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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Marn Hierogryph
Homeworld: Cadomai Prime
Species: Snivvian
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Affiliation(s): Hidden Beks, Taris Resistance, Cargryph Capital Management, Goodvalor's
Move: 10

            Blaster: 4D+2
            Brawling Parry: 3D+1
            Dodge: 6D+2
            Pickpocket: 7D
            Running: 5D
            Alien Races: 5D
            Bureaucracy: 7D
            Business: 8D
            Languages: 4D
            Law Enforcement: 6D+1
            Streetwise: 6D+2
            Survival: 4D+1
            Value: 6D+2
            Bargain: 6D+1
            Con 8D
            Disguise: 7D
            Hide: 5D+1
            Persuasion: 6D+2
            Search: 6D
            Sneak: 5D+2
            Brawling: 3D+1
            Climbing/Jumping: 4D+2
            Repulsorlift Operation: 4D
            Computer Programming/Repair: 4D
            Security: 5D

Special Abilities:
         Adaptive Skin: Snivvians can survive in temperature extremes of minus 30 degrees standard, to temperatures up to 45 degrees standard without harm or protective gear. They do wear clothing for cultural reasons. The Snivvians tough skin give them +1D armor bonus to resist physical damage.

Story Factors:
         Strife-Torn History: The Snivvians never seem to get a break. From the genetic problems with the Blood Code, to the period of slavery by the Thalassians, the Snivvians have undergone hardship after hardship. Now that the Blood Code may have returned, the Snivvians are bracing themselves for more troubles. Despite such adversity (or perhaps because of it), the Snivvians are respected artists and writers.
         Blood Code: The genetic flaw that has led to much violence in Snivvian history has also caused the Snivvians to be very distrustful of twins of any species. As families, Snivvian brothers tend to be very distant.

            1,020 Credits, Street Clothes, Concealed Blaster Pistol (4D), Comlink, Datapad, Toolkit


Description: Marn "Gryph" Hierogryph, also known as Baron Hieromarn, Remulus Horne, Professor Gryphomarn, Junior Saber-Twirler, and Bulgryph Mandrake, was a confidence trickster, black marketeer, entrepreneur, and restaurant host who rose to prominence during the Mandalorian Wars. The male Snivvian was born to Garl and Glomkettle Hierogryph, and dabbled in various acts of larceny and felony at an early age. He eventually found himself on the ecumenopolis of Taris, where he was able to set up various black market enterprises. Soon, he fell afoul of the Jedi Order. The Human Padawan Zayne Carrick was assigned to hunt down Hierogryph, although the Snivvian was largely successful at evading him. Eventually, the young Padawan apprehended him, but in a twist of fate, Carrick himself was then hunted by the Jedi Covenant of Taris, who were convinced that the Human was destined to become a Sith Lord, based on a vision they had recently experienced. The Jedi Masters had murdered their own Padawans, but Carrick's tardiness had saved him.

Hierogryph and Carrick fled, picking up Arkanian companions Jarael and Gorman "Camper" Vandrayk along the way, as well as the droid T1-LB. The Covenant Masters, led by Carrick's own master, Lucien Draay, were in constant pursuit of them, however, and had spread word that it was he that had killed the Padawans, with the Snivvian as his accomplice. Trying to lay low as a result, Hierogryph and his companions found themselves caught up in the Mandalorian Wars themselves, in the midst of various confrontations at Vanquo, Flashpoint, and Serroco. Along the way, they picked up new members of their retinue, such as the Mandalorian Rohlan Dyre, and the Trandoshan Slyssk. On Serroco, however, Hierogryph and Slyssk were separated from Carrick, and only narrowly escaped the Mandalorian nuclear strike against that planet. In escaping, however, they inadvertently saved half a battalion of Republic soldiers. The Ministry of Defense, failing to recognize Hierogryph as a criminal and a fugitive, decided to build a propaganda story around the Snivvian and his Trandoshan, giving rise to the character of "Captain Benegryph Goodvalor," who in turn inspired holovids, restaurant chains, and assorted merchandise.

Afterwards, Hierogryph fought with the Taris Resistance against the new Mandalorian occupation. There, he was reunited with Carrick, and subsequently, the two of them set out to clear the young Jedi's name. Braving an onslaught of Covenant Jedi, Hierogryph and Carrick were able to accomplish their goal during the Vindication campaign on Coruscant. In the wake of that operation, Carrick eschewed the option of becoming a Jedi Knight in favor of becoming Hierogryph's partner. Hierogryph and his crew subsequently took on slavers, as well as the Crucible, freeing slaves and participating in various competitions. Eventually, with the onset of the trial of Demagol, Hierogryph and Carrick returned to Coruscant, where the young Human revealed that he had been "borrowing" funds for a private project of his, called the Rogue Moon Projectā€”an organization dedicated to aiding ordinary people as the Mandalorian Wars raged. Similarly, Hierogryph had his own projectā€”Goodvalor's Little Bivoli, a thriving restaurant which attracted the loftiest of clientele. Now in possession of the Goodvalor's franchise, the Snivvian settled down as host of the restaurant, while Carrick went his separate way.

Personality and traits
Marn Hierogryph was an exceptionally talented liar; a talent he worked to its full advantage. As a confidence trickster, he enjoyed lucrative business from gullible customers, and often, by the time the constabulary saw through his ruses, it was too late. He would often use his lying skills to avoid paying contacts, and even to shaft colleagues into buying soiled merchandise.In addition to Snivvian, he knew various languages, including Basic, Bocce, and Huttese and at least one unspecified form of Wookiee dialect. As a fugitive, Hierogryph put his skills to use deceiving the Republic, in pursuit of supplies he could pilfer. His skills eventually rubbed off on Zayne Carrick, who would put them to good use following the events on Serroco.

As much as he was an accomplished liar, Hierogryph was also highly skeptical that he himself could ever be scammed, as he demonstrated when T1-LB revealed that the man they thought to be Rohlan Dyre was in fact Demagol. In particular, he scoffed at the idea that "Dyre" had lied to them at every turn of their escapades together. When he learned that this was in fact the truth, he was horrified. Although Hierogryph eventually decided to settle down and run Goodvalor's Little Bivoli, he still did so with a considerable amount of underhanded criminal enterprise, such as bribing food inspectors and keeping the tables bugged for sound.

Always clamoring for a credit, Hierogryph supposedly saw business opportunities everywhere. At first satisfied with just conning the citizens of Taris, the Padawan Massacre made him a wanted criminal, gaining him a level of notoriety in the galactic criminal community. Upon leaving Taris, he did not immediately capitalize on the fact, preferring to con with the simple intent of staying alive. Upon reaching Ralltiir, however, he planned to make the most of the Mandalorian Wars, by exploiting not only the combatants, but the citizens of frontier worlds. Eventually, his enterprising nature would lead him into great danger on Serroco.

Hierogryph had a habit for assigning nicknames; he himself was most commonly referred to as "Gryph." He called Zayne Carrick, successively, "Wayne," "Intern," "Tall Blur," and "Henchman," with each name signifying a different step in their friendship. The last was used frequently following the departure from Taris, when Hierogryph considered Carrick a partner. He was often exasperated by the Jedi fugitive's actions, but nonetheless respected his opinion, and would usually grudgingly comply with Carrick's requests. When forced to sell Carrick out to the bounty hunter Valius Ying, Hierogryph's latent conscience got the better of him, causing him to for once sacrifice profit in the name of friendship.

Although Gryph claimed he would tolerate all kinds of strenuous and harrowing circumstances, such as being chased by rakghouls and what he termed "crooked Jedi," he found the prospect of being robbed by one of his partners to be beyond the pale. He also resented secrets being kept amongst his crew. After having worked with Carrick for a considerable amount of time, he genuinely cared about his young accomplice's opinion of him. When Hierogryph learned of the Rogue Moon Project, he was surprised that Carrick had been able to put together such a large operation, and expressed chagrin at having his status as "Mastermind" threatened. Towards the end of their collaboration together, Hierogryph knew Carrick so well that he could read his facial expressions, and know immediately whenever the young Human had struck upon a particularly risky and dangerous plan. The Snivvian referred to that particular expression of Carrick's as "the look." He used his incisive skills to question just how the young Human's luck always seemed to "balance out;" while Carrick seemed ashamed of what the Jedi Masters called a learning disability that affected his timing, Hierogryph encouraged his accomplice, assuring him that his unique relationship with the Force was an asset. Although Hierogryph eventually accepted that his and Carrick's collaboration was at an end, he was satisfied with the fact that he was able to organize a relationship between him and Jarael.

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