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Knights of the Old Republic 28: Vector, Part 4

What is it ? : The Rakghoul plague is spreading through the Mandalorian Conscripts, each one bitten adds to the Rakghoul horde and they are being overwhelmed.
Above the battle Zayne and Celeste watch, and Zayne questions how the Rakghouls are using weapons and vehicles, and Celeste tells him that the plague doesn't destroy their learned skills, just the will to use them, and the Talisman is allowing her to provide that will, controlling them and allowing them to use the skills they once had. She mentions how good it is to be free once more instead of being buried, and Zayne realises that her mind is being subsumed by that of the Sith Lord Muur who created the talisman.
One of the Rakghouls brings Gryph to them and Celeste says that he was looking at the Sith artefacts that Pulsipher had gathered, and that he doesn't know how to use them. But Gryph says that she does, because of who she is, telling Zayne that Celeste works for Lucien Draay, who asks her how she can work for someone like that.
She tells him that her master was Krynda, and she works for her, revealing that Lucien is Krynda's son. They continue to try to convince her, but she gets angry, controlled by the Talisman and lashes out, saying that Lucien was right, Zayne is evil, a liar, who twists everything.
But Zayne reminds her of her mission, to protect the galaxy from Sith Artefacts, and the evil that is being unleashed by the Muur Talisman in releasing the Rakghoul plague upon the galaxy. And she shakes off control of the Talisman, pleading with Zayne to end it by killing her now. But he refuses, having a different plan.
They head back into Pulsipher's laboratory and find an isolation chamber that will keep Celeste in storage, isolated from the galaxy until a way of removing the Talisman can be found.
She remarks that it is supposed to be a torture chamber, but it's safer than letting her free, she tells him of a storage facility on Odryn giving him the entrance key, it is where the Jedi keep Sith Artefacts. Asking him to take her there as there are Covenant researchers there experienced with Sith Artefacts who might be able to help her.
As they head outside, Gryph tells Zayne that what he has done was good of him, but they are surrounded by Rakghouls, now rampaging and out of control without the control of Celeste. But the Moomo Williwaw arrives, and Alek helps them aboard backed by Jarael and Rohlan.
As they speed into space, the Mandalorian fleet arrives, and Zayne wants to warn them not to land, but that isn't their plan as they launch missiles at the surface causing a firestorm of explosions, killing everyone and everything on the surface as well as destroying the citadel containing the chamber with Celeste inside.
Cassus Fett contacts Zayne, telling him the Mandalorians owe him for his actions, but Zayne is horrified by the destruction, which is a repeat of what happened on Serroco. After mourning Celeste and telling the others of her, he asks if they really meant what they said on Flashpoint, that they all owed him. They respond to the positive, and he tells them that he has the key to clearing all their names.
Meanwhile under the melted ice of Jebble the isolation chamber sinks to the bottom . . . .

High Points : An interesting solution to the problem, with Zayne's horror at his plan to save Celeste going badly wrong, along with the massacre being repeated from Serroco, being a driving force to take him forward. He now has a fairly formidable force who are willing to follow him, and a confrontation if not with Lucien, but with the Covenant.
And this is very much Zayne's issue, while Gryph confirms his suspicions about Celeste, it is Zayne who talks her down from being controlled by Muun, who comes up with the solution with the Isolation chamber. and brings everyone together to bring the fight to the Covenant. After a couple of issues where he was acting like a clown, he's being the hero once again, and it's far easier to get behind a hero than it is to get behind a clown.

Low Points : Zayne just happening to have noticed the Isolation Chamber is a bit convenient, and I'd be tempted to say that the Moomo Williwaw arriving is also very convenient as well. Even if they explain that they were taking the Constables children to family on Alderaan when they heard of Zayne's warning of the Mandalorian attack. An explanation which makes some sense, except the Moomo Williwaw and everyone aboard it weren't on Taris when the Constables children were rescued, and if they came to pick them up, why weren't Zayne and Gryph picked up along with them, so skipping this entire story?

So what do you really think ? : An excellent resolution to the story, or at least this part of it, with Celeste "isolated" until she turns up in Dark Times, and an actual key being given to Zayne for the next part of his quest against the Covenant.
Zayne is back to behaving like himself, the friendship which has emerged between himself and Gryph is evident, and Celeste is an interesting character, balancing what she has been told of Zayne, and what she has actually witnesses. His good character, bringing out the best in her when she is being influenced by the talisman. Willing to go into a torture chamber to save lives, she ends this part of the story as a tragic hero.

Final Words : So, I'm tempted to read the other parts of Vector, to get the complete story of Celeste Morne. But I think that must come later, as we're following Zayne's story for the moment. And even if we do follow up Celeste's story, I wonder if I shouldn't just leave the final part of Vector until I'm covering the Legacy series of comics, and seeing how they fit into Cade Skywalkers story.

Score : 8.5/10

Comments made about this Article!

31/Aug/2024 04:05:47 Posted by

Zayne might have been horrified with what the Mandalorians did to Jebble. But considering that there was a plague running rampant on the surface, the consequences of that plague running loose across the galaxy, and that for the moment the plague was quarantined to one world, some might consider the Mandalorians' actions justifiable. Zayne might have too, if it hadn't seemingly cost Celeste Morne's life - a Covenant Jedi who seemed to have to her senses and joined him.

There are only two consistent plot points across the entire Vector series - the Muur Talisman and Celeste Morne. If you want to have detailed stats for Celeste Morne when she dies, then yes, you should read the Vector arcs in the other two time frames before the Legacy Era. Guess you can create stats for her as of this time frame, then update it accordingly in the other time frames, but if I recall correctly, she didn't do much in the Dark Times era. As for the Muur Talisman, you might be able to create stats for it with the information you got so far. Then again, you might want to wait until the Legacy era to create stats for that infernal talisman.

04/Sep/2024 08:11:41 Posted by Freddy

I certainly believe that Zayne can make the hard decisions when necessary. But I still think the emotions when he thought the Mandalorian bombardment had killed Gryph, brought back the horror of that, so made Jebble seem even worse to him. He'd only briefly interacted with the recruits, but it was enough for him to know "people" were dying, not just monsters. And Zayne is in many ways a true Jedi, who wants to save everyone.

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