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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: Space StationEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Imperial Department of Military Research Death Star II Battlestation
Type: Deep space mobile battle station
Scale: Death Star
Length: 200 kilometers
Width: 200 kilometers
Height: 200 kilometers
Skill: Battle station piloting: Death Star
Crew: (485,560),
        Gunners (152,275)
        Troops (1,295,950)
        Infantry (127,570)
        Technical personnel (75,860)
        Pilots (334,432)
        skeleton 127850/+15
Crew Skill: Astrogation 5D+1, battle station piloting 6D, capital ship gunnery 5D, starship gunnery 4D+2.
Passengers: 1295950 (troops), 127570 (stormtroopers), 75860 (starship support staff), 334432 (support ship pilots and crew)
Cargo Capacity: Over one million kilotons.
Consumables: 3 years.
Cost: Not available for sale.
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x3
Hyperdrive Backup: x20
Nav Computer: Yes
Space: 2
Hull: 18D
Shields: 3D
        Passive: 350/1D
        Scan: 1500/2D
        Search: 7500/3D
        Focus: 60/4D+2

                Fire Arc: Forward
                Crew: 168, skeleton 48/+10
                Scale: Death Star
                Skill: Capital ship gunnery: superlaser
                Body: 12D (capital scale)
                Fire Control: 1D
                Space Range: 1-20/40/100
                Damage: 2D to 16D
        15000 Turbolaser Batteries
                Fire Arc: Turrett
                Scale: Starfighter
                Skill: Starship gunnery
                Body: 3D (capital scale)
                Fire Control: 1D
                Space Range: 1-5/10/15
                Damage: 5D
        15000 Heavy Turbolasers
                Fire Arc: Turret
                Crew: 4
                Scale: Starfighter
                Skill: Starship gunnery
                Body: 4D (capital scale)
                Fire Control: 1D
                Space Range: 1-7/15/30
                Damage: 7D
        8500 Laser Cannons
                Fire Arc: Turret
                Crew: 3
                Scale: Capital
                Skill: Capital ship gunnery
                Body: 4D (capital scale)
                Fire Control: 1D
                Space Range: 1-5/10/15
                Damage: 7D
        5000 Laser Cannons
                Fire Arc: Turret
                Crew: 3
                Scale: Starship
                Skill: Starship gunnery
                Body: 4D (capital scale)
                Fire Control: 1D
                Space Range: 1-5/10/15
                Damage: 7D
        5000 Ion Cannons
                Fire Arc: Turret
                Crew: 4
                Scale: Captial
                Skill: Capital ship gunnery
                Body: 4D (capital scale)
                Fire Control: 1D
                Space Range: 1-3/7/10
                Damage: 4D
        768 Tractor Beam Emplacements
                Fire Arc: Turret
                Crew: 6
                Scale: Capital
                Skill: Capital ship gunnery
                Body: 5D (capital scale)
                Fire Control: 3D
                Space Range: 1-5/10/25
                Damage: 5D

        TIE starfighters (7,200: various models)
        Capital ships (16)
        Lambda-class shuttles (3,600)
        GAT-12 Skipray Blastboats (2,480)
        Dropships (1,860)
        Support craft (13,000)
        AT-ATs (1,400)
        AT-STs (1,400)
        Repulsortanks (1,420)
        Repulsorcraft (1,420)
        HAVw A5 Juggernauts (4,843)
        PX-4 Mobile Command Bases (178)
        HAVr A9 Floating Fortresses (355)

Game Notes:
        Power: The second Death Star’s power systems can generate 2D of damage per minute, up to a maximum of 16D damage. However the energy cells in this design can produce 48D per day without severely straining the energy reactors. The Death Star’s superlaser can fire at 1/4 power to destroy a city, 1/2 power to destroy a small moon or ship, 3/4 power to destroy a planetary shield, or maximum power to destroy a large planet.

        Size: Due to the immense size of the Death Star, it is divided into 24 distinct zones, each equally equipped wih weapons. Only weapons within the specific zone adjacent to an attacking ship can be brought to bear at any given time; often, the actual number of weapons that can be brought to bear is significantly lower.

Description: The Death Star II was the second Death Star battlestation to be constructed by the Galactic Empire. It was significantly larger than its predecessor, measuring over 200 kilometers in diameter, and was built after the destruction of the first Death Star at the Battle of Yavin. Emperor Palpatine insisted on the reconstruction of the battlestation as it was an integral part in his plan to destroy the Rebel Alliance, leaving the galaxy in the hands of the Empire.

The Death Star's superlaser was revealed to be operational before the construction of the station was completed, surprising the Alliance attackers during the Battle of Endor. This was Emperor Palpatine's plan all along, and it nearly led to the loss of the Rebels. The Alliance ground forces on the forest moon of Endor managed to deactivate the energy shield surrounding the battlestation, and the Rebel fleet proceeded to destroy the station from within, signifying the beginning of the downfall of the Empire.

Like its predecessor, the Death Star II was made of quadanium steel and equally divided into two hemispheres, which were in turn subdivided into 12 zones. The newest iteration of this dreaded superweapon, however, had a monstrous diameter of over 200 kilometers.

The second iteration of the battlestation was also designed by engineer Bevel Lemelisk, the original Death Star's designer. Lemelisk was executed for the design flaws in the final version of the destroyed Death Star I, but was cloned by Emperor Palpatine in order to redesign the superweapon, eliminating the flaws of the former battlestation. In the newest version, he added thousands of turbolasers while removing any external weaknesses.

The most important revisions to the Death Star design made by Lemelisk were made to take into account and eradicate the technical flaws of the original battlestation which had enabled it to be destroyed during the Battle of Yavin. The first major change made in this redesign was the elimination of the two-meter-wide thermal exhaust port that was used to ignite a chain reaction in the main reactor of the first Death Star, destroying it. This was greatly improved, from a defensive standpoint, in the new revision. Instead of venting gases out of a single port, millions of millimeter-wide exhaust ports were scattered over the surface of the station, each of which propelled a small amount of the excess heat and gases into the vacuum. The new system also took advantage of new highly-advanced protections and safe-guards that would seal the small exhaust ports in the event of any unexpected excess of heat or energy.

The second main advancement in the second Death Star battlestation was the improvement of its superlaser. Still located in the northern hemisphere of the battlestation, the much improved superlaser equipped in the second Death Star was much more powerful than its predecessor, and took only three minutes to recharge, in comparison to the 24 hour recharge required for the first Death Star's superlaser. In addition, while the first Death Star only had the capabilities to fire on very large targets, such as planetary bodies, the improved superweapon was upgraded with additional lower-power weapon fire options and targeting systems that were more suited for fine-tuned accuracy, while still maintaining great destructive power, in order to fire the powerful weapon on enemy capital ships. Unlike the previous Death Star's superlaser that consisted of eight equal sized tributary beams circling the dish, the Second Death Star's superlaser consisted of seven equal sized tributary beams around the dish and one large beam in the center. The increased external surface area of the new station also allowed for larger amounts of conventional armaments, such as turbolasers and other defense batteries, to be placed, further increasing the already impressive Death Star's defenses.

The third main advancement in the second Death Star battle station was that it now carried three hypermatter reactors, two of which were used solely for the Superlaser Mk. II, making it immensely more powerful than the Superlaser Mk. I used on the first Death Star, which had to share its one hypermatter reactor between all the systems aboard it.

The idea for the second Death Star's development originated as one of two possible scenarios by Bevel Lemelisk and the Imperial Department of Military Research for further development of the Death Star's development, shortly after the completion of the first Death Star. The second Death Star's construction started during the Battle of Yavin, when Emperor Palpatine ordered the construction of new superlasers, to which the resources for its construction, including Hyperspace tugs and threadships, would be sent from their origin near Sullust to Endor via the Silvestri Trace, an obscure hyperspace route. Ironically, he issued this order shortly before the first Death Star's destruction at the hands of Luke Skywalker.

Different from the Empire's first Death Star, which, as a result of supply and design problems, took twenty-one years to be considered an operational battlestation, this much larger Death Star took far less time to construct. Methods of faster construction had been developed in the years since the original station's conception, added to the fact that Imperial engineers made sure to allocate enough space on the station for the maximum possible amount of self-replicating construction droids.

The second Death Star's building location remained secret from the Alliance, unlike the first station's construction site at Despayre. After the initial stages of construction, the station was put under the command of Darth Vader during its relocation to a new construction site in the Endor system. Endor was selected due to the massive concentration of strategic metals on the planets Dor, Eloggi, and Megiddo in the system, but the actual construction site was in geosynchronous orbit around the forested Sanctuary Moon, protected by a powerful shield generator on the moon's surface. Its remote status also further reflected the severity of Darth Vader's punishment for his failure at Yavin, due to his being assigned there to oversee the initial construction efforts in the area as well as his being demoted from his position as commander of the primary Imperial fleet.

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