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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Model: Lasan-Malamut Firearms Corporation AB-75 bo-rifle
Type: Bo-Rifle
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee Combat: Bo Rifle; Blasters; Bo Rifle
Difficulty: Moderate
Cost: 4,500
Availability: 4, X
Fire Rate: 1
Range: 3-30/100/350 (Blaster)
Damage: STR+2D/6D (Melee); 5D (Blaster)

Description: The AB-75 bo-rifle was a model of bo-rifle manufactured by the Lasan-Malamut Firearms Corporation. Bo-rifles had a long tradition in the Lasat culture, and were used exclusively by the Lasan High Honor Guard. Since the destruction of Lasan by the Empire, bo-rifles were rarely seen anywhere in the galaxy. They strongly resembled electrostaffs when in there extended state. Agent Kallus also used a bo-rifle, which he was given by a defeated foe during the Siege of Lasan. AB-75 bo-rifles could switch from a blaster rifle to an electrostaff in 1.36 seconds.

The bo-rifle was a type of weapon used exclusively by the Honor Guard of Lasan; it was considered a great insult if it was used by anyone else. It was a unique combination of the functions of an electrostaff and a blaster rifle. It consists of a staff that could be collapsed to a length roughly equivalent to a standard blaster rifle. When extended, the weapon's tips are electrified up to 11,000 volts and tended to be either purple or yellow in color and are the primary contact points of the weapon during combat. The weapon is then used in melee combat as a quarterstaff. When retracted, the weapon's blaster function is used and functions as a blaster rifle.

Following the devastation of Lasan, bo-rifles were rarely seen in the galaxy,although some would later fall into the hands of both the Alliance to Restore the Republic as well as the Galactic Empire.

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