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Knights of the Old Republic: War: Part 4 of 5

What is it ? : We get told the history of the Axehead Frigates, which were considered a disappointment, useful only for patrols and Jedi Escort missions. The Reciprocity however is now carrying Jedi into battle in a way never ever considered, as it is manned by the Mandalorian Knights. But we see that the communications officer has been replaced by the one befriended by Zayne Carrick.
Meanwhile on Halthor, Zayne using the Jedi Mind Trick to get the Mandalorian Quartermaster to provide full sets of armor to the Republic Crew there. Using the armor as disguises, Zayne starts to smuggle the crew onto transports up to one of the Mandalorian Dreadnaughts. But Captain Morvis decides that they're surrounded by enemies and not striking at them, and obeying Zayne, so he prepares to order his men to attack. Zayne realises what's happening and berates Morvis for thinking that fighting is glorious, where victory is more important, and Morvis blames Zayne for the failures in his life. But Zayne counters that it's all been Morvis's choices, which breaks the man and he admits that losing the Reciprocity is probably the end of his career. But Zayne offers him a way of turning that into a victory, so Morvis falls in line.
They sneak aboard the Mandalorian Dreadnaught, but Zayne is recognised, so pretends to have Jedi Brain Fever. The disguised Republic crew pretend to be in pain and pull off their helmets revealing their faces to be covered with disgusting slime, and the Mandalorians rush for the lifepods to evacuate what they now think is a plague ship.
And the Republic Crew celebrate siezing the vessel, by covering their faces with the horrible stinking stew the Mandalorians had been feeding them.
Meanwhile the Reciprocity arrives in orbit around Dantooine, and with Dorjander Kace a former member of the Jedi council aboard the defence fleet allows it access. They receive a distress call from the Dreadnaught around Hathor, but the communications officer that Zayne brefriended blocks the message, But the frigate begins dropping jetpack equipped Mandalorian troops to the surface. . . .

High Points : So Zayne is using tricky schemes again, and rather to my liking he's using exactly the same one he came up with for the Mandalorians, to use against them. The feels the most like the Zayne of old, coming up with a way of defeating a much more powerful enemy by tricking and fooling them.
And the scene with Morvis, who blames Zayne for his failures, but this just angers Zayne at the way that Morvis will endanger lives for glory, rather than the more sensible choice of getting glory through victory through any means. It's nice to see Zayne angered about a captain risking lives for no reason, and the man breaking down and seeing where his mistakes have brought him.

Low Points : There's nothing too much wrong with this issue, although it does jump around a lot, making it a little confusing, and we have to accept that a Mandalorian has started working for Zayne, just because Zayne was kind of friendly towards him (I suppose Zayne did also save his child's life, but the Mandalorians are supposed to believe that they're not to be a burden on anyone else, so anyone helping unsolicited is frowned upon).

So what do you really think ? : While Morvis has been an annoying character throughout, and his decisions in this issue almost lead to a slaughter, the scene between him and Zayne almost redeems him. Seeing how he is trying to live up to the legacy of his family, and his failures have just led to more desperation to be a success, and yet more failures, does make him understandable, and ready for redemption.
And that's been where this series has been at it's best, with the character moments, Dorjander Kace last issue and Dallan Morvis this, getting to understand these characters and make them more than stereotypes.

Final Words : So one more issue to go, and the Republic is aboard a Mandalorian Dreadnaught, and the Mandalorians aboard a Republic Frigate, with the Jedi Temple on Dantooine in the balance.

Score : 8.5/10

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