Name: Warthog Pirate
Species: Warthog
Gender: Male
Hair color: Light brown
Eye color: Black
Skin color: Gray
Affiliation(s): Silvo's pirates
Move: 10
Blaster: 5D+1
Brawling Parry: 5D
Dodge: 5D
Grenade: 4D
Melee Combat: 5D+2
Melee Parry: 5D+1
Bargain: 4D
Gambling: 4D+2
Search: 4D+1
Languages: 4D
Planetary Systems: 3D+2
Brawling: 5D+2
Astrogation: 3D+1
Communications: 3D+2
Space Transports 4D
Starship Gunnery: 4D+2
Blaster Repair: 3D
Space Transport Repair: 2D+2
Security: 4D
Special Abilities:
Resistance to Physical Pain: Warthogs gain +1D to resist all physical pain, whether from injury or torture.
Story Factors:
Tusks: Warthogs have large tusks for tearing food, their tusks are a sign of virility and status among males so they take care of them, however broken tusks are considered a sign of combat prowess so will be retained. Tusks are considered a sign of beauty for female Warthogs, who will often decorate them with jewellery.
Blaster Rifle (5D), Pirates Clothing, Comlink, Vibro Knife(Str+2D)
Description: A Warthog alien was a pirate active during the New Republic Era. A member of Silvo's gang, he witnessed a mutiny that ousted the incumbent captain and established Brutus as the new leader. Following an unsuccessful raid on a bulk freighter, the Warthog found himself in Starport Borgo, where his crew had a run-in with a group of younglings allegedly coming from the mythical planet of At Attin. During the confrontation with the children, the Warthog was pinned down by the droid SM-33 and had his snout burned by its red-hot arm shield.
Empty vault, full mutiny
The alien individual belonged to the sentient species of the Warthogs. During the New Republic Era, he worked as a pirate in the crew of Captain Silvo. Around 9 ABY, the pirates launched a raid on a bulk frighter, which Silvo believed to transport credits. While the magnetically sealed vault was being opened, the Warthog and the other crew members listened as the captain boasted about his achievements. The atmosphere of triumph, however, changed drastically when the opened vault turned out to be all but empty. In light of another failure of their captain's, several comrades drew their blasters to aim the surrounded captain, who recognized this act as a mutiny. In response, Silvo helplessly attempted to defend himself, but was finally overwhelmed and taken prisoner, with the Shistavanen Brutus taking his place. After the mutiny, the crew travelled to Starport Borgo, where the ousted captain was placed in a brig in the underbelly of the asteroid.
Lost game
When the pirates had arrived on Borgo Prime, they split up rather than stuck together, each going about their own business. As the Warthog strolled along the landing platform, a rifle in his hands and an eyestalked companion at his side, he walked past the young off-worlders Fern, KB, Neel, and Wim, who had only left their dinghy. KB patted Fern on her back, pointing to the two alien passers-by, and the Warthog grunted in response. Neel, in turn—who was an alien Myykian—rudely commented on their appearance, saying they looked weird.
After the children went their separate ways, Neel and Wim stopped by a local noodle bar, where they attempted to pay with what appeared to be an Old Republic credit. In addition, they claimed to hail from the planet At Attin, a world renowned in pirate lore as the mythical planet of eternal treasure. Sensing danger, the boys flet, prompting and pirate Vane, a fry cook, and a greasy creature to give chase. Wim and Neel hurried back to Fern, seeking her help. The girl tried to threaten their three pursuers with a blaster pistol, but Vane quickly disarmed her. As the children raised their hands in surrender, the pirate droid SM-33—who regarded Fern as its captain—entered the fray to protect her. Vane aimed to fire at the droid, but it deftly parried his blaster and pushed him backwards. The droid then swiftly took down the fry cook, overpowering him with ease. After knocking out the greasy creature, the Warthog alien joined the fight, cheering his companions to blast the droid. Leading a barrage of blaster shots, the Warthog soon found his efforts blocked as SM-33 deployed an extended shield, which turned red-hot from the impact. After defeating few more pirates, SM-33 pinned the Warthog against a post, using the heated shield to scorch his neck and left cheek. The alien screeched in agony before being tossed into a pet store, freeing a swarm of fuzzballs as he crashed into the kiosk.
With the pirates and thugs defeated, the Skeleton Crew made their way back to the dinghy. Just as they were about to board, they were intercepted by Captain Brutus, who ordered their detention for future interrogation. The younglings found themselves sharing a brig with Captain Silvo, and together they they escaped to their ship. Silvo, however, was persuaded to return for SM-33, who was still disabled in the prison area. Meanwhile, the pirates rose the alarm, and pirate Beef began walking around, urging everyone to report any suspicious activity. As the Warthog alien watched Beef issue commands, little did he know that Silvo was sneaking back to the prison, concealed behind a nearby post.
Personality and traits
A gray-skinned member of the Warthog species, the alien had a wide, porcine snout with small, black eyes and prominent curved tusks. In addition, he wore his light-brown hair tied back in a loose ponytail.
The Warthog was dressed in rugged, utilitarian attire with a dark-toned vest. He also carried a blaster rifle under his arm.