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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: New RepublicCanon: No

Emperor Weji Ynehtam

Emperor Ynehtam began his military career early in the days of the Empire
and served on several starships ranging from modified Old Republic
dreadnaughts to the most visible sign of the Empire's power, the Imperial
Star Destroyer.

Ynehtam's first command was on board the Victory Star Destroyer Accumula,
which was deployed to the Outer Rim under the direct command of High Admiral
(Moff) Tote Baka in the Shezi Sector. After personally hunting down and
completely eliminating a local band of pirates which had plagued the sector
for many years, then Captain Ynehtam was promoted to the rank of Line Captain
and given full command of the Imperial Star Destroyer Maelstrome. Years
later Ynehtam finally reaches the rank of Grand Admiral and is given command
of the Executor-class Super Star Destroyer Devastator.

After the death of Emperor Palpatine at the Battle of Endor the Empire was
cast into a state of complete and utter disarry. Grand Admiral Weji Ynehtam
commanding a battle group in the Outer Rim, left his command and sped back
to Coruscant on board of the Devastator after hearing of the horrible news
of the Alliance victory at Endor.

Upon arriving at Coruscant Grand Admiral Ynehtam was able to calm the general
populace and reorganize what Imperial forces that still remained loyal.
Ynehtam put out a call across the galaxy for the Empire to remain intact and
strike back at the Alliance, who now called themselves the New Republic, and
claim vengeance on their fallen Emperor. However, many high ranking Imperial
admirals and moffs decided that they were better off running the Empire and
thus, the Imperial warlords were born. Ynehtam quickly learned that the
Empire would need to regain strength quickly if they were to survive against
the quickly growing New Republic.

While creating clones of himself to insure that he would always remain in
power one way or another, Ynehtam made the mistake of interacting with one
of his clones who later imprisoned him in the caverns below the Imperial
Palace for nearly two years before the clone's true identity was discovered
and Ynehtam was finally rescued by loyal Imperial forces.

Emperor Ynehtam, unlike the majority of the galaxy, was slightly force
sensitive and was able to perfect some techniques during his imprisonment
under the Imperial Palace. His powers were never great enough to even aspire
to becoming as powerful as any of the Dark Lords of the Sith or even to be
a pitifully weak Jedi Knight.

Name: Emperor Weji Nephets Ynehtam
Type: Emperor of the New Galactic Empire
Species: Human
Gender: Male

Physical Description:
Weji is rarely seen out of his black Imperial uniform which was based off of
his old white Grand Admiral's uniform. On occasion, he also wears a black
cloak or cape to accent his already dark appearance. His hair is a dark,
with streaks of grey here and there. There are fine lined-wrinkles on his
brow. His eyes are blue, burning with an unseen electricity (not literally).

Weji demands total loyalty, any who do not give their best in their service
to him often cease living. He is not one to give second chances unless he
sees a personal gain in granting one. He keeps several hidden agendas and
will rarely give a straight answer, instead leaving those under his rule in
a state of confusion and wonder.

A Quote: "Those who dare defy my rule shall face their destiny."

* Weji Ynehtam as of the Imperial Civil War (Endor + 6)

Height: 1.89 meters
Weight: 67 kilograms
Age: 61

        Blaster: 4D+2
        Blaster: heavy blaster pistols: 5D
        Dodge: 4D
        Bureaucracy: 6D
        Bureaucracy: New Galactic Empire: 7D
        Intimidation: 7D+1
        Scholar: Jedi lore: 5D
        Tactics: 6D
        Tactics: fleets: 9D
        Tactics: capital ships: 6D+1
        Willpower: 7D
        Command: Imperial Forces: 11D
        Persuasion: Oration: 5D

Special Abilities:
        Force Skills: Control: 2D, Sense: 2D, Alter: 2D
        Control: Accelerate healing, concentration, control pain
        Sense: Force sense, life detection, life sense, magnify senses,
        receptive telepathy
        Alter: Injure/kill, telekenisis
        Control/Alter: Inflict pain

Move: 10
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Points: 5
Dark Side Points: 4
Character Points: 10

black Imperial Navy uniform, heavy blaster pistol (5D), vibroknife (STR+1D),
encrypted comlink

* Weji Ynehtam as of the Second New Republic War (Endor + 12)

Height: 1.89 meters
Weight: 72 kilograms
Age: 67

        Blaster: 5D
        Blaster: heavy blaster pistols: 6D
        Dodge: 4D+2
        Bureaucracy: 6D
        Bureaucracy: New Galactic Empire: 10D
        Intimidation: 8D
        Scholar: Jedi lore: 5D
        Tactics: 7D
        Tactics: fleets: 12D
        Tactics: capital ships: 8D+2
        Willpower: 8D
        Command: Imperial Forces: 11D+1
        Persuasion: Oration: 7D

Special Abilities:
        Force Skills: Control: 3D, Sense: 3D, Alter: 3D
        Control: Accelerate healing, concentration, control pain
        Sense: Force sense, life detection, life sense, magnify senses,
        receptive telepathy
        Alter: Injure/kill, telekenisis
        Control/Alter: Inflict pain

Move: 10
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Points: 5
Dark Side Points: 6
Character Points: 35

black Imperial Navy uniform, heavy blaster pistol (5D), vibroknife (STR+1D),
encrypted comlink

Note: Character is based off of the DLOS Sim and not the exact Star Wars
      timeline of events.

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All text and stats by Ryan Matheny, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
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