Name: Calian
Attribute Dice: 12D
Dex: 2D/4D
Know: 2D/3D+2
Mech: 2D/4D
Perc: 2D/4D
Str: 2D/4D+2
Tech: 2D/3D+2
Special Abilities:
Story Factors:
Primitive Culture: By Galactic standards, Calians were primitive and did not understand Basic; however, they did have repulsorcraft and blasters.
Skin color: Tanned red, sometimes paler
Hair color: Usually black or dark brown, sometimes blond
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.6-1.9 meters tall
Description: The Calians were the Human inhabitants of the planet Shiva IV, located in Wild Space. They were muscular beings, and the majority of them were strong and courageous. They were united into the Calian Confederacy and spoke Calian. For millennia they remained cut off and unknown both to the Republic and the Empire.
By Galactic standards, Calians were primitive and did not understand Basic; however, they did have repulsorcraft and blasters.
They were capable of entering ryastraad, a battle madness similar to that of Wookiees. The Calians reached peace with the neighboring T'Syriél only after long years of war. The Calians were attacked by the Galactic Empire, which bombarded a Calian city. The Calians ousted the Empire from Shiva IV with the help of Leia Organa.
Biology and appearance
Calians were baseline Humans from the world of Shiva IV. Most of them shared the unique racial characteristic of having tanned red skin and dark hair. However, a few Calians such as Jain Havero had blond hair and a peach-colored complexion, which made them stand among the crowd. On top of that, a vast majority of Calians were slender and muscular.
Society and culture
Contrary to many other Human cultures, the people of Shiva IV carried very little in the way of personal equipment. The Calians did not wear many layers and pieces of cloth. All males wore a type of harness that left most of their chest exposed and a knee-length loincloth attached at the waist by an ornate belt. Both sexes were fond of jewelry and ornaments. Males were clean shaven and wore their hair short, while females wore them long. Due to their isolation, the Calians did not normally speak Galactic Basic Standard, the most prevalent language in the galaxy, using a language of their own instead.