8D (roll 1D6; roll damage for this many rounds as it keeps burning)
      Blast Radius: 80ft/24.4m
      Cost: 1,500 credits per missile.
   Proton Torpedo (med.)*: (Counts as standard Proton Torpedo from Star Wars RPG, but Starfighter scale damage)
      Damage: 9D
      Blast Radius: 50ft/15.2m
      Cost: 900 credits per missile.
   Proton Torpedo (heavy)*: (Counts as standard Proton Torpedo from Star Wars RPG, but Capital scale damage)
      Damage: 9D
      Blast Radius: 80ft/24.4m
      Cost: 1,000 credits per missile.
   Nuclear (light)*:
      Damage: 10D
      Blast Radius: 40ft/12.2m
      Cost: 1,500 credits per missile.
   Nuclear (med.)*:
      Damage: 10D
      Blast Radius: 50ft/15.2m
      Cost: 1,600 credits per missile.
   Nuclear (heavy)*:
      Damage: 10D
      Blast Radius: 80ft/24.4
      Cost: 1,800 credits per missile.
   Nuclear (x-heavy)*:
      Damage: 10D
      Blast Radius: 100ft/30.5m
      Cost: 2,500 credits per missile.
   Nuclear Multi-Warhead*: (Works the same as the Medium Ranged Multi-Warhead missiles, except they have the payload of four Medium/Starfighter scale Nuclear warhead missiles, and could potentially carry eight Short Ranged Light/Walker scale Nuclear warhead missiles, or 16 Nuclear Warhead Mini Missiles, IF THE GAME MASTER ALLOWED THIS AND/OR WANTS SOMETHING THIS DEADLY!!!)
      Damage: 10D per individual warhead, or 13D for whole missile.
      Blast Radius: 40ft/12.2m for individual warhead, or 50ft/15.2m for whole missile.
      Cost: 2,000 credits per missile, plus the cost of uninstalled smaller missiles.
   Nuclear Anti-Warship (RMS-1):
      Damage: 15D
      Blast Radius: 2500ft/762.5m
      Cost: 3,000 credits per missile.

Mini Missiles/Special Armaments [MMs] (Speeder scale for attack rolls to hit)
Space Range: 1/2/3
Atmosphere Range: 20-100/200/300m
   High Explosive: (Counts as Concussion missile but as -1D and does damage as whatever scale they are built for.)
      Damage: 7D
      Blast Radius: 5ft/1.5m
      Cost: 30 credits per scale per missile.
   Proton Torpedo:
      Damage: 8D
      Blast Radius: 10ft/3m
      Cost: 70 credits per scale per missile.
   Fragmentation: (Meant to cover a larger blast area than high explosives, as it sends shrapnel outwards upon impact and explosion)
      Damage: 7D
      Blast Radius: 20ft/6.1m
      Cost: 40 credits per scale per missile.
   Armor Piercing:
      Damage: 7D (roll twice for damage; once against hull at full dice, next against hull at -1D)
      Blast Radius: 3ft/0.9m
      Cost: 50 credits per scale per missile.
      Damage: 7D (roll 1D6; roll damage for this many rounds as it keeps burning)
      Blast Radius: 15ft/1.5m
      Cost: 60 credits per scale per missile.
      Damage: 1D impact if someone gets hit by the missile; Very Difficult stamina roll per combat round for anyone in the blast radius and/or whoever gets caught in the gas, whether stationary or if the gas cloud moves by wind.  Failed roll means temporary "Wounded" result.  Three failed rolls and characters are "Incapacitated", but still concious, just unable to move due to effects of the gas as they writhe in agony.  Effects last until the gas clears out, +3D rounds.  (NOTE: People have been known to get used to tear gas!  For every exposure to tear gas, drop the difficulty by one, but never lower than Medium difficulty)
      Blast Radius: 20ft/6.1m
      Cost: 50 credits per scale per missile.
   Knock-Out Gas:
      Damage: 1D impact if someone gets hit by the missile; 6D effect like a stun grenade to anyone caught in the blast radius of the gas.
      Blast Radius: 20ft/6.1m
      Cost: 45 credits per scale per missile.
   Smoke (colors available):
      Damage: None; can make a 1/2mile/0.8km smoke trail, and/or smoke an area equal to the blast radius on impact.
      Blast Radius: 20ft.6.1m
      Cost: 25 credits per scale per missile.
   Fire Retardant:
      Damage: None (Technically; used for putting out fires.  If Players/GMs would like a straight-forward strength/damage to use against a fire, use 5D for the mini-missile version of fire retardant.  Can be used to put out Plasma/Napalm/Heat missiles)
      Blast Radius: 20ft/6.1m
      Cost: 30 credits per scale per missile.

HIGH-MANEUVERABILITY MISSILES (HMs) are a recent addition to the UN Spacy (or Star Wars Empire/Rebellion) missile arsenal. These super-smart bombs are more powerful and have a longer range than their predecessors, plus advanced electronic tracking systems and maeuvering jets that allow them to pursue their prey relentlessly. HMs are available in short range (SRHM), medium range (MRHM), and mini-missile (HMMM) versions. Both versions have 6D to hit, 5D to dodge, and can attack once per melee until they hit, are destroyed, or run out of fuel.

-Robotech/Macross NOTE: High-maneuverability missiles are not available prior to 2040

   Space Range: +1 Space Increment.
   Atmosphere Range: +100m
   Cost: Price of the original missile and warhead x3
   Space Range: +2 Space Increments.
   Atmosphere Range: +200m
   Cost: Price of the original missile and warhead x3
   Space Range: +3 Space Increments.
   Atmosphere Range: +300m
   Cost: Price of the original missile and warhead x3

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