Name: Melee {as of Vader issue 50}
Homeworld: Tatooine
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Dark
Skin color: Light
Move: 10
Brawling Parry: 4D+2
Dodge: 5D
Throwing Weapons: 4D+1
Persuasion: 5D+1
Search: 5D
Sneak: 5D+2
Languages: 4D+1
Streetwise: 5D+1
Survival: 4D+2
Brawling: 3D+2
Climbing/Jumping: 4D+2
Beast Riding: 3D+1
Repulsorlift Operation: 4D+2
First Aid: 5D
Ragged Clothing
Description: Melee was a human female who lived in the spaceport Mos Espa on her homeworld Tatooine as a child. In 32 BBY, she visited the enslaved child Anakin Skywalker with several other children as he was working on a podracer that he planned to enter into the Boonta Eve Classic race. Melee and her companions Amee, Wald, and Seek expressed doubts about the vehicle and then left Skywalker.
By between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, Melee was enslaved and worked with Seek and Amee on a moisture farm until Wald and Kitster Banai, another childhood friend, bought their freedom. The group then reminisced about Skywalker around a fire until they were confronted by a group of thieves who aimed to steal energy capsules from Wald and Banai. The pair handed the capsules over when one of the thieves threatened Melee with a blaster, but the criminals were then slain by the assassin Ochi of Bestoon, who took the capsules and left.
The children of Mos Espa
Melee was a human female who was born on the planet Tatooine. As a young girl, she followed the enslaved child Anakin Skywalker around, and in 32 BBY, she and several other children visited Skywalker in Slave Quarters Row in the spaceport Mos Espa. He was working on his podracer in a courtyard and announced that he was taking part in the Boonta Eve Classic podrace the next day.
Melee was dubious that Skywalker's podracer would even run, and the other children present expressed similar doubts. The boy Seek then suggested that they go and play a ball game, and Melee left with him, Wald, and Amee, leaving only Kitster Banai behind with Skywalker. The latter ultimately won the race and left Tatooine to become a Jedi. Wald and Banai were eventually rescued from slavery on Tatooine by the Naboo agents Sabé and Tonra, who also saw them offworld; however, before leaving, Banai promised Melee, Amee, and Seek, who remained on the planet, that he would return if he could.
By between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, Melee was enslaved with Amee and Seek on a moisture farm on Tatooine. Banai and Wald then returned to Tatooine and, after selling an energy capsule that they had stolen from the Galactic Empire, they gave the money from the sale to the owner of the farm to free all the enslaved workers there. They then sought out their old friends, who were surprised and overjoyed to see them, although Melee wished Skywalker was with them as well.
Later that night, the group sat together around a fire and shared tales about Skywalker, with Banai also telling Melee and the others about his and Wald's encounter with the Sith Lord Darth Vader, who had saved the pair on three occasions. Banai and Wald also revealed that they had tried to find Skywalker after leaving Tatooine until the Jedi Order was destroyed, but Melee disputed that anyone could have bested their absent friend and claimed to know he was still out there somewhere. Banai suggested that they find out where but was interrupted by a shot in the shoulder from a group of thieves who descended upon Melee and her friends.
An unlikely savior
The leader of the thieves revealed that they had killed the vendor that Banai and Wald had sold an energy capsule to and come to claim the rest. When Banai claimed there were no other capsules, the leader threatened Melee with a blaster, forcing Banai and Wald to reveal the remaining capsules they had. The thieves took the capsules but were then cut down by the Sith assassin Ochi of Bestoon, who had been sent by Vader to reclaim the capsules. The assassin took the capsules and acknowledged Banai and Wald, then left without harming them.
When Melee asked about their mysterious savior, Banai explained that Ochi worked for Vader, prompting Melee to once again wish that Skywalker was with them. Ochi returned the capsules to Vader and informed him that Banai and the others had had them but that he had let them live, questioning if he should return to kill them. Vader, who was in fact Melee's childhood friend Anakin Skywalker turned to the dark side, told the assassin to leave them be.
Personality and traits
Melee followed Anakin Skywalker as a child and believed he was special as an adult.
Although she doubted that his podracer would work as a child, Melee believed Skywalker was special and wondered how her life would have differed if he had stayed on Tatooine and protected her. Despite the downfall of the Jedi Order he had joined, she doubted anyone could have bested him and so believed that he was still alive by the time she was freed from enslavement, wishing on multiple occasions he could have been there with her and her friends. Melee had brown eyes, light skin, and brown hair she wore tied up in three bunches as both a child and an adult.
As a child, Melee wore a dark red dress when meeting Skywalker. When freed from enslavement, she wore a similarly colored dress over a white shirt with a brown belt.