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Roko (Alien Pirate)

Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: HuttSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Rayc Ryjerd
Species: Bimm
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brown

         Blaster: 4D+1
         Brawling Parry: 3D
         Dodge: 4D
         Bargain: 3D
         Con: 3D
         Gambling: 3D+2
         Persuasion: 3D+1
         Planetary Systems: 2D+1
         Streetwise: 4D
         Brawling: 4D+1
         Climbing/Jumping: 4D+1
         Astrogation: 5D
         Space Transports: 6D
         Starship Shields: 4D+2
         Repulsorlift Operation: 4D
         Space Transport Repair: 4D
         Security: 3D

Move: 10
Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 3

        400 Credits
                Blaster Pistol (4D), Comlink, Street Clothes, Starship

Description: Rayc Ryjerd was a male Bimm smuggler and the son of the trader Rycar Ryjerd. He was considered to be even more of an idiot than his father. By 4 ABY, he had accumulated debts and began working for the crime lord Jabba the Hutt in an effort to pay them off. Ryjerd was present in Jabba's Palace that year when the Jedi Luke Skywalker arrived in order to bargain for the life of his friend Han Solo, and he was aboard Jabba's luxury sail barge, the Khetanna, when Jabba brought Skywalker and Solo to the Great Pit of Carkoon to be executed.

The male Bimm Rayc Ryjerd was born before 4 ABY to the trader Rycar Ryjerd. While working as a smuggler, he fell into debt after purchasing a starship and began working for the crime lord Jabba the Hutt in an effort to pay off his debts.

By 4 ABY, Ryjerd had become romantically involved with the Corellian gunrunner Laudica, who dated the Bimm against her better judgment. Both of them were present in the courtroom of Jabba's Palace on Tatooine in 4 ABY when the Jedi Luke Skywalker arrived in order to bargain for the life of his friend Han Solo, who was being held prisoner in the palace's dungeons. When Jabba dropped Skywalker into the palace's Rancor pit, Ryjerd and various other courtroom denizens watched from above as the Jedi did battle with Jabba's rancor. After Skywalker killed the creature, Jabba sentenced Skywalker, Solo, and Solo's companion Chewbacca to be thrown into Tatooine's Great Pit of Carkoon, where they would be eaten by a Sarlacc.

The Hutt brought many members of his court onto the Khetanna, a luxury sail barge, for the journey to the pit across the Dune Sea. Ryjerd was one such court member. During the voyage, the drink-serving astromech droid R2-D2 spilled liquid on Ryjerd after being bumped into by the protocol droid C-3PO. When the Khetanna arrived at the Sarlacc pit, Skywalker and his friends made a last stand, and the Khetanna was destroyed.

Personality and traits
Ryjerd was a dishonest smuggler and was considered to be an idiot, even more so than his father. Although he was romantically involved with Laudica, she considered the arrangement to be contrary to her better judgment. He was, however, a skilled starship pilot, able to counter the Tallon Roll maneuver. Ryjerd sported a cap and had brown hair and a mustache. He watched and jeered in delight when Skywalker battled Jabba's pet rancor.

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