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Miraj Scintel (Zygerrian Queen)

Miraj Scintel (Zygerrian Queen)

Chant of Resurrection

Chant of Resurrection
Republic Engineering Corporation Nebula-class Star Destroyer

Republic Engineering Corporation Nebula-class Star Destroyer

Section of Site: Equipment D6Belongs to Faction: Old RepublicSubtype: ARMOUREra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Jedi Commander armor
Type: Clone trooper armor
Cost: 5,000 credits

Game effects:
         Basic Suit:
                 +1D+1 to Strength vs Physical Damage
                 +2 to Strength vs Energy Damage

                 Thermally balanced Zero-G vacuum suit, +1D to resist environmental effects

         Survival Pack:
                 Reconfigurable for multiple mission profiles, from hostile environments to hard vacuum.

         Utility Belt:
                 Contains, Water Purification Tablets, 2 Days Microrations, Handcuff Binders, Liquid Rope Dispenser (up to 150m), Grapple Hooks, Blaster Ammunition,  Spare Commlink, Micro Medkit (allows stabilising of wounds only)

Description: Jedi Commander armor was the name given to modified clone trooper armor adopted by Jedi Generals and Jedi Commanders of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. It consisted of the most important pieces of armor plates to avoid hampering the Jedi's lightsaber forms and movement, and was a reminder of the new common reality the Jedi Order faced during the conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Later a lightweight variant at 4,000 credits of the Jedi Commander armor known as the Jedi Reconnaissance Armor was created during the Clone Wars.

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