Heavy Gatling Laser Cannon
Fire Arc: Turret (Front/Left/Right)
Fire Control: 5D
Space: 1-5/17/40
Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1.7/4
Damage: 6D+2
2 Medium Laser Cannons (Fire Linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Fire Control: 2D
Space: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5km
Damage: 6D
Smart Concussion Missile Launcher (6 missiles total)
Fire Arc: Front
Fire Control: 5D
Space: 1/3/7
Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700
Damage: 8D
Description: The Fang is an interceptor, although is capable of operating in other roles, but does these poorly. It is fast but fragile, and considered by many pilots to be a confusing ship to pilot, with too many systems clamouring for the pilots attention while he is speeding through space towards a target. Although the Fang is an older design it is still in common use, but its role can be covered by the better Manta space superiority fighter. More commonly the Fang isn't used for interception, but is used in a support role to the Hammer bombers, the slow heavy bomber being perfectly complemented by the fast nimble Fang.
Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done on Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text completely by FreddyB. Image from Freespace 2 and is Copyright Volition Games.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.