Name: Sio Bibble
Homeworld: Naboo
Species: Human (Naboo)
Gender: Male
Height: 1.79 meters (5 ft, 10 in)
Hair color: Brown/white
Eye color: Green
Skin color: Light
Move: 10
Blaster: 3D+1
Dodge: 4D
Brawling Parry: 2D+2
Bargain: 6D+2
Command: 7D
Con: 5D
Hide: 4D+2
Persuasion: 7D
Sneak: 3D+2
Alien Species: 5D+2
Bureaucracy: 6D+2
Business: 4D
Cultures: 5D+2
Tactics: 5D+1
Languages: 5D+2
Planetary Systems: 6D+2
Brawling: 2D+1
Stamina: 3D
Communications: 4D
Repulsorlift Operation: 3D+2
Computer Programming/Repair: 3D+2
Security: 4D+1
Credits: Vast Personal Wealth
Expensive Clothing, Concealed Blaster Pistol (4D), Comlink
Description: Sio Bibble was the human male governor of Naboo and a member of the Royal Advisory Council during the final years of the Galactic Republic and the early days of the Galactic Empire.
Early career
Sio Bibble was born on Naboo prior to the Invasion of Naboo. Bibble was elected as the governor of Naboo during King Veruna's reign. During Queen Amidala's coronation, he and the Naboo Royal Advisory Council closed the Palace Plaza for a parade.
Invasion of Naboo
In 32 BBY, Senator Palpatine contacted the Royal Advisory Council only to lose communication. Bibble was one of the first to suspect there would be an invasion. However, Queen Amidala refused to condone any action that would lead them to war. Later, Bibble's suspicions proved correct when Naboo was invaded by the Trade Federation. Bibble was arrested along with other people on Naboo at that time. Then, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi came to rescue them. Queen Amidala (really her decoy Sabé) agreed that she should plea to the Senate. Bibble was on high hopes that Senator Palpatine might help them. However, Bibble decided to stay behind to protect his people. Later, Queen Amidala did free Naboo. Bibble attended Jinn's funeral, who was killed in the battle that liberated Naboo. Then, he attended the celebration of Naboo's victory, handing the Globe of Peace to Boss Rugor Nass.
The Separatist Crisis
Bibble continued to serve as governor under Amidala's successor, Queen Réillata. In 22 BBY, he attended a Council meeting. They talked about how the Separatist Crisis might become a war and then redirected the conversation to Senator Amidala, who was in danger of being killed and had to hide on Naboo with a bodyguard, Anakin Skywalker.
The Clone Wars
Queen Jamillia was succeeded by Queen Neeyutnee by 21 BBY, whom Bibble also served.
In 20 BBY, he greeted Palpatine upon his return to Naboo and attended the Festival of Light. That night, bounty hunters tried to kidnap Palpatine, but their plans were thwarted by Kenobi (who was disguised as Rako Hardeen at that time). The next morning, Bibble was put in a protection group along with Queen Neeyutnee and Senator Amidala.
Mission to Bardotta
In 19 BBY, Bibble went with Senator Amidala to the Galactic Senate when Queen Julia of Bardotta contacted the Republic. Palpatine presented the queen the people he chose to go to Bardotta: Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan and Senator Amidala of Naboo. However, the queen specifically said she wanted Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks of Naboo to go, puzzling everyone.
Imperial Era
Sio Bibble attended the funeral of Padmé Amidala shortly after the formation of the Galactic Empire. Around that time, he chose to retire as governor. However, instead of an election being held, in which former Royal Handmaiden Saché was heavily favored to win, the Empire replaced the position with that of Imperial governor, and appointed Quarsh Panaka to the position.
Personality and traits
Sio Bibble was a dedicated public servant who served as governor. He did not always agree with Queen Amidala, but he supported her and deferred to her judgement. He admired Amidala's lofty goals but did not always share her optimism. He had influence among her other advisers.
Bibble was a brave and defiant man in the face of great danger, like he demonstrated when Viceroy Nute Gunray from the Trade Federation invaded Theed. Bibble was also known to speak his mind on several important matters like the Separatist Crisis or Gunray's constant trials in the Supreme Courts of the Galactic Republic for his actions.More than anything, Bibble cared to an extent for the safety of Queen Amidala as demonstrated during the Trade Federation's invasion of Theed.