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         Mandalorian armour is the very symbol of Mandalorian technological superiority, and the most common sight when facing Mandalorian forces. Although the armour is regularly improved and modified, the same general look is maintained, and armour suits from thousands of years ago are only slightly different on a visual inspection.

         The armour is based on technology introduced to the Mandalorian Empire by the Juannar, who required advanced armour and atmosphere suit technology to venture away from their homeworld. Adapted for use by the more physically robust Mandalorians, this technology gave their troops an edge in combat from the very start, and it is mainly down to this technology that the Mandalorians, who have been vastly outnumbered by their opponents in virtually every conflict they have ever entered, to become a feared and greatly respected fighting force throughout the galaxy.

         Although Mandalorian troops are well disciplined and maintain a strict fighting order, they are encouraged to decorate their armour and individualise it, however even this small amount of encouraged individuality is forbidden when circumstances warrant, and Mandalorian armour is often modified for special missions. These modifications may vary from addition of extended air tanks for missions in hostile environments, right down to camoflage colour schemes for missions and service on jungle or ice worlds.

Mandalorian Light "Scout" Armour

Model: Mandalorian Light Battle Armour
Type: personal battle Armour
Game effects:
         Basic Suit:
                 +2D phys
                 +1D energy
                 No DEX penalties

         Wrist Laser:
                 Skill: Armour Weapons
                 Ammo: Powered from armour power supply
                 Range: 3-5/15/25m
                 Damage: 5D

         Flame Projector:
                 Skill: Armour Weapons
                 Ammo: 5
                 Range: 1m Diameter, 1-5m long
                 Damage: 5D

                 Allows 70m horizontal or 50m vertical jumps.
                 Has 10 charges, may expend one charge every other round.

         IR/motion Sensor:
                 +1D PERC in darkness and/or against moving targets, ahead and to both sides.

         Sensor Pod:
                 +2D Search, 50-100m

                 +1D Search, 100-200m

         Evironmental Filter:
                 Blocks most harmful molecules in the atmosphere or seal with a 1 hour air supply.

         Broadband Antenna:
                 Can intercept and decode most communications frequencies. Can patch into shipboard and vehicular communications systems.

Description: This is the lightest of the Mandalorian Armours as used by Jango and Boba Fett, usually issued to Mandalorian scouts, but is also used by their pilots as a spacesuit/ survival suit should they become seperated from their ship. The armour contains all of the basic systems that make the armour unique, but is primarily designed to be light and maneuverable.

Mandalorian Standard "Trooper" Armour

Model: Mandalorian Standard Battle Armour
Type: Personal Battle Armour
Game Effects:
         Basic Suit:
                 +3D Physical
                 +2D Energy
                 No DEX penalties

         Wrist Lasers:
                 Skill: Armour Weapons
                 Ammo: Powered by armour power supply
                 Range: 3-5/20/35m
                 Damage: 5D

         Flame Projector:
                 Skill: Armour Weapons
                 Ammo: 10
                 Range: 1m diameter, 1-5m long
                 Damage: 5D

         IR/motion Sensor:
                 +1D PERC in darkness and/or against moving targets, ahead and to both sides.

         Sensor Pod:
                 +2D Search, 50-100m

                 +2D Search, 100-300m

                 Allows 70m horizontal or 50m vertical jumps.
                 Has 10 charges, may expend one charge every other round.
         Evironmental Filter:
                 Blocks most harmful molecules in the atmosphere or seal with a 1 hour air supply.

         Broadband Antenna:
                 Can intercept and decode most communications frequencies. Can patch into shipboard and vehicular communications systems.

Description: Although only visually differing from the Scout armour by the addition of a few armoured plates, the systems on this armour are considerably more powerful. These suits are the most common armour used by the Mandalorian military, issued to regular infantry, Mandalorians prefer the freedom to fight that this armour allows them rather than using combat vehicles such as walkers.

Mandalorian Heavy "Commando" Armour

Model: Mandalorian Heavy Battle Armour
Type: Personal Battle Armour
Game Effects:
         Basic Suit:
                 +4D Physical
                 +3D Energy
                 +1D Strength (used for physical activity, not for resisting damage.)
                 No DEX penalties

         Wrist Lasers:
                 Skill: Armour Weapons
                 Ammo: Powered from armour power supply
                 Range: 3-5/25/50m
                 Damage: 5D

         Flame Projector:
                 Skill: Armour Weapons
                 Ammo: 20
                 Range: 1m diameter 1-5m long
                 Damage: 5D

         Grenade Launcher:
                 Skill: Missile Weapons
                 Ammo: 4
                 Fire Rate: 1/2
                 Range: 1-50/200/300
                 Damage: Varies

                 Allows 70m horizontal or 50m vertical jumps.
                 Has 10 charges, may expend one charge every other round.

         Turbo-Projected Grapple:
                 Uses either a physical or magnetic grapple.
                 0-3/10/20m range.
                 Mounted on the right arm.
                 Missile Weapons skill.

                 Attached to grapple, has 100kg capacity (wearer and his equipment).

         IR/motion Sensor:
                 +1D PERC in darkness and/or against moving targets, ahead and to both sides.

         Sensor Pod:
                 +2D Search, 25-100m

                 +3D Search, 100-500m

         Sound Sensor:
                 +1D PERC in quite situations only.

         Broadband Antenna:
                 Can intercept and decode most communications frequencies. Can patch into shipboard and vehicular communications systems.

         Environmental Filter:
                 Filters out most harmful particles from the air or seal with two hours of air.

Description: This is the armour given to Elite soldiers and officers, the feared Mandalorian Super Commandoes use this armour. The armour is also issued to officers in the field, their one perk since they must fight side by side with their men.

Mandalorian Heavy "Regency" Armour

Model: Mandalorian Imperial Battle Armour
Type: personal battle Armour
Game Effects:
         Basic Suit:
                 +5D Physical
                 +4D Energy
                 +2D Strength (used for physical activity, not resisting damage.)
                 -1D Dexterity

         Wrist Lasers:
                 Skill: Armour Weapons
                 Ammo: Powered from armour power supply
                 Range: 3-5/25/50m
                 Damage: 5D

         Missile Launcher:
                 Skill: Missile Weapons
                 Ammo: 5
                 Range: 50-200/500/1km
                 Damage: 8D

         Grenade Launcher:
                 Skill: Missile Weapons
                 Ammo: 4
                 Fire Rate: 1/2
                 Range: 1-50/200/300
                 Damage: Varies

                 Allows 70m horizontal or 50m vertical jumps.
                 Has 10 charges, may expend one charge every other round.

         IR/motion Sensor:
                 +1D PERC in darkness and/or against moving targets, ahead and to both sides.

         Sensor Pod:
                 +2D Search, 25-100m

                 +3D Search, 100-500m

         Sound Sensor:
                 +1D PERC in quite situations only.

         Broadband Antenna:
                 Can intercept and decode most communications frequencies. Can patch into shipboard and vehicular communications systems.

         Environmental Filter:
                 Filters out most harmful particles from the air or seal with three hours of air.

Description: The best armour that the Juannar and Mandalorian technicians could build, these suits cost millions of credits to construct. These suits are only issued to members of the Mandalorian Imperial Government, and the Mandalorian Emperors Elite Guard. Not only because of the value, but because of the honour attached to this armour it is NEVER allowed into the hands of non-mandalorians, since this would be considered a surrender of their Imperial power, and an insult to the Mandalorian people.

Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done on Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text by FreddyB, based on the Mandalorian Sourcebook by "Talon^Karrde".
Images are by Lucasfilm, and copyright resides with them.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.

Comments made about this Article!

27/Dec/2019 09:20:34 Posted by Freddy

Now we've got the Mandalorian series, and we really know more about Mandalorian armour, I'm thinking I'm going to move a lot of my early Mandalorian stuff (from 2001/2002) and move it into a Fanon section, and redo them based on the series and what we know now.

12/Nov/2020 09:51:05 Posted by Georg

This is really cool. Im looking into making my own mandolorian suit or possibly do a jango fett cosplay. thanks for the info

27/Apr/2024 22:09:48 Posted by plinious

good work

27/Apr/2024 22:09:48 Posted by plinious

good work

12/Oct/2024 15:13:53 Posted by Joethebigitalianguy

Thanks for posting these stats! I have a player in my current game who's playing a Mandalorian, and finding "starting" armor stats are difficult. The scout and trooper suits really fit what I was looking for. They're not completely overpowered, and leave a lot of room for improvement through modification in-game.

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