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Knights of the Old Republic 42: Mask

What is it ? : The crew have travelled to the world of Wor Tandell, a place travellers have come to relax for years. Jarael is riding a Tandreed through the forest to get her mind off recent events and her relationship with Zayne, when she comes off and falls, but remains hovering over the ground, as Zayne uses the force to break her fall.
They talk, and she explains how she ended up a slaver, that she was forced to fight as a youth, and earn her place as a slaver, or become the victim of medical experimentation. Zayne suggests they try to take down the Crucible slavers she once was enslaved by, but she ridicules the idea that the small "circus" that he's got loyal to him could have any effect on the massive slavers guild.
She returns to where they are staying, only to discover that Malak/Alek is visiting, invited by Gryph, who explains that he has come for her to join his crusade against the Mandalorians.
Meanwhile Zayne has gone into the nearest town, only to discover that a Republic Cruiser has arrived, he inquires why they have come here, only to hear a voice saying they've come for Zayne Carrick and his band of renegades. The voice turns out to belong to Ferroh a Cathar Jedi that Zayne freed from Flashpoint along with Malak, who is happy to see Zayne.
He explains that events on Cathar have had an effect on the policy of the Republic, and even the Jedi Council has been forced to bend their will to that of the overwhelming public demand for actions against the slaughter the Mandalorians have been committing.
Malak finishes the story, telling Jarael that the Revanchists are now sanctioned to act against the Mandalorians, and they have an army at their back, so he would like Jarael to join his cause at his side, especially when he hears she is manifesting force powers.
However Rohlan overhears, and tells Malak that he can't take her, and the two begin to fight, but Malak overpowers Rohlan, and holds his helmeted head in the camp fire, slowly killing the Mandalorian. However Ferroh and the Republic Ship Captain pull him off, pointing out that Rohlan is known to not be with the other Mandalorians and now has a reputation as a sports hero, so killing him would reflect badly upon the Revanchists.
He calms down, and turns once more to Jarael, telling her that he came for her, that she'll have a life with the Jedi she can't have here. But Zayne apologises to Jarael for leaving her so long, and kisses her, saying he'll never leave her again. He tells her that while Malak and Ferroh have great plans, they've got great plans as well, far away from the war, and the two walk away to discuss it.
Gryph takes Rohlan into their ship, now the Mandalorian has calmed because Jarael isn't going with Malak. Zayne explains to Jarael, that he did what he did to give her space to think and plan what she actually wants to do, she and Camper gave him that space when the Covenant first came after him, and he wants her to have the same opportunity. He explains that while he was away from the group just after the Covenant was destroyed, he built up connections, so while he is not a Jedi Knight, he does have resources, and it's not a circus, and he's not a clown. And Jarael agrees to try to track down the Crucible together.
As the Republic Cruiser leaves the planet, Malak looks down sadly, but declares to his aides that they've got a war to win . . . .

High Points : Absolutely stunning, a great issue which brings all the continuing storylines together and progresses them all. We know where Jarael came from, and what they group plans to do next, we've seen Malak move to leading the army at the side of Revan against the Mandalorians, and we've seen the fanaticism of Rohlan in defending Jarael.
The dialogue is brilliant, the characterisation is perfect, and it's all woven together fantastically.

Low Points : While the issue is running out of pages by the point that Jarael and Zayne kiss, Malak does seem to give up easily. He crosses the galaxy because he has feelings for Jarael, wants her to be at his side, but as soon as she and Zayne kiss, even though he sees it come out of nowhere, and Gryph tells him as much, he leaves without another word.
Now while this could be a moment which breaks something emotionally in him, where he takes another step towards the dark side and his eventual role as Darth Malak, he doesn't even try, no final offer, no attempt to win her over, he just leaves.
While it does make sense, it just seems a little too abrupt and easy.

So what do you really think ? : As should be obvious, I thought this issue was absolutely fantastic, it's all about the characters, not the events happening around them, and it's all the better for that. These are the people we've been reading this comic to get to know, and it feels familiar and comfortable to spend some time just with them as we see the story unfold and move forwards.

Final Words : So, with 8 more issues to go, I'm guessing this is the final story arcs, with the group facing down the Crucible, they've taken down the Covenant before, and this time they're not fugitives from the entire Republic. I'm looking forward to seeing how it all works out.

Score : 9.5/10

Comments made about this Article!

08/Oct/2024 14:29:13 Posted by

I can agree with the abruptness that you pointed out.

There may be 8 more issues in the KOTOR comics, but it has a 5 issue sequel Knights of the Old Republic - War. And it featured Zayne getting involved in the war and a group of Jedi joining the Mandalorians.

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