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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Rebel AllianceSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Luke Skywalker (As of A New Hope)
Homeworld: Tatooine
Born: (2 days after Empire Day), 19 BBY, Polis Massa
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 1.72 meters (5ft 8in)
Mass: 73 kilograms
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: Light

        Blaster 6D
        Brawling parry 4D
        Dodge 6D
        Lightsaber 4D+l
        Melee combat 4D
        Melee parry 5D
        Alien species 3D
        Bureaucracy 2D+2
        Streetwise 2D+l
        Survival 6D
        Value 4D
        Bargain 3D
        Command 5D
        Hide 3D
        Search 3D
        Sneak 3D
        Brawling 6D+1
        Climbing/Jumping 6D
        Lifting 4D
        Stamina 6D
        Astrogation 5D
        Beast riding 4D+2
        Repulsorlift operation 8D
        Space Transports 5D
        Starfighter Piloting 7D
        Starship Gunnery 6D
        Starship Shields 5D
        Computer Programming/Repair 5D
        Droid programming/Repair 6D
        First Aid 3D+2
        Repulsorlift Repair 7D
        Starfighter Repair 5D

Special Abilities:
        Control 1D
        Sense 1D
        Alter 1D
Force Powers: Accelerate healing, concentration

Force Sensitive: Y
Force Points: 6
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 15
Move: 10

Equipment: Lightsaber (5D), Blaster Pistol (4D), Blaster Rifle (5D) Macro Binoculars ( +3D to search at ranges greater than 100 meters), Comlink, Utility Belt

Description: The son of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padmé Amidala, Luke Skywalker was born along with his twin sister, Leia, in 19 BBY. As a result of Amidala's death and Anakin's fall to the dark side of the Force, the Skywalker children were separated and sent into hiding, with Leia adopted by the royal family of Alderaan while Luke was raised by his relatives on Tatooine. Longing for a life of adventure and purpose, Skywalker joined the Rebellion and began learning the ways of the Force under the guidance of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, whose first apprentice was Luke's own father. During the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY, Skywalker saved the Alliance from annihilation by destroying the Empire's planet-killing superweapon, the Death Star. He continued his training in the years that followed, determined to become a Jedi Knight like his father before him.

During the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Yoda set out on a journey to discover the secrets of immortality. His journey took him to Moraband, the ancient Sith homeworld, where he faced visions of the future. At the end of his journey, the Force Priestess, Serenity, who guided his journey told him that there was another Skywalker, and Yoda heard his voice from the future say so as well. These events alluded to the birth and destiny of Luke Skywalker, as well as his twin sister Leia.

Early life
Luke Skywalker was born in 19 BBY on the asteroid field of Polis Massa two days after the proclamation of the Galactic Empire. He and his twin sister, Leia, who was born minutes after him, are the children of Galactic Republic Senator Padmé Amidala, who died shortly after the births, and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, who had recently fallen to the dark side of the Force. To protect the children from the Empire and their father, the now-Sith Lord Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi personally sent the infant Luke to be raised by Anakin's stepbrother Owen Lars and his wife Beru on the planet Tatooine, while Senator Bail Organa agreed to adopt Leia together with his wife, the queen of Alderaan.

First years on the farm
Luke Skywalker spent his youth on the Lars' moisture farm, where his uncle unsuccessfully tried to discourage his adventurous tendencies, telling him that his father had been "a navigator on a spice freighter" during the Clone Wars. His aunt, Beru, would read him storybooks; one day, when his uncle had business in Mos Eisley, she took Skywalker to Anchorhead to use the HoloNet connections there and show him images of forests, rivers, and oceans.

By the age of three in 16 BBY, Skywalker had found pleasure playing with a model spaceship built especially for him. He did not know that Kenobi had actually built it and that Kenobi had been leaving several of them at his grandmother Shmi's sandblasted tombstone for his aunt to find. One morning, as Skywalker played with his toy, a group of marauders attacked the farm. Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had been watching him from afar, sprang into action, cutting down several Gamorreans before coming to the realization that he was badly outnumbered. Just as he was about to be dealt a possibly killing blow by one of the gang, Skywalker threw the toy starfighter he had been playing with, managing to distract the Gammorean long enough for Kenobi to separate his feet from his ankles. The battle then raged further, slowly turning in the favor of the defenders which included Owen Lars, who managed to gun down several of the invaders with a blaster. Luke cried out after noticing that one of the marauders, a Devaronian, had snuck up behind Lars, ready to knock him out. Kenobi then threw his lightsaber cutting the last marauder in half. As Skywalker cheered, Lars threw a punch which knocked Kenobi to the ground. Lars then ushered Skywalker back before chastising Kenobi for his involvement, pointing out the fact that Skywalker's brief show of bravery had potential ramifications for the boy's future.

Vader's vision
Shortly after the Battle of Fortress Vader, Darth Vader accessed a portal to the dark side created by Darth Momin in an attempt to revive Padmé Amidala. He eventually found an apparition of Amidala standing on a balcony, who rejected his pleas and threw itself off the ledge and was incinerated by lightning. Just after this, Vader saw a blue light in the distance, out of which emerged an apparition of an adult Luke Skywalker, who blasted him back to reality.

Taking on Jabba's thugs
At the age of eight, during the Great Drought in 11 BBY, henchmen for the crime lord Jabba the Hutt collected a "water tax" on their master's behalf. Despite the damage it caused moisture farmers, Skywalker naïvely stood up to the thugs at night, trying to take back the water they had stolen from the farmers. Kenobi, who sensed the danger his protégé was in, blew their vehicle's lights with the Force to hide his identity, and proceeded to disable all of Jabba's henchmen. One of them became startled and pushed Skywalker to the ground, causing him to hit his head and pass out. Once Kenobi handled the thugs, he carried Skywalker to the Lars' homestead where he was found asleep, unaware of his savior's identity, by his aunt in the morning.

Saving Uncle Owen
A year after the Great Drought, life carried on for Skywalker on Tatooine. Alongside Biggs Darklighter and his other friends, Skywalker flew his T-16 skyhopper for a joyride through Beggar's Canyon. Despite some daring moves, Skywalker ended up crashing the vehicle, leading to his uncle Owen grounding him. Skywalker offered to pay for the damage by flying in a race at nearby Anchorhead, but Lars stood his ground. Unbeknowst to both of them, Obi-Wan Kenobi used Jawas to leave Skywalker some skyhopper parts. An angry Owen returned the parts to Kenobi and told him to leave the family alone.

Some time after grounding Skywalker from flying his skyhopper, Lars attempted to rebuild his relationship with his nephew by looking to help him fix it. However, before he could, he was captured by the Wookiee bounty hunter Krrsantan and tortured. Meanwhile, Skywalker was running away from home for not the first time. However, he sensed something was wrong and rushed to his homestead. When he arrived, he found many droids destroyed and his aunt Beru rattled, telling him of the attack. She ordered her nephew to lock himself in the homestead's maintenance bay, where he found his disabled skyhopper. He proceeded to fix it and make his way to Krrsantan and Owen. As he flew there, the Wookiee was engaged by Obi-Wan Kenobi. During this battle, Owen was thrown off a cliff. Before he could hit the bottom, Skywalker, in his skyhopper, managed to catch him and escape. Meanwhile, Kenobi defeated Krrsantan. Afterwards, Skywalker was allowed to fly his skyhopper once again.

Being a Kid
Around 9 BBY, Kenobi looked in on Skywalker via macrobinoculars around the same time that the Empire's Inquisitors came to Tatooine. Around this time and unbeknownst to him, his uncle Owen refused to let Master Kenobi train Luke in fears of him becoming just like his father.

Other adventures
Eventually, Skywalker became an adventure-seeking youth who demonstrated his father's natural piloting skills, as well as a strong desire to leave Tatooine. At one point in his boyhood, Skywalker was climbing in a canyon, but, when he grabbed the top, the rock broke off. Skywalker fell into a cave, where he was seen by a group of womp rats and a krayt dragon, although he managed to escape the creatures. Years later, C-3PO referenced this story to several visitors. When Skywalker was 12 years old in 7 BBY, he and his friend, Windy went off on their own through the Tatooine desert and wandered away from the moisture farms riding a dewback. The two encountered a sandstorm during their time outside and both lost consciousness. A krayt dragon was nearby when Skywalker woke up, but they were saved by Kenobi, meeting him for the first time after his adoption to the Lars family. Skywalker asked him who he was, and Kenobi revealed that his name was Ben Kenobi and an old friend of his father. Soon after, Skywalker exhausted and with Windy, he returned safely to their homes, carried on a dewback.

As more of Skywalker's friends left the planet to follow their dreams, he became increasingly frustrated that his uncle would not allow him to do the same, claiming that he still needed help with the farm. In truth, Owen was trying to prevent Skywalker from following in his father's footsteps. In 2 BBY Skywalker was helping at his foster parent's moisture farm when Beru called him inside. As Skywalker ran back to the house, he was watched in the distance by Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was riding a dewback. Kenobi had just defeated and killed the former Sith apprentice Maul, who had a vendetta against Kenobi after being bisected at the torso during the Invasion of Naboo thirty years earlier. In his final moments, Maul asked Kenobi if he was guarding Skywalker. Kenobi affirmed that he believed Luke was the Chosen One before Maul passed away.

When not helping his uncle, Skywalker would occasionally go bulls-eye womp rats, or go racing through the dangerous Beggar's Canyon in his T-16 skyhopper by the age of thirteen. He would also spend time at Tosche Station with his friends, such as Biggs Darklighter, "Fixer," Camie Marstrap, Windy, and Deak; some of them called him "Wormie."

Galactic Civil War
In 0 BBY, the purchase of two droids—R2-D2 and C-3PO—by Skywalker's step-uncle changed the young farm boy's life forever. Obtaining the droids from a band of Jawas to help with various tasks around the homestead, neither of them were aware that the droids had narrowly escaped from the Galactic Empire, and that R2-D2 contained a set of plans for the Empire's dreaded Death Star superweapon.

While cleaning the two new droids back at the homestead, Skywalker learned that they had been involved with the Rebel Alliance, and witnessed part of a desperate message from Princess Leia Organa requesting help from someone named "Obi-Wan Kenobi," whom R2-D2 claimed that he once belonged to. Skywalker soon found himself in the company of Kenobi after being attacked by a group of Sand People out in the Jundland Wastes. After traveling back to the Jedi's home, Kenobi soon revealed to Skywalker that he had once been a Jedi Knight who served in the Clone Wars with Skywalker's father. He went on to inform Skywalker that his father was not a spice freighter navigator like his uncle had always told him, but a Jedi Knight struck down by Darth Vader. Skywalker was also given his father's lightsaber by Kenobi, allowing the blade to be ignited for the first time in years. After he showed Princess Leia's message in its entirety to Kenobi, the old Jedi Master requested Skywalker's help to see the mission through, and offered to show him the ways of the Force. Skywalker initially refused to get involved, as he believed his duties at home were more important, but he offered to take Kenobi to Anchorhead.

On their way to Anchorhead, Skywalker and Kenobi came upon a group of slaughtered Jawas—the same ones who sold the droids to his uncle. Skywalker deduced from learning that Imperial stormtroopers were responsible that they might have looked into the sales records of the droids, and rushed home in the hopes of saving his step-aunt and step-uncle. Upon returning home, Skywalker discovered that he was too late: his step-aunt and step-uncle had been murdered by the Empire. With the people who raised him dead, he decided to accompany Kenobi to Alderaan to deliver the plans back to the Alliance and learn the ways of the Jedi.

On their way to Mos Eisley, Kenobi began training him and gave Skywalker his first lesson, during which he learned the basics of Jedi meditation. They would later reach Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina, where Kenobi believed that they could find a pilot that could get them to Alderaan. Inside the cantina, Skywalker nearly had a fatal run-in with the criminals Ponda Baba and Dr. Evazan, but trouble was avoided when Kenobi sliced off Baba's arm with his lightsaber in defense of Skywalker.

The two were eventually able to find a pilot that could take them to Alderaan in the form of Han Solo, a Corellian smuggler, and his co-pilot Chewbacca. Solo's initial rate was ten thousand credits all paid in advance, which Skywalker thought was too expensive. Ultimately, they were able to compromise when Kenobi offered to pay two thousand credits up front and an additional fifteen thousand when they got to Alderaan, for a total of seventeen thousand credits, which convinced Solo to take them, with Skywalker selling his speeder to pay for the two thousand up front.

Death Star rescue
After escaping stormtroopers on Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon, Kenobi began Skywalker's instruction in the ways of the Force, using a training remote to instruct him in basic lightsaber combat, much to the derision of Solo, who dismissed it as a "hokey religion." Wearing a helmet that completely covered his eyes for part of the lesson, Kenobi encouraged him to reach out with the Force to combat the remote. Despite his vision being totally impaired, Skywalker was able to successfully deflect a pair of blaster bolts from the remote, claiming that he could "almost see" the remote through the Force.

The lesson, however, was soon interrupted by their arrival in the Alderaan system and their discovery of the planet's destruction. They then spotted a patrolling TIE fighter and, upon following it, found that it was approaching what appeared to be a small moon, which turned out to be the Death Star. Caught by the Death Star's tractor beam, they were brought aboard the massive space station.

Once on board, Luke and Han knocked two stormtroopers out and stole their armor, whereas Kenobi set out to deactivate the tractor beam. However, when R2-D2 discovered that Leia Organa was being held captive on the station, Skywalker insisted on rescuing her. Though Solo was reluctant to go marching into the detention block, Skywalker convinced him to go along with the rescue by claiming that he'd get a significant reward for doing so.

Still using their stormtrooper guises, Skywalker and Solo convinced Chewbacca to pose as a prisoner and escorted him to Detention Block AA-23 (where Organa was being held.) They were able to rescue Organa, but their cover was blown and they had to jump into the garbage compactor in order to escape the pursuing Imperial forces. Though Skywalker and Organa were separated from Solo and Chewbacca, they were able to reunite with their companions, and the droids, in the hangar bay.

Eventually, the group escaped the Death Star, but only after Kenobi sacrificed himself in a duel with Darth Vader. Angry and confused, Organa offered some comfort for his grief. Despite the fact that they had escaped from the Death Star, a pursing TIE fighter patrol was on the verge of catching up to them, so at Solo's request, Skywalker manned one of the Millennium Falcon's quad laser cannons to eliminate the enemy fighters, with Skywalker managing to destroy two of them. Once the patrol was eliminated, they traveled to the hidden rebel base on Yavin 4, unaware that the Death Star was tracking them.

Battle of Yavin
Upon their arrival at the Yavin base, they met with Commander Willard and Organa introduced him to Skywalker so that he could join the Rebel Alliance as a pilot. Skywalker then separated and met Wedge Antilles, who oversaw his flight simulation test. Lasting no more than 30 seconds, the more experienced pilot advised Skywalker to listen to his explanations, and encouraged him not to give up. In his second try, Skywalker used what he had learned from Antilles, and managed to surpass the highest score, that of Antilles's, prompting Willard to accept him without objection. He joined Red Group with the designation of Red Five, which had previously belonged to a cadet named Pedrin Gaul, who had perished during the Battle of Scarif several days earlier.

After the briefing for their plan of attack against the incoming Death Star, Skywalker prepared himself for the attack, when he saw Solo loading his payment onto the Falcon for rescuing Organa and prepared to leave the group. Skywalker attempted to persuade him to stay and help them against the Empire, but Solo refused, claiming that the attack on the Death Star was suicide rather than bravery, deeply disappointing him. After bidding farewell to Organa as well, Skywalker was about to board his T-65B X-wing starfighter, when he encountered his old friend Biggs Darklighter, the two about to be flying as wingmen in the upcoming battle. In a brief conversation, Darklighter promised Luke that the two would catch up on each other's stories when they got back. Skywalker was also approached by Garven Dreis, the commander of Red Squadron, who asked him if he was sure he could handle the X-wing, to which Darklighter vouched for his friend, calling him the "best bush pilot in the Outer Rim Territories." Skywalker was assigned command of fourth flight for the battle.

As the Battle of Yavin got underway and Skywalker and his fellow squadmates launched into space, Skywalker was guided by the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi. He participated in Red Squadron's initial assault on the Death Star's outer defenses, primarily focusing on disabling the station's numerous turbolaser batteries and fighting off TIE fighters when they were deployed against the Rebel fighters. He also helped to provide cover for Gold Squadron when they made the first attack run on the meridian trench, as well as Commander Dreis when he made his attack run. Eventually, Darth Vader himself joined the fray in a TIE Advanced x1 and succeeded in thwarting the first two attack runs. Just before he was shot down by the Sith Lord, Commander Dreis instructed Skywalker to lead a third and final run on the trench with Darklighter and Antilles.

Skywalker took charge of the last attempt on the thermal exhaust port as instructed, but Vader and his two escort fighters soon caught up to them. Antilles was forced to withdraw after his starfighter suffered damage, and Darklighter was eventually shot down as well. Unable to grieve for his fallen friend, Skywalker tried to focus on his target. He was once again contacted by the spirit to Kenobi, who urged him to let the Force guide him. This prompted Skywalker to disable his starfighter's targeting computer, much to the confusion of the Rebel leaders continuing to monitor the battle from the surface of Yavin 4.

Just as Skywalker reached the end of the trench, it appeared as though Vader would shoot him down like he had the other pilots, but before he could, Han Solo and Chewbacca showed up in the Millennium Falcon, destroying Vader's two escorts and causing Vader's TIE Advanced to spiral out of control away from the trench. At Solo's urging, Skywalker took a single shot and fired two proton torpedos, using the Force to guide them to their target, which resulted in the destruction of the Death Star. For this action he, Chewbacca, and Han Solo were awarded the Medal of Bravery the next morning.

Just as the ceremony ended, Skywalker told Organa to allow herself some time to grieve for the loss of her family and homeworld. Afterwards, General Jan Dodonna sent him and Antilles, the only other survivor of Red Group, in their X-wings to retrieve the wayward princess and bring her to the Great Temple. Her shuttle's pilot, Evaan Verlaine, however, managed to outsmart them and make the jump to hyperspace with course to Naboo, with R2-D2 accompanying the two women. They would later reunite after she had successfully accomplished her mission. Soon after, Skywalker became an officer in the Alliance and was given the rank of Lieutenant and was regularly assigned numerous independent missions.

Personality and traits
In his youth, Skywalker was often curious, impatient, looking ahead to the future with little regard for his present surroundings, and even a bit brash. Like his father, he was impulsive, reckless, and often had little regard for his own personal safety. Some time after the Battle of Yavin, he would confer with Nakari Kelen that he regretted his behavior before then, acknowledging he complained "about everything" because of his desire to escape from Tatooine. He also acknowledged his scarce talent at lying, a trait that many people could infer. Despite these traits, Skywalker had a happy childhood anyway.

Powers and abilities
Lightsaber abilities
Though he received little training, Luke Skywalker had a natural talent for lightsaber combat. Luke's initial training with the weapon of the Jedi came during a brief session with Obi-Wan Kenobi and a training remote on the way to Alderaan, where he learned the initial position and the four defensive postures.

Force powers
Like his father, Skywalker possessed a uniquely powerful connection to the Force, and became one of the most powerful Force wielders in galactic history. Indeed, Darth Sidious believed that Skywalker was strong enough in the Force to destroy the Sith. Most of Luke's understanding of the Force came from his own research, exploration, and experience as he only had a few days Kenobi's mentorship before his demise.

Other abilities
Skywalker was acknowledged to be an expert pilot, being the person who was responsible for destroying the first Death Star and managing to evade Darth Vader himself (albeit with help from Han Solo).

He was a native speaker of Galactic Basic Standard, and although Skywalker could not understand Shyriiwook, he had quickly learned how to read Chewbacca's moods by his tone and expression before the Battle of Yavin. After decades of missions with R2, Skywalker was reasonably fluent in droidspeak.

Skywalker was adept in unarmed combat.

The LIghtsaber Luke Skywalker wielded first was his father's former weapon, that was retrieved and given to him by Obi-Wan Kenobi. He wielded this weapon for three years before losing it, and the hand holding it.

Skywalker would carry at least two blasters. The first one was a Defender sporting blaster pistol that he carried during the Award ceremony that occurred shortly after the Battle of Yavin.. The second one was a blaster pistol similar to a DL-44.

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