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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Rebel AllianceSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Chamdaka
Species: Gigoran
Hair color: White
Eye color: Blue
Cybernetics: Replacement arm
Affiliation(s): Alliance to Restore the Republic, M.A.R. Corps, Galactic Empire (by force)

Dexterity: 2D
         Blaster: 5D+1
         Dodge: 4D+2
         Brawling Parry: 4D
         Grenade: 4D+1
         Missile Weapons: 4D
         Vehicle Blasters: 3D+2
Knowledge: 2D
         Survival: 4D+2
         Tactics: 3D+2
Perception: 5D
         Search: 6D+2
         Sneak: 5D+2
Strength: 6D
         Brawling: 7D+2
         Climbing/Jumping: 6D+1
Mechanical: 2D
        Communications: 3D+1
        Repulsorlift Operation: 4D+1
        Walker Operation: 3D+2
Technical: 2D
         Blaster Repair: 3D+1
         Demolitions: 3D+2
         Security: 3D+2
         First Aid: 3D

Move: 12
Force Sensitive: No
Force Points: 3
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 5

Special Abilities:
        Muscular: Gigorans are large muscles lifeforms, but unlike similar creatures like Wookiees, this is in direct strength rather than agility, meaning they suffer a -1D penalty on Climbing/Jumping rolls, but get a bonus on +1D on Lifting, Stamina and Brawling Damage rolls.

Story Factors:
        Language Limitation: Due to their vocal physiology, Gigorans cannot speak Basic, but they are fully capable of understanding the language. In order to communicate with species that did not speak their language, Gigorans often wore translating vocoders on their mouths to speak other languages besides Gigoran.

         Arm: Cybernetic Replacement Arm with enhanced Strength (+1D for that Arm only), and weapon stabilisation (+1D for multiple actions beyond the first).
         Cybernetic Plating: Armoured plating built into body, gives +2D vs Physical damage, +1D vs Energy damage with no Dexterity Penalty.

        Light Repeating Blaster (6D), Grenades, Timed Detonators., Comlink, Facemask Vocoder

Description: Chamdaka was a Gigoran male cyborg who was a rebel and part of the M.A.R. Corps. Together with Tandorvo, Blades and Masakint, they fought the Galactic Empire at Zee-Nine City Seven. During this skirmish, they all were corrupted by Darth Vader when he had droid brains inserted into their cybernetics.
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Comments made about this Article!

14/Apr/2024 15:14:14 Posted by repsakgreen

left arm

14/Apr/2024 18:37:01 Posted by Freddy

Copied from Wookieepedia.

15/Apr/2024 08:21:50 Posted by Freddy

Fixed ;)

14/Nov/2024 12:31:33 Posted by Freddy

Turns out he wasn't Tandorvo, but Chamdaka instead, so I've updated him to show this.

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