Name: Tirahnn
Region: Inner Rim
Sector: Zeemacht Cluster
System: Tirahnn system
Suns: 1; Tirahnn
Orbital position: 2nd
Moons: 9
Grid coordinates: N-8
Trade routes: Perlemian Trade Route
Rotation period: 28 standard hours
Orbital period: 272 standard days
Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 22,100 km
Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)
Climate: Warm
Gravity: Standard
Primary terrain: Plains, Forests, Mountains
Points of interest: Great Fair, The Heights
Immigrated species: Humans, Many other species
Primary language(s): Galactic Basic Standard
Government: Mercantile oligarchy
Population: 9 billion (60% Human, 40% other)
Major cities: Tirahnn
Major imports: Many
Major exports: Luxury items, Agricultural goods
Description: Tirahnn was a planet located within the Tirahnn system of the Inner Rim and the sector capital of the Zeemacht Cluster, on the Perlemian Trade Route.
Tirahnn joined the Galactic Republic early in its history, sometime between 25,000 BBY and 22,000 BBY.
The planet was conquered by Honorable Union of Desevro & Tion during Tionese War.
It was famous across the galaxy for its bazaars. Its Great Fair was frequented by S'kytri dramatizing Initiation Hunts and selling trinkets from Skye.
The planet didn't secede during the Clone Wars. Tirahnn was captured by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Republic later retook it during the Battle of Tirahnn.
Tirahnn (city)
Tirahnn was a city on the planet of Tirahnn. Larger than some countries, it hosted the Great Fair and was the trading nexus of the entire Zeemacht Cluster.
The Heights
The Heights was the name of the most upscale neighborhood in Tirahnn. Its residents, such as Laskar and Osaji Varane, lived in grand towers.
Great Fair
The Great Fair was a gigantic bazaar located on the planet Tirahnn. Nestled in the city of the same name, the fair catered to the entire world but was also well known throughout the galaxy, drawing huge crowds.