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        The Mandalorians are a hardy people with a strict warrior culture decended from human colonists from Coruscant. They are famous throughout the galaxy for their armoured suits and skillfull warriors, long in their past they raided the Republic on a regular basis, but now are involved in a war against the Sith and the Empire.

        Gamesmasters considering allowing Mandalorian Player Characters should consider whether they think that the lack of Force Points and the ability to double their skills when spending them balances out the extra attribute points or not.

Attribute Dice: 18D

Dex: 1D/5D
Know: 1D/4D
Mech: 1D/4D
Perc: 1D/5D
Str: 1D/4D+1
Tech: 1D/4D+1

Special Abilities:

        Resistant to Force Use: Mandalorians are immune to some of the effects of the Force, and their minds cannot be read using the force, or modified using the force. However precognitiant abilities such as LightSaber Combat work perfectly well.

        Inability to use the Force: The Mandalorians have a genetic defect inherited from their ancestors and compounded by the small genepool that they have grown from. They cannot use the force. Not only does this mean that they cannot become Jedi, they cannot earn or spend Force Points.

        Genetically Superior: Due to the harsh circumstances the Mandalorian people grew from, they are a much hardier people than most species in the galaxy. While the Mandalorians like to see this as Genetic Superiority, it is perhaps more linked to their inability to use the force, so they have had to rely on themselves more. This "superiority" gives them a bonus 6 Attribute Dice when starting play, this is already incorporated in the attribute dice figure above.

Story Factors:

        Feared: Enemies facing the massed forces of the Mandalorian Empire will quite rightly fear them, this makes the forces opposing the Mandalorians more difficult to Command.

        Honour: Mandalorians base their lives around the concept of honour, while part of this honour is serving and obeying the Mandalorian Emperor and his representitives, it is also a personal honour requiring them to protect it with deed and action.

Move: 10/12
Size: 1.5-2.0 meters tall

Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done on Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text completely by FreddyB. Image is by Unknown, copyright resides with the artist.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.

Comments made about this Article!

10/Nov/2017 10:52:47 Posted by Hellstormer1

Does he mean Revan

10/Nov/2017 13:48:42 Posted by Freddy

When his handle is "DARTH REAVEN" I'd guess so, but who can tell . . .

12/Nov/2017 05:39:09 Posted by acr

Revan's mask Freddy

12/Nov/2017 05:40:46 Posted by ace Freddy

13/Nov/2017 21:21:46 Posted by Freddy

Well, Revan broke away from the Jedi order because he believed that fighting the Mandalorians was the right thing to do, where the Jedi order believed that the Jedi shouldn't go to war (they don't sound so wrong really considering the Clone Wars, do they?). And he slaughtered many Mandalorians, especially at Malachor.

But I don't think I've seen it said anywhere that he was a Mandalorian.

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