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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Arkoh Adasca
Homeworld: Arkania
Died: 3963 BBY, aboard the Arkanian Legacy
Species: Arkanian
Gender: Male
Hair color: White
Eye color: White
Skin color: Light
Parent(s): Alok Adasca
Affiliation(s): The Adasca BioMechanical Corporation of Arkania
Move: 10

           Blaster: 7D+2
           Brawling Parry: 5D+2
           Dodge: 6D+2
           Bargain: 8D
           Con: 6D+2
           Gambling: 5D
           Persuasion: 7D+2
           Search: 5D+2
           Bureaucracy: 8D+1
           Business:  9D+2
           Languages: 8D
           Scholar; Arkanian History: 5D
           Streetwise: 3D+2
           Tactics: 5D+1
           Value: 5D+1
           Brawling: 6D
           Climbing/Jumping: 3D+2
           Beast Riding: 3D
           Communications: 5D
           Repulsorlift Operation: 4D+1
           Computer Programming/Repair: 4D
           Security: 4D+2


Special Abilities:
         Infra Red Vision: Arkanians can see into the Infra Red, allowing them a bonus +1D to counter penalties for darkness, however unless they wear blinders under younger hotter suns, they suffer a -1D penalty to visual rolls.

Story Factors:
         Body Alteration: It is standard practice for Arkanians to undergo genetic manipulation of their own bodies, enhancing themselves so as to be better than "lesser" species.
         Arrogance: The most defining trait of the Arkanian species was their arrogance which stemmed from their belief that they were the pinnacle of evolution. This led to them often appearing arrogant and aloof to others as they saw themselves as being superior to all other species. Even those with a more moderate viewpoint tended to see themselves as being amongst the most intelligent beings in the galaxy. As such, they were highly confident of their abilities.

Equipment: Vast Riches, Expensive Clothing, Comlink, Datapad, Starship (The Arkanian Legacy), Concealed Blaster Pistol (4D)

Description: Arkoh Adasca was, during the era of the Mandalorian Wars, the CEO of the Arkanian bioengineering giant Adascorp and the eighth lord of the industrial dynasty known as the House of Adasca. The heir of the Adasca line, Adasca assumed his position at the head of Adascorp while still a young man, becoming a charismatic leader beloved by his fellow Arkanians. As CEO of Adascorp, Adasca inspired the Arkanian people by appealing to their sense of racial superiority, all the while furthering his forefathers' plans to exterminate the population of the Arkanian Offshoot sub-species. In the days of Adasca's grandfather's stewardship of Adascorp, a company scientist named Gorman Vandrayk had discovered how to control the minds of the exogorths, a species of massive space slug that had been discovered in many disparate regions of the galaxy. Adasca's grandfather had planned to use the beasts to elevate Adascorp, but Vandrayk wanted no part of it and fled—as CEO, the younger Adasca spared no expense to track Vandrayk down so he could use the scientist's irreplaceable knowledge to fulfill his family's vision and make Arkania the center of the galaxy.

Adasca's search finally ended in 3963 BBY, when an ailing Vandrayk was brought to Arkania for medical treatment and was discovered by Adascorp. With his goal in reach, Adasca set out to put his grand plot to make Adascorp a galactic power into action—once Vandrayk finished his work bringing the exogorths under corporate control, Adasca would auction the services of the destructive beasts to the sides participating in the ongoing Mandalorian Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Mandalorian warrior clans. Adasca would effectively be picking the winner of the war, and, as he would retain operational control of the exogorths, the victorious side would be forced to pay him tribute. Adasca was able to bring together parties from the Republic, the Mandalorians, and the crusading Jedi faction known as the Revanchists to his base on the ship Arkanian Legacy for his sales pitch, but his audacious plan met with defeat when Republic prisoner Zayne Carrick, Lieutenant Carth Onasi, and Jedi Master Lucien Draay worked together to break up the auction. Adasca himself was killed when Vandrayk ordered the exogorths to attack the Arkanian Legacy, and his treachery was covered up afterward by the Republic Defense Ministry.

Personality and traits
Young and charismatic, Arkoh Adasca captured the imaginations of the Arkanian people with subtle and persuasive arguments that played into the sense of racial superiority they all shared. Spoiled as a child, Adasca deftly played the part of honorable and ethical leader, but in truth he was an extremely ambitious and cunning individual who plotted to lift Adascorp to the station of galactic power. Adasca's supreme confidence touched on overconfidence, which eventually led to his downfall. Although Adascorp was nominally aligned with the Galactic Republic, Adasca chose to place the interests of his homeworld of Arkania above that of the Republic, planning to make Arkania the center of the galaxy. As such, Adasca had no qualms with abandoning the Republic if the Mandalorians gave him a better offer for the exogorths, arguing that the Republic was not representing Arkania's interests when it entered into the war. Once Adasca had developed his exogorth plot, he single-mindedly pursued it, sparing no expense to find Gorman Vandrayk so he could set his vision into action.

Adasca grew increasingly audacious as the plot developed, and his old friend Lucien Draay believed that he had gone mad—but when it all collapsed, the normally calculating Adasca was reduced to raging at Vandrayk, Carrick, and those responsible for ruining his ambitions. Adasca believed that the continued existence of the Offshoots—who had been genetically engineered by Arkanians for short-term industrial purposes—was an artefact of the Arkanian race's self-destruction, and he dreaded the weakening of pure Arkanian blood. To counter this, Adasca furthered the exterminatory policies of his forefathers and offered his employees genetic solutions that would eradicate any trace of Offshoot blood in their genome. Even though Jarael was an Offshoot, she intrigued Adasca, who sensed something "pureblooded" in her, but she was quick to catch Adasca's wrath when she attempted to defy him. Adasca was fluent in a number of languages, including Arkanian, Basic, Binary, Bocce, Huttese, and High Galactic, and he was skilled with a blaster pistol. Adasca had light skin, white hair, and white eyes.

Comments made about this Article!

18/Aug/2024 03:41:48 Posted by

I don't see how this guy could do all that he did, and not receive any Dark Side Points. He had to have accumulated a good number of Dark Side Points with his attempted genocide of the offshoots and his pursuit of power.

22/Aug/2024 11:10:52 Posted by Freddy

Good point, updated.

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