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Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures: Season 2: Story 15: The Missing Life Day Feast

What is it ? : The Rathtar's Revenge, the cruiser belonging to the pirate gang The Ganguls is flying over Kashyyyk. Their Trandoshan leader, Sellaccc Orryak, is showing the planet to her nephew, Daynaal. explaining how it's life day a soft celebration of friends and family. Her nephew thinks that's nice, so Sellaccc vows to ruin it, and they spot a Wookiee aircraft carrying supplies for Life Day so shoot it down.
At a Wookiee village, the Young Jedi encounter their friend Johgeshakka, who tells them her brother, Rudi, was supposed to be delivering supplies for Life Day, but is missing. The Young Jedi offer to help, so borrow some speeder bikes and head off into the forest.
The find the crashed ship being looted by Daynaal, who speeds away with a cart full of the supplies for life day, but as they give chase the cart impacts a tree root and is lost. They follow Daynaal back to the Ganguls shuttle where Rudi has been taken captive, and they attempt to free him, but are captured in a short fight.
Sellaccc and the Ganguls are going to go cut down a life day tree, and Daynaal offers to watch the captives, which Sellaccc agrees to.
As soon as the Ganguls leave, the Young Jedi try to convince Daynaal to free them, but he already has unlocked them as he doesn't see the point in ruining Life Day as it seems nice to him, and offers to help Rudi and the two leave separately to the Young Jedi.
The Young Jedi follow the Ganguls to the tree, and find them using a large industrial saw to try to cut it down, and try to stop them but Kai is disarmed and Sellacc stands over him with her spear, disappointed in her nephew who she realises freed the prisoners.
As she prepares to strike, Daynaal, Rudi and a group of Wookiees arrive, scaring away the rest of the Ganguls, leaving Sellaccc outnumbered and she flees as well. Kai disables the saw.
The Wookiees invite Daynaal to join them for Life Day, but he feels unworthy, but they reassure him he is a friend of the Wookiees and as long as friends gather together in celebration, Life Day will go on . . . .

High Points : The main thing I liked in this episode was Daynaal, instead of being a weak character, who is doing the wrong thing and is swayed by the heroes into doing what is "right". Daynaal has already decided to do what is right, and before the heroes can even try to begin trying to convince him, he's already lied to his aunt to get the opportunity to free the prisoners.

Low Points : They made a large point in a previous episode when Sellaccc was fighting Kai, that his lightsaber couldn't cut through her spear, and she told him it was Beskar. Explaining how she could fight him on an equal footing by parrying his lightsaber. But in this episode every single member of her crew are fighting melee combat with the Young Jedi and parrying the lightsaber blades with their weapons.
So are they all Beskar? Or did the writers just not bother about that any more.
Actually when I think about it, I'm sure Taborr parries their lightsabers as well without a Beskar weapon. But I always just assumed it was because the Young Jedi are using training lightsabers which just aren't as damaging as normal ones, but my attention was brought to it this time as they'd made a very definite point about letting us know that Sellaccc could parry lightsabers due to her Beskar spear.

So what do you really think ? : For a life day episode, this really isn't that connected with Life Day, in fact the pirates raiding any supply transport for the supplies would have led to pretty much the same episode, with Daynaal just not wanting to imprison and hurt people instead of him liking the idea of life day. It feels like any other episode, just rebranded to fit a life day theme for when the episode was due to be released.

Final Words : So it seems as if this season really is setting up the Ganguls to be the main villains, as they're showing up more and more, and their gang is getting larger and larger. When they originally were introduced, there was only Sellacc, Toda, and Jooro, but now seem to number in the dozens, as well as hanging access to their cruiser and their own shuttle. I wonder where they're going to go with the story, especially with half a season still to go.

Score : 7.5/10

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