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Section of Site: Creatures D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: CreaturesEra: Canon: Yes

Name: Lightle Bug
Classification: Insect
Skin color: Blue, Pink, Yellow
Eye color: Dark purple
Distinctions: Emitted various colored lights
Homeworld: Tenoo

Dexterity: 2D
Perception: 2D
Strength: 1D

Special Abilities
        Glowing: Lightle bugs emit a soft glowing light, which is enough to see by, leading to them occasionally being used as organic lighting systems.

Move: 4

Description: Lightle bugs were a species of bright fluttering insects found on Tenoo. It emitted lights in various colors, including pink, yellow, and blue, which coincided with its outer appearances. Aside from their colorful lights, the lightle bugs had four dark purple pupilless eyes, six legs, a small mandible, and a pair of wings.

During the High Republic Era, Jedi Initiate Kai Brightstar encountered a lightle bug as he was meditating with Padawan Bell Zettifar on the planet Tenoo. In the same year, the Jedi initiate Lys Solay led a group of younger initiates to the forest of Tenoo to see the lightle bugs before nightfall. They arrived later than initially planned after a wild chase with a Sharptailed Fellwing, though the group was still able to see the beautiful bright fluttering insects. Brightstar later encountered another lightle bug while on an adventure along with Marlaa Jinara and Maz Kanata in the forest of Tenoo.

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