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Knights of the Old Republic 49: Demon, Part 3

What is it ? : Zayne calls in favours with Admiral Karath and Rohlan calls in favours with Cassus Fett, and they target Dace Golliard's ship which is waiting for a battle between the Republic and Mandalorians so they can scavenge over the remains. They capture him, and get the location of Osadia from him, with Karath agreeing to deliver them there.
Jarael and Demagol fight their way into the ruins of the school, fighting the Crucible forces there, with Demagol outraged and looking for the other students who were taken from the school.
Aboard a Republic Cruiser Zayne, Gryph and Rohlan try to make a plan, and with Gryph's help Zayne comes to a revelation about his powers, that they're unlucky for him, but if you know you're going to be unlucky you can gamble with that knowledge taking advantage of knowing how things will turn out. Gryph jokes that Zayne is now his apprentice, but Zayne protests telling him he won't call him Master, to which Gryph just asks to be called Mastermind.
On Osadia as Jarael searches the school, she comes under attack from Chantique, and pulls Exar Kun's lightsaber, attacking Chantique with fury . . .

High Points : The scene at the beginning with Zayne and Rohlan calling on the different sides in the war to help them by targeting the Crucible, works, but is all too brief. It could easily have been fleshed out into the entire comic, but there's a load of action which works well.
Also the revelation that Zayne's force powers basically seem to be "bad luck", but knowing how things are going to work out allows you to play the odds, gamble and win, proving once more how good the relationship between Gryph and Zayne is.

Low Points : While the initial scene with the capture of Golliard is good, it's so truncated to make it near pointless, having Rohlan have knowledge of the location of Osadia would have allowed more space for other scenes, rather than rushing this one through.
And while we've seen the relationship between Chantique and Jarael, as they were brought up as near sisters, I really don't see why Chantique hates Jarael as much, the only thing Jarael has done is made a life outside the Crucible, where Chantique was dumped by them and went crawling back. While her return makes sense, as the Crucible supposedly creates loyal slave soldiers by design, I don't see why she should be especially bitter against Jarael apart from the obvious (and actual physical) stab in the back she did when escaping from the Crucible.

So what do you really think ? : The weakest part so far of this final storyline, but still has some very solid moments, Zayne realisation of how to use the force powers that he has always been told he had. but which have never been useful, is a fantastic thing to come out here at the end of the story. And while short, it was nice to see part of this framed against the Mandalorian wars.

Final Words : So, one more issue to go, and there's a lot of story left to tell, I wonder if it's going to be a feature length final issue.

Score : 8.5/10

Comments made about this Article!

29/Oct/2024 15:21:31 Posted by

I always thought that while Rohlan contacted the Mandalore, it was Zayne who called in the favor, since he did warn everyone about the rakghouls on Jebble.

I especially liked how Zayne finally explained why he seemed to have difficulty with the Force, and how Gryph was able to show him how he could use that to his advantage. Can't wait to see how you're going to apply that to the stats you're going to make for Zayne.

02/Nov/2024 10:16:01 Posted by Freddy

I though Cassus Fett considered his Debt to Zayne already dealt with earlier in the series, because he definitely makes out that it's a favour to Rohlan, on the agreement that Rohlan continues to appear to be dead.

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