Name: Griven Stellar Destroyer
Type: Griven Empire Stellar Class Destroyer
Scale: Capital
Length: 780 Meters
Skill: Capital Ship Piloting: Griven Destroyer
Crew: 9,285; skeleton 4,300/+20
Passengers/Troops: 5,000
Crew Skill: Capital Ship Piloting 5D+1, Capital Ship Gunnery 4D+2, Capital Ship Shields 4D+1
Consumables: 3 Years
Cargo Capacity: 12,000 Tons
Hyperdrive Multiplier: X1
Hyperdrive Backup: X12
Nav Computer: Yes
Space: 5
Maneuverability: 1D
Hull: 6D
Shields: 3D
Passive: 50/1D
Scan: 100/2D
Search: 200/3D
Focus: 5/4D
Fighters: 36
Transports: 12
16 Quad TurboLaser Cannons
Scale: Capital
Fire Arc: 4 Front/Left, 4 Front/Right, 4 Back/Left, 4 Back/Right
Fire Control: 2D
Space: 2-10/24/60
Atmosphere Range: 4-20/48/120km
Damage: 6D
96 Concussion Missile Launchers (30 Missile Magazine Each)
Scale: Capital
Fire Arc: 48 Front, 48 Back
Fire Control: 3D
Space: 10/30/70
Atmosphere Range: 5-20/60/140km
Damage: 7D
Description: The Griven Stellar Class Destroyer is the main capital ship of the Griven Empire, and although smaller lengthwise than the main Imperial and Republic capital ships, the Stellar Class takes advantage of its circular design to pack in almost as much internal volume as a Star Destroyer. This space is mainly consumed by the armour plating and weapons which make this vessel so fearsome in combat, making use of long ranged Concussion Missiles to engage and destroy enemy vessels, and quad TurboLaser batteries to defend against closer opponents. These vessels are devastating due to their tough armour and massive numbers of missile launchers, however their dependancy on expendable weapons makes them incapable of sustained combat away from resupply bases making the Griven tactics mainly those of rapid strikes and retreats as their vessels fall back for resupply. Stellar Class Destroyers are powerful combat vessels, matching Star Destroyers for pure combat power, but these vessels are slightly more primitive than Imperial vessels, making them weaker in a number of areas although this may not be visable to an observer since the design effectively compensates for these weaknesses.
Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done on Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text completely by FreddyB. Image is by "Bob the Dinosaur", copyright resides with him.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.