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Section of Site: Equipment D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: ARMOUREra: ImperialCanon: EU

Name: Survival armor
Type: Space Suit
Game effects:
         Basic Suit:
                 +2 phys, +1 energy, No DEX penalties
                 Allows 70m horizontal or 50m vertical jumps, has 5 charges, may expend one charge every other round.
         Environmental Filter:
                 Blocks most harmful molecules in the atmosphere or seal with a 6 hour air supply.

Description: Survival armor was a type of spacesuit commonly used among both large corporations and independent spacers. Zero-G workers for the Tagge Mining Company wore survival armor, and Han Solo kept at least one such suit aboard the Millennium Falcon. The suits were equipped with a jetpack.

Luke Skywalker used Han's survival armor to infiltrate a group of Tagge workers and learn of the plans to destroy the Rebel fleet using Omega Frost. Luke later wore the suit when he escaped a Mining Explorer in a TIE fighter eventually abandoning the small craft via ejector seat before it crashed into an asteroid. In the suit, Luke reached an asteroid where he was able to destroy a conductor tower and disable Omega Frost.

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