Okay, the last few of this first batch of missing Clone Wars characters, and in this one I've actually done a couple more than the wonderful Xain Arke located, and most of them are from Season 2 Episode 11: Lightsaber Lost.
So today I've added, Tera Sinube (Cosian Jedi Investigator), M5-BZ - Beezee (Astromech Droid), Ione Marcy (Coruscanti Thief), Nack Movers (Trandoshan Assassin), & Cassie Cryar (Terrelian Jango Jumper Thief) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
Now when I say most of them are from that episode, M5-BZ although being the Astromech Droid of Tera Sinube, who features heavily in Lightsaber Lost, isn't seen until Season 5 during the D-Squad episodes starting with Secret Weapons. But I thought it was applicable to add him with his master, so he's included today.