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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: PlanetsEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Daiyu
Atmosphere: Breathable
Climate: Temperate, rainy
Primary terrain: City-scape
Major cities: Daiyu city
Affiliation: Galactic Empire

Description: Daiyu was a temperate planet in the galaxy under the control of the Galactic Empire during its reign. In 9 BBY, Third Sister of the Inquisitorius devised a plan to lure Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi out of hiding by learning of his relationship with Senator Bail Organa. The Third Sister had Vect Nokru and his gang kidnap Organa's daughter Leia.

Places of Interest
Daiyu city
A city was located on the planet Daiyu during the Imperial Era. In 9 BBY, Third Sister of the Inquisitorius devised a plan to lure Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi out of hiding by learning of his relationship with Senator Bail Organa. The Third Sister had Vect Nokru and his gang kidnap Organa's daughter Leia. Kenobi traveled in Daiyu in order to rescue Leia.

Bapmaw was a business in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu. An orange sign sitting on a rooftop spelled out the business' name in Aurebesh, while a green street sign said the same, but mirror-inverted.

Cooper (Daiyu)
Cooper was a business in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu. A bluish-white sign by the entrance stated the business' name in Aurebesh.

Daiyu cargo port
A cargo port was located in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu. The port was was fully automated. After rescuing a young Leia Organa from kidnappers, Obi-Wan Kenobi escaped with Leia on a cargo shuttle that left from the port.

Daiyu marketplace
A marketplace was in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu. Aurebesh signage of various colors, spelling out "market", were put up on buildings on order to attract potential customers.

After rescuing a young Princess Leia from kidnappers, Obi-Wan Kenobi lead her through the marketplace, buying a green cape for her at Chiu Mo Threads and telling her to pretend that they were a farming family from Tawl. While continuing to walk through the marketplace, Kenobi advised Leia to keep a low profile and told her not to touch anything.

However, Leia quickly became distrustful of Obi-Wan and ran away, fleeing back into the marketplace, diving under a lumbering Gigoran and navigating through an animal auction. She then ran into the path of a masked bounty hunter who was hunting for Kenobi. The bounty hunter demands to know Kenobi's whereabouts but Kenobi shot him down and also fought a gray skinned humanoid. He then followed Leia but she escaped him once again while a group of Inquisitors lead stormtroopers into the marketplace, looking for Kenobi.

Chiu Mo Threads
Chiu Mo Threads was an outdoor clothing market stall at the Daiyu marketplace in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu. A red Aurebesh stated the name of the business. After rescuing a young Princess Leia Organa from kidnappers, Obi-Wan Kenobi lead her through the marketplace, buying her a green cape and a pair of gloves at the stall and telling her to pretend that they were a farming family from Tawl.

Hoss Market
Hoss Market was a stall at the marketplace in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu. A bluish-green sign spelled out the business' name in Aurebesh.

Daiyu spaceport
A spaceport was located in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu. Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived there on a passenger transport while on a mission to rescue young Leia Organa from kidnappers. However, when he returned to the spaceport with Leia, he discovered that the whole port had been shut down by Imperial Inquisitors who were hunting Kenobi, and all incoming and outgoing travel had been canceled.

Gate 3-C
Gate 3-C was a gate at the spaceport on Daiyu. Con artist Haja Estree, who masqueraded as a Jedi, helped Corran and his mother escape Daiyu through his contact in Gate 3-C.

The Den
The Den was a shady business in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu, which contained a spice laboratory and a place for playing sabacc. A purple sign on the building, written in Aurebesh, stated the name of the business, while a red sign over a door read "sabacc", emblazoned with playing cards cards at the bottom. A similar, blue sign could be seen on the street. A sign on the roof of the building read "spice", as did a street sign.

While searching for a kidnapped Princess Leia Organa, Obi-Wan Kenobi asked Haja Estree for directions to "the sewers". Estree told him where to go but warned Kenobi that he believed he would never get in. Kenobi arrived at The Den, and notices a worker wearing a lab coat, exiting a door with a sign saying "sabacc". A disguised Kenobi entered a makeshift spice laboratory where he caused a glass tank to explode, creating a distraction that allowed him to slip through a door. He was confronted by a Zabrak and human worker who queried about his presence. Kenobi fought the pair, who put up a fierce fight, but managed to subdue them and forced the human worker to reveal where Leia was being held.

Kenobi found a cell with a hooded figure whom he believed to be Princess Leia. However, it turnef out to be a derelict droid serving as a decoy. Kenobi was captured by Vect Nokru's Falleen and Nikto associates, who restrained him. Nokru mocked Kenobi for risking everything for a "little brat" and believed that he and his associates will get rich from Kenobi's capture when they handed him over to the Third Sister. Kenobi demanded to know Leia's whereabouts but Nokru dismissed him as a mere man who bleeds. Kenobi replied that everybody bleeds before dropping a vial of red spice that blinded the mercenaries. Kenobi took the opportunity to escape and locked the kidnappers in their own cell.

Kenobi found Leia and lead her out of the sewers into the streets of Daiyu, through the same door that he entered earlier. Meanwhile, Nokru and his associates struggled with the effects of the spice as the Third Sister showed up and angrily demanded to know Kenobi's whereabouts.

Er was a business in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu. A giant white sign sitting on a rooftop spelled out the business' name in Aurebesh. While the Third Sister was hunting Obi-Wan Kenobi, she hid by the sign, on top of the roof.

Fresh Brew
Fresh Brew operated in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu. A vertical pink sign written in an alternate Aurebesh font, stating the name of the business, ran down the side of the building; however, the entire sign was upside-down.

Gungan Snacks
Gungan Snacks advertised itself in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu using Aurebesh signage of various colors and designs. It shared its name with the Gungan species from Naboo.

Jawa Jawa
Jawa Jawa was a stall in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu. A green upside down sign spelled out the business' name in Aurebesh, with one word being a mirror image of the other. A bluish-white sign of the same design could be seen on another stall, which also carried the Aurebesh letter Senth (S). It shared its name with the Jawa species from Tatooine.

Jawa's Market
Jawa's Market was a marketplace in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu. It was advertised by Aurebesh signs of various colors. It shared its name with the Jawa species from Tatooine.

LVL6 was a company that operated in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu. One LVL6 business was located at the city spaceport, with purple Aurebesh signage at the front, and blue signage going vertically down the side. Another business was located in the city streets and carried a green sign.

Mach Inc
Mach Inc was a company in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu. One of their businesses was located in the city spaceport, with an Aurebesh sign saying "Mach Inc", "radar m". Another business was located in a cargo port, the sign saying "Mach Inc Mach Inc".

Ryloth Wine
Ryloth Wine was located in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu. It shared its name with Ryloth, a planet in the Outer Rim Territories; and the alcoholic beverage. The name of the business was printed on a green Aurebesh sign, although the first character was mirror-inverted. The business was located next to The Den. Another sign with the same design but in brown and yellow could be seen in a different street in the city.

Swartz BBQ
Swartz BBQ was located in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu. It featured a big red neon sign written in Aurebesh.

Swmilk was an establishment in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu. It was advertised by several white Aurebesh signs on the building facade, while signage saying "milk" was used to attract potential customers: A yellow sign was sitting on top of the building, while an orange sign could be seen in the street.

Textrcryonoodle Sa
Textcryonoodle Sa operated in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu. A white sign spelled out its name in mirror-inverted Aurebesh, with the first part of the name being vertical, and the second part being horizontal. Another sign was green, but showed every letter upside-down.

Unidentified arcade
An arcade was located in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu. In order to attracts potential customers, Aurebesh signs of various colors spelling out the word "arcade" were put up on the streets, although a couple of letters were missing from a purple sign over the entrance.

Unidentified bank
A bank operated in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu. A white and pink sign written in Aurebesh was used to attract potential customers; it read "AurebeshSans-Serif credit.pngBANKAurebeshSans-Serif credit.png", with the credit symbol at the beginning and the end symbolizing money.

Unidentified disco
A disco operated in a city on the planet Daiyu. A vertical pink sign written in a yellow, alternate Aurebesh font, ran down the side of the building.

Unidentified parts store
A store selling parts operated in Daiyu city on the planet Daiyu. A green Aurebesh sign by the entrance, reading "parts", was used to attract potential customers.

Comments made about this Article!

16/Sep/2022 15:41:14 Posted by GMOverkill

This page has the not uncommon http: 500 error. Is there some way for this to be fixed? Friendly greetings,

18/Sep/2022 08:27:38 Posted by Freddy

Fixed, was an open HTML tag on Mach Inc..

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