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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Tales of the JediCanon: EU

Name: Drokko Kira
Homeworld: Onderon
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Hair color: White
MOVE - 10

DEXTERITY: 1D {lowered by age}
            Blaster: 3D
            Brawling Parry: 2D
            Dodge: 3D+2
            Melee Weapons: 3D+2
            Melee Parry: 3D+1
            Persuasion: 4D
            Search: 5D
            Sneak: 4D+1
            Streetwise: 4D+2
            Survival: 5D+1
            Willpower: 5D
STRENGTH: 1D {lowered by age}
            Brawling: 3D
            Climbing/Jumping: 3D+2
            Beast Handling: 4D+2
            First Aid: 3D+2

                        Worn Clothing, Knife (Str+1D)


Description: Drokko Kira was a Human male, the father of Beast-Lord Modon Kira, grandfather of Oron Kira, and a native of the capital city Iziz on Onderon. Around 4050 BBY, Kira challenged the legacy of the Dark Lord of the Sith Freedon Nadd, who had crowned himself King of Onderon centuries before and taught his descendants the dark side of the Force. For this, Kira was banished from Iziz, sustaining an unhealing wound in the process. Kira did not speak again for fifty years but eventually joined the Beast Riders, a group of criminals cast out of Iziz who waged a war on the capital. In 4000 BBY, Kira attended the binding ceremony of his grandson, Oron, and Princess Galia, heiress to the Onderonian throne. The ceremony was interrupted by three Jedi—brothers Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma, and the Twi'lek Tott Doneeta—whom Modon enlisted to fight the dark side reign in Iziz. Although Ulic Qel-Droma wanted to lead a peace mission, Drokko Kira, speaking for the first time in years, asked him if he would fight alongside the Beast Riders if the mission failed; Qel-Droma agreed. The peace talks indeed proved unsuccessful and the Beast Riders were victorious in the ensuing showdown in Iziz.

Personality and traits
In his younger years, Drokko Kira was considerably bolder, openly challenging the legacy of Freedon Nadd that gripped Onderon. However, after his banishment, Kira became locked in a stupor, not speaking a word for fifty years. Yet, when talk of bringing down the dark side–worshiping monarchy in Iziz once again surrounded him, Kira perked up and spoke for the first time since his banishment.

Drokko Kira was a Human male native of Onderon in the years leading up to the Great Sith War. Kira was a native of the walled capital city of Iziz and lived during a period when the city's royal family was constantly warring with outcast Beast Riders who dwelt beyond Iziz's walls. In 4400 BBY, a fallen Jedi Knight–turned–Sith Lord named Freedon Nadd came to Onderon and subjugated the world, crowning himself king and eventually teaching his descendants the dark side of the Force. Around 4050 BBY, Kira challenged the legacy of Nadd. For this, he was branded as a criminal and cast out of Iziz. Kira suffered an unhealing wound during this time and did not speak again for fifty years. Kira soon joined the Beast Riders and eventually had a son, Modon Kira, who became a respected and powerful Beast-Lord. Modon, in turn, had a son, named Oron Kira. Oron eventually fell in love with Princess Galia, heiress to the Onderonian throne. Galia returned his affections and, in 4000 BBY, she came to Fortress Kira to marry him.

Drokko Kira, along with Modon, attended the Binding Ceremony of Oron Kira and Galia. However, the festivities were interrupted by the arrival of three Jedi Knights—brothers Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma, and the Twi'lek Tott Doneeta—who had been sent by Onderonian Queen Amanoa to retrieve Galia. They unhanded Galia when she informed them that she was there willingly and that they were welcomed to the banquet by Modon. Oron told the Jedi about the dark side leanings of the Onderonian monarchy, and Modon asked them to join the fight against them. Ulic Qel-Droma preferred to resolve the conflict peacefully and proposed a mission to do just that. Suddenly, Drokko Kira emerged from his stupor and spoke for the first time in decades, asking Qel-Droma if he would join the fight against the dark side should the peace mission fail, and Qel-Droma agreed. The peace mission was a failure, and Modon's Beast Rider army defeated Queen Amanoa's forces in the deciding Battle of Iziz, ending the reign of the dark side on Onderon.

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