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Section of Site: Equipment D6Belongs to Faction: MandaloriansSubtype: EQUIPMENTEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Mandalorian Vambrace
Cost: Not available for sale

         Paired Blaster Barrels:
                 Skill: Armour Weapons
                 Ammo: Powered from armour power supply
                 Range: 3-5/15/25m
                 Damage: 5D

         Wrist Rockets:
                 Skill: Armour Weapons
                 Ammo: 6
                 Range: 6-10/30/50m
                 Damage: 7D

         Whipcord Thrower:
                 Skill: Armour Weapons
                 Ammo: 5
                 Range: 1-3/8/15m
                 Damage: (4D strength grapple)

         Shield Emitter:
                 +1D to parry Melee and Brawling attacks.

         Retractable wrist blades:
                 Str+2 Damage

         Paralyzing Darts:
                 Skill: Armour Weapons
                 Ammo: Powered from armour power supply
                 Range: 5-25/75/200m
                 Damage: 1D damage (injects toxin)

         Grappling lines:
                 Uses either a physical or magnetic grapple.
                 Skill: Armour Weapons
                 Range: 0-3/10/20m
                 Mounted on the right arm.
                 Attached to grapple, has 100kg capacity (wearer and his equipment).

                 Skill: Armour Weapons
                 Ammo: Powered from armour power supply
                 Range: 1m
                 Damage: 6D (opposed strength test, or target is pushed D6 meters)

         Flame Projector:
                 Skill: Armour Weapons
                 Ammo: 5
                 Range: 1m Diameter, 1-5m long
                 Damage: 5D

Description: Mandalorian vambraces were devices designed to combat the abilities of a Jedi. The Mandalorian Fenn Rau gave a pair of Mandalorian vambraces to Sabine Wren in 2 BBY. They came equipped with a repulsor, grappling line, paralyzing darts, a shield emitter, paired blaster barrels, and a flamethrower. The Mandalorians developed these vambraces alongside their armor as a reaction to the Jedi's Force abilities encountered during the Mandalorian-Jedi War.

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