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Description: The Ravager was a ship in the service of the Old Republic during the Mandalorian Wars.
One of a fleet of Republic capital ships resembling the later Star Destroyers, the Ravager left the Republic along with most of its brethren at Malachor V. Darth Nihilus took the ship from the graveyard in orbit around the planet, making it his personal flagship.
Technically unspaceworthy, the Ravager was held together by Nihilus' will, making it comparable to the ancient tales of ghost ships held on many worlds. Its hull was blasted open in several places and shielded only by its magnetic field.
During the Battle of Telos, the Jedi Exile, Visas Marr, Canderous Ordo, and a group of Mandalorian warriors boarded the ship and set several proton charges in weakened areas of the ship's hull. Together they travelled to the bridge and defeated Darth Nihilus, before escaping as the charges detonated, finally laying the ship to rest.
The Ravager appears to have belonged to one of many Republic capital ship designs used in the Mandalorian Wars. Its kin, as well as the Leviathan kin, were either destroyed or captured by Darth Revan. This forced the Republic to rely on smaller ships such as those of the Endar Spire/Harbinger design.
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Stats by FreddyB. Image and descriptive text from Wikipedia, copyright resides with Bioware/LucasArts.
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