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Captain Tonra (Human Naboo Security Officer)

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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Captain Jonus
Gender: Male

Dexterity: 3D+1
        Blaster: 5D
        Brawling Parry: 5D
        Dodge: 4D+2
Knowledge: 1D+1
        Survival: 4D+1
        Planetary Systems: 5D
        Value: 2D+1
Perception: 3D
        Command: 5D
        Search: 4D
Strength: 3D
        Brawling: 5D
        Stamina: 4D
Mechanical: 4D
        Sensors: 4D+2
        Starfighter Piloting: 5D
        Starship Gunnery: 6D
        Space Transports: 5D
Technical: 2D
        Starfighter Repair: 5D
        Computer Programming/Repair: 3D+1

Move: 10

Equipment: TIE Pilot Flight Suit, Sealed Helmet, Navigation Computer Linkup (+1D to Sensors), Flight Suit, blaster pistol (4D), One Week Emergency Rations, Survival Gear

Description: Jonus was a male Imperial Navy TIE pilot who served with the Galactic Empire's Death Squadron, earning his rank and becoming a captain. At one point being attacked and narrowly escaping death by an exogorth, Jonus became a TIE/sa bomber pilot with the Empire's Gamma Squadron, and scored several kills against CR90 corvettes.

By 4 ABY, Jonus joined Scimitar Squadron, an elite TIE bomber wing which was tasked with destroying any ground troops or equipment that might land on the Forest Moon of Endor, where the shield generator protecting the Empire's orbiting second Death Star. In 4 ABY, the Battle of Endor ended with the Death Star's destruction, with Jonus and other TIE pilots attempting to evacuate the station.

Jonus was a male TIE pilot in the Imperial Navy. He served with the Galactic Empire's Death Squadron, earning his rank and becoming a captain. At one point during Jonus's Imperial service, he was attacked by an exogorth, and the TIE pilot narrowly escaped death.

Jonus at some point flew a TIE/sa bomber with the Empire's Gamma Squadron, and became an instructor. By 4 ABY, Jonus had scored several kills against CR90 corvettes, and joined Scimitar Squadron, an elite TIE/sa bomber wing. Jonus often flew as top cover during bombing runs and operated Scimitar 2, a TIE/sa bomber stationed on the second Death Star battlestation.

Prior to 4 ABY's Battle of Endor, Scimitar Squadron was stationed in the Endor system and assigned with destroying any ground troops or equipment that might land on the Forest Moon of Endor, which contained the shield generator protecting the Empire's orbiting Death Star. The Battle of Endor ended with the Death Star's destruction, and Jonus was one of the TIE pilots who attempted to evacuate the station before it was destroyed.

Skills and abilities
Captain Jonus earned his rank through his service with Death Squadron. He was also a disciplined instructor.

Jonus wore the standard TIE pilot uniform.

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