Libra-class MegaCruiser
The Libra MegaCruiser was designed by KDY before the design of the Super
Star Destroyer. It was the companies first attempt to create a powerful
super ship for the empire. The first ship of it's class, the Libra herself,
was built right over Kuat and given high priority.
It used revoloutinary design concepts. There was no real sides on the Libra,
as it was made up of four dimond shaped sections around a central area. The
central section's top half houses the bridge which has reinforced transparisteel
viewports in a 360 degree rotation giving the command crew a view of all
around them. The drive systems are fixed to the tops and bottoms of the outter
areas and can fire in any direction, independant of the others, allowing for
complex manuvers and instantaneous changes of direction.
However, the ship's size and awkward shape slows it down considerably. KDY
also revamped a weapons concept from one of the rebel factions. They implemented
disruptor weapons on a turbolaser scale, in series of heavy batteries all
across the ship. These incredibly pwoerful weapons are positined and set on
swiveling axis' so they may fire at enemies in any quadrant. This allowed the
Libra the ability to bring it's full firepower to bear on any given enemy ship.
These were also supplemented by heavy turbolaser cannons. Two other of this
class of ship were created but the project was cancled.
The Imperial Navy found the Libra to be "not suitably versatile". Furthermore,
when the Navy crewed the ship and left with it for an Imperial base for
additional testing, it disappeared. It went into hyperspace and never came
out. Publicly the empire claimed Rebel Terrorists had sabotaged the ship,
but nobody actualy knows what happened to her. And after the project was shut
down, there was confusion as the design specs for the Executor came in, so
amazingly the other two Libra class cruisers that had been completed were
lost track of.
Craft: Kuat Drive Yards Libra MegaCruiser
Type: MegaCruiser
Scale: Capital
Length: 3,200 meters
Skill: Capital ship piloting: Libra
Crew: 60,850
Crew Skill: Astrogation 4D, capital ship gunnery 6D+1, capital ship
piloting 5D+1, capital ship sheilds 4D+1, sensors 4D
Passengers: 7,900 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 36,000 metric tons
Consumables: 6 years
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x12
Nav Computer: Yes
Manuverability: 1D+2
Space: 5
Hull: 6D+2
Sheilds: 3D+1
Passive: 50/1D
Scan: 100/3D
Search: 200/4D
Focus: 6/4D+1
60 Heavy Disruptor Batteries
Fire Arc: Turret
Crew: 1 (20), 2 (30)
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 0D
Fire Rate: 1/2
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere Range: 6-30/70/150 km
Damage: 8D
80 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons
Fire Arc: 20 front, 20 left, 20 right, 20 back
Crew: 3
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 1D
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere Range: 6-30/70/150 km
Damage: 7D