Name: Amban Sniper Rifle
Type: Sniper rifle
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster; Blaster Rifle
Ammo: 1
Cost: 2700 (Power Packs: 25)
Availability: 2,X
Range: 5-25/90/250
Damage: 6D *
Equipped With:
Magnification Scope: The Amban Sniper Rifle is equipped with a scope used for hitting distant targets, and when used reduces all range penalties by one level.
*: As a disruptor weapon, the Amban Sniper Rifle can disintegrate targets, and a any damage which exceeds the targets save by 25+ disintegrates the target entirely.
Description: The Amban sniper rifle was a type of disruptor sniper rifle used by the bounty hunter known as "the Mandalorian."
This rifle was capable of vaporizing, electrocuting and shooting enemies. The weapon utilized solid slugs that would disintegrate a target on contact, cementing its reputation as a firearm to be feared. The front of the rifle was double-pronged, essentially acting as a taser if necessary, delivering a strong shock to opponents.
Around 9 ABY, "the Mandalorian" used this rifle on several missions. On his expedition to claim the bounty on a Mythrol, he used the taser function on a ravinak that attacked the Razor Crest.
After being commissioned by the Client to acquire the Child on Arvala-7, the Mandalorian used it as a scouting scope and sniper rifle against Trandoshan bounty hunters, Jawas that had stripped his ship for parts, and a Mudhorn that protected an egg that was used to barter his ship parts back.
The Mandalorian later used the weapon's taser function on an Imperial remnant stormtrooper while rescuing the Child from their compound. He also used it against Greef Karga and members of the Bounty Hunters' Guild during an ambush following the Child's rescue.
While defending a human tribe's village on Sorgan, the Mandalorian used the weapon against an invading Klatooinian tribe. When the Klatooinian AT-ST Raider failed to activate their trap, he gave the rifle to Cara Dune, who then jumped into the pond and fired at the walker in order to bait it.