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Section of Site: Starships D20Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: CapitalEra: New RepublicCanon: No

Apex Invader

The Apex Invader was an odd heavy gunship design introduced approximately
fifteen years following the Battle of Endor. Designed solely to take on
heavy cruisers, the Invader was equipped with a wide array of heavy weapons
and heavy armor.

The design itself was rather unique, featuring a massive superstructure
jutting from the main body of the vessel towering to an overall height
almost equal to the overall length. The concept behind this was that it
would better space out the forward firing weapons to create a much wider
area of damage on a target. However, it also made the Invader a much
easier target.

While the Invader was useful against such targets as star destroyers in
small groups, they almost always took heavy damage due to their large
target profile. This downfall is what ultimately made several possible
buyers back out, including the New Republic and the Corporate Sector

Instead, Apex began selling the Invader illegally on the open market to
pirates, smugglers, private corporations and anyone willing to pay the
rather large price.

As a pirate ship, the Invader functioned beyond all expectations. Easily
capable of attacking and disabling several ships alone. It would soon
become the scourge of several rim territories.

Era Introduced: 15 years after the Battle of Endor

Craft: Apex Design Corporation's Invader Gunship
Class: Capital
Cost: Not available for sale
Size: Large (200 meters long, 180 meters tall)
Crew: Minimum 100, maximum 300 (Normal +2)
Passengers: 50 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 500 metric tons
Consumables: 2 months
Hyperdrive: x2 (backup x22)
Maximum Speed: Cruising
Defense: 19 (-1 size, +10 armor)
Shield Points: 160
Hull Points: 400
DR: 15

Weapon: Heavy turbolaser cannons (5)
Fire Arc: Front
Attack Bonus: +7 (-1 size, +2 crew, +6 fire control)
Damage: 6d10x5
Range: PB -2, S/M +0, L -2

Weapon: Double turbolaser cannons (2)
Fire Arc: 1 left turret, 1 right turret
Attack Bonus: +5 (-1 size, +2 crew, +4 fire control)
Damage: 4d10x5
Range: PB -2, S/M +0, L -2

Weapon: Ion cannons (2)
Fire Arc: Front
Attack Bonus: +7 (-1 size, +2 crew, +6 fire control)
Damage: Special
Range: PB -2, S/M +0, L -2

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All text and stats by Ryan Matheny, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
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