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Knights of the Old Republic 18: Nights of Anger, Part 3

What is it ? : Lucien Draay is visiting the banking world of Telerath when panic breaks out, they've just heard about the destruction of the Courageous and it's entire fleet, so think the Mandalorians are going to invade.
Draay communicates back to Coruscant, speaking to Haazen as he was supposed to be meeting with Admiral Karath here, and tells Haazen that the Draay Trust will lose money on their purchases of shares of the Telerath Bank. But Haazen reveals that they've been selling off shares as the Seers predicted the loss of the Courageous, and Draay is somewhat disgusted that Jedi Seers are being used for investment advice. Haazen also reveals that Lord Adasco has been in communication with the Revanchist sect of Jedi, and there is some kind of dark power he is involved with, so wants Draay to investigate and discover what this power is.
Meanwhile on the Arkanian Legacy, Jarael is speaking to Adasco, where we discover some time has passed. She is shown Camper in his sick bed over video, but she comments that he never seems to move and looks the same everyday, so it could be the same footage. She regrets bringing Camper to the one place he feared the most, Adascorp. But Adasco assures her that his fear was just part of his illness, as it brings on Paranoia, which soothes her somewhat.
Adasco visits Rohlan, who is studying in their laboratories, and tells Adasco that he knows the illness they claim Camper has is fake. But Adasco offers him a deal, his freedom in exchange for contacting the leader of the Mandalorians and getting him to come here to see a new weapon that Adasco has developed. But Rohlan only agrees if Jarael is freed with her. Adasco also comments that Jarael seems so pureblooded, so orders his scientists to investigate and discover what is special about her.
In space fleeing the Courageous, Admiral Saul Karath, Carth Onasi, and Zayne Carrick with the other survivors of the Mandalorian attack pick up a communication to the Courageous from the Arkanian Legacy, asking their ranking officer to attend a meeting to see a new weapon which might swing the war in the Republic's favour, so they change course to rendezvous with the Adascorp vessel.
Aboard the Arkanian Legacy Lord Adasco dines with Jarael, and in the course of conversation reveals that he is having her DNA tested, he thinks that the Arkanians have made many mistakes with their genetic engineering across the galaxy, but the worst is when they changed their own species. But he has plans to alter offshoots so their offspring will breed true once again. He also reveals a plan to make Arkania the hub of the galaxy once again, showing her they have arrived in a system with asteroids riddled with Exogorths (giant space worms). She is surprised as they are usually not found in the same system, but Adasco tells her that this system is special as the star is shedding its mass as asteroids perfect for the Exogorths to consume.
He tells her that a scientist of his, Gorman Vandrayk, discovered this system years ago, and was working on building control systems so Adascorp could use them for tearing asteroids apart for mining, but he is now developing them as a weapon, which can be targeted on enemy systems to tear them apart.
Jarael comments that they are like a plague, and Adasco tells her that with Hyperdrive implants, their metabolisms sped up to create vast hordes of offspring and control systems made by Gorman Vandrayk, the man she knows as Camper, they're a plague that belongs to him. . . .

High Points : What a difference an issue makes, all the elements I was complaining about last issue are now coming together. We've got Zayne, Karath and Carth all summoned to the Arkanian Legacy where Jarael, Camper and Rohlan already are. And the main plot being dragged back into it as it is where Lucien Draay is headed as well.
And I'm intrigued by Adasco's plan, to weaponize the giant space worms, while I'm not convinced they would make fantastic weapons, as they seem to be slow moving, and I'm fairly sure that fleets we've seen using Nuclear weapons would make short work of them, they are different and interesting enough to make me want to see more.

Low Points : Adasco has a number of plans and they're all interesting, but why he feels the need to admit them all to Jarael I have no idea. I know he feels drawn to her, but unless he's found out more we haven't seen yet, it all seems a bit premature, and a bit cliched as he's the villain telling the hero his big plan just in time for them to halt it.

So what do you really think ? : Something I never mentioned above, is that Adasco keeps hinting that Rohlan isn't all he appears to be, that he has a greater interest in science than a typical Mandalorian, even one with Rohlan's unique view of what it means to be a Mandalorian. He hints that Rohlan isn't a Mandalorian, yet he is, and that he has a very Arkanian view on subjects.
Now this is during the period where the Mandalorians aren't so much a species as a cult that agrees to wear the armor, so can be from various species. But Adasco's hints seem more than that, that Rohlan might be someone in particular. But whether that is someone we know, or someone known to people in the galaxy, isn't clear yet.

Final Words : So the gang is all coming back together, with the added bonus of Karath Lucien Draay, and The Mandalore, which should make the reunion pretty interesting.

Score : 8.5/10

Comments made about this Article!

12/Aug/2024 14:42:38 Posted by

You say the gang's all here and things will get interesting? I say add in the Hutts, the Exchange, other criminal syndicates, and even the Sith, and then you'll have one interesting get together. Now all you need is the right spark, and you got an all out free-for-all.

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