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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: TransportEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: EU


* See below for more information.

Craft: Corellian Engineering Corporation YV-330
Type: Modified freighter
Scale: Starfighter
-Length: 26m
Skill: Space Transports: Emerald Lance
Crew: 5
-Gunners: 4
-Skeleton: 1/+0
Crew Skill: As per players' skills
Passengers: 6
Cargo Capacity: 5 metric tons
Consumables: 1 month
Cost: 100,000 (used)
Hyperdrive: x1* (Backup: x12)
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D
-Space: 8
-Atmosphere: 365; 1,050kmh*
Hull: 5D
-Shields: 3D
-Passive: 30/1D
-Scan: 60/2D
-Search: 90/4D
-Focus: 4/4D+1

   2 Heavy Laser Cannons (Fire-Linked)
      Location: Front Under Cockpit
      Fire Arc: Turret
      Crew: 1
      Skill: Starship Gunnery
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 2D
      -Space: 1-3/12/25
      -Atmosphere: 100-300/1.2/2.5km
      Damage: 5D
      Rate Of Fire: 1

   4 Light Ion Cannons* (Fire-Linked)
      Location: Unknown*
      Fire Arc: Front
      Crew: 1
      Skill: Starship Gunnery
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 2D
      -Space: 1/3/7
      -Atmosphere: 100-300/700/3.6km
      Damage: 5D
      Rate Of Fire: 1

      Location: Unknown*
      Fire Arc: Front
      Crew: 1
      Skill: Starship Gunnery
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 1D
      -Space: 1-5/10/17
      -Atmosphere: 100-500/1/1.7km
      Damage: 3D
      Rate Of Fire: 1

   4 Concussion Missile Launchers (Fire-Linked)
      Location: Right Side Hull (Concealed)
      Fire Arc: Front
      Crew: 1 (Pilot)
      Skill: Starship Gunnery
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 1D
      -Space: 1/3/7
      -Atmosphere: 30-100/300/700m
      Speed: 7*
      Damage: 10D*
      Ammo: 3 each (12 total)
      Rate Of Fire: 1


   The Emerald Lance is a modified YV-330 light freighter that was used by Corellian security forces as a Q-ship, an armed freighter designed to lure in and destroy pirates.  It first saw service during the Rise of the Empire era, and was sold to private pirate-hunters some time before the Rebellion.  Although it looks like a standard YV-330 with a standard enhanced sensor package, the Emerald Lance is actually a capable fighting ship.  It has enhanced speed, military shields and several racks of concealed, side-mounted concussion missile tubes.  Since it often must carry an actual cargo to draw out pirates, it keeps a fair sized cargo area, but it could never be run profitably as a pure cargo ship without carrying contraband materials.



   This ship was originally presented in the article "A Legacy of Starships" in Star Wars Gamer magazine issue #2, by Owen K.C. Stephens, illustrated by Jeff Carlisle, and appeared early in Star Wars D20.  This is an attempt to convert it to Star Wars D6 using the D6 to D20 conversion rules presented in the back of the first Star Wars D20 rulebook.  I also use these sources to help with anything that does not convert directly: Galaxy Guide 6 Tramp Freighters; Pirates & Privateers; and the Starship Pricing guide (starship construction rules from the D20 Starships of the Galaxy converted back to D6); Other D6 ships and sources here and there for comparison, such as for sensors, weapons, speed, hull/shields, etc.

   Weapon Damage dice will be converted with the D6 to D20 conversion rules, but other traits such as range and Fire Control may be taken directly from Starship Pricing for simplicity, unless they need a more involved touch, then other sources may be listed in their write-up and stat block.


   If there is no bonus listed in the D20 rules, Maneuverability will be listed as 1D (military ships will be listed as 2D).  If a bonus is listed, I am torn between making every +1 = 1D, or having every +2 = 1D.  To be safe, I will use the lower option, but GMs/players have the option to either increase this when using the ship, or modify it to be better after acquiring the ship.


   Star Wars D20's early books had something like Movement Speed categories (Cautious/Docking = 1/2 Speed; Cruising Speed = Normal Speed; High/Attack = x2 Speed; All-Out/Ramming = x4 Speed), but they never had a Speed number to go with the ship stat blocks, so all ships seemed to have the same speed.  A simple conversion is: Cautious = Space 2; Cruising = Space 4; High Speed = Space 6; and All-Out = Space 8 or higher.


   A Legacy of Starships lists the Hyperdrive as x1, but the Wookiepedia page lists it as x2.

Speed (Atmosphere)

   A Legacy of Starships lists the ship's Speed as Attack (= Space Speed 6), but the Wookiepedia page lists the Atmosphere Speed as 1,050kmh, which equals Space Speed 8, so that was used as the ship's speed.


   Since The Emerald Lance was meant to be a military ship, I gave it the sensors of a PB-950 Patrol Boat, good range and somewhat powerful dice, to give it the ability to hunt down pirates and criminals, and also to have a good chance of detecting ambushes and traps in space from said enemies.

Light Ion Cannons

   Due to the ion cannons listed in Starship pricing seeming to have possible typos (Space Range 1-3/7/36), I based their stats on those from variants of the YY-Wing in Star Wars Rulebook Revised, Expanded and updated.

Weapon Locations

   If "Unknown" is listed, this is because I couldn't figure out where the weapon is mounted.  Players/GMs can place these weapons wherever they wish, as long as it fits with the Fire Arc.  Considering the ship's nature as a Q-Ship, they are more than likely hidden in recessed gun emplacements and covered by panels that quickly retract as the weapons deploy when the ship springs a trap against unsuspecting pirates.  I'd place the laser cannons as the twin-barreled weapon under the front of the cockpit (front cockpit), the ion cannons along the front sides under retractable hull plates, the concussion missiles are stated on the other unseen side of the hull but I'd make them hidden and retractable as well, and the autoblaster I'd have it hidden under the circular hull panel on top of the cockpit.

Missile Speed

   If you are using traditional Star Wars D6 rules, just ignore this, it's no big deal.  However, if you want your missile weapons to work more like other sci-fi franchises, and/or a little IRL, then use this optional rule: When fired, the missile does not stop at space range 7.  Instead, it keeps traveling, using this range as the missile's Space Speed (and relavent Atmosphere Speed).  If another combat round follows, the missile keeps traveling in that direction at this speed, if it did not hit anything last round.  While this means missiles can be more useful, it also means moving targets like ships will have more time to figure out what to do against the incoming missile(s).

Concussion Missile Launchers (Damage)

   This weapon's singular damage is usually 8D, unless fire-linked, then it tends to be 9D.  When I fire-link weapons, I will give +1D for +1 weapon, then +1D every time these weapons are doubled.  so 4 weapons fire-linked together would be +2D Damage.  This is what this weapon's Damage converted to from the original D20 rules stats.

Modifications From Stock YYV-330:

   +4 Concussion Missiles removed (3 metric tons each (12 total), +1/2 (6) for being concealed, 18 metric tons total).
   +1 Autoblaster removed (0.5 metric tons, x2 for being concealed, 1 metric ton total).
   +4 Light Ion Canons removed (0.5 metric tons each (2 total), +1/2 for being concealed, 3 metric tons total).
   Shields upgraded from 1D to 3D (+4 metric tons).
   Hull upgraded +1D (+5 metric tons).
   Engines upgraded from Space Speed 4 to Corellian Evader-GT Ion Engines (Space Speed 8) (+4 metric tons).
   Hyperdrive upgraded from x2 to x1 (+3 metric tons).
   Enhanced Sensor Package up (+5 metric tons).
   Added 2 Crew (+20 metric tons).
   -2 metric tons to round things out  (Total = -65 metric tons).

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