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Mahd Windcaller (Human Ruling Council Member)

Mahd Windcaller (Human Ruling Council Member)
Czerka Arms G-41

Czerka Arms G-41
Myo (Abyssin Scout)

Myo (Abyssin Scout)
Spearmaster Leader ChUnkk (Whipid Imperial Ruling Council Member)

Spearmaster Leader ChUnkk (Whipid Imperial Ruling Council Member)

Section of Site: Droids D6Belongs to Faction: New RepublicSubtype: DROIDSEra: Post EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: New Republic security droid (type 2)
Class: Security droid
Sensor color: Red
Plating color: Black
Armament: Blasters

Dexterity: 3D
         Blaster 5D, Dodge 3D
Knowledge: 1D
Mechanical: 1D
Perception: 1D
          Search 3D
Strength: 4D
Technical: 2D
         Computer Programming/Repair 4D, Security 4D

Equipped with:
         Repulsorlift Motivation System
         Retractable heavy grasping arm (lifting at 2D)
         Video display screen
         Fire Extinguisher
         Blaster Cannon 5D
         Armour Plating (+2D to resist damage)

Move: 7
Size: 2 meters tall

Description: A model of security droid was utilized by the New Republic which bore a resemblance to a R1-series astromech droid. At least two units of this droid were deployed to a prison ship, where they were used to patrol the vessel until they were encountered by a crew of mercenaries attempting to rescue a Twi'lek prisoner named Qin. One of the mercenaries, a Devaronian named Burg, attacked the droids severely damaging one before throwing it into the other, causing an explosion which destroyed both units.

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