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Section of Site: Creatures D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: CreaturesEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Lava flea
Classification: Insect
Average height: 4-5 meters
Skin color: Red
Distinctions: Tough exoskeleton
Homeworld: Mustafar
Habitat: Subterranean
Diet: Rocks, Dirt, Minerals

Dexterity: 4D
Perception: 2D+1
Strength: 3D

Special Abilities
         Tough exoskeleton: Lava Fleas are covered with a tough exoskeleton with makes them resistant to damage, important in the dangerous environment of their homeworld of Mustafar. This Exoskeleton doubles their Strength to resist all damage.
         Leap: Due to their arrangement of legs, Lava Fleas can perform impressive leaps and jumps over the lava flows and other obstacles of their homeworld. These jumps allow them to leap over 15m vertically, or 25m horizontally, riders must make a Moderate Strength test to hold on, or must be seated in specialised saddle to strap them into position or become dismounted.

Move: 16
Orneriness: 2D

Description: Lava fleas were a species of six-legged insect native to the volcanic planet Mustafar. They were well adapted to life on the world's fiery surface due to their tough exoskeletons, and ate through the planet's crust, forming a variety of underground caves where the native sentient Mustafarian species would inhabit. Due to the unforgiving nature of Mustafar, the Mustafarians had to make the most of the hardy native creatures and tamed lava fleas to use as mounts. Visitors to the world from other species also used the fleas for transport.

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