So today we've got the last few stats from the latest issue of The Tales of the Jedi that we've reviewed, The Sith War 6: Dark Lord. So we've added the Taung to the Star Wars D/6 Species Section, & Exar Kun (Human Dark Lord of the Sith), & Ulic Qel-Droma (Human Sith Lord, 4000 bby) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
So . . . the Taung are the Retconned explanation for the Mandalorians in Tales of the Jedi being shown to be an Alien Species, although elsewhere they're shown to be Human. This is the first time I've read up on them, and personally I'd explained away the difference by saying the Mandalorian raiding parties would recruit from other species wearing the mask to become Mandalorian, which does kind of match up with what we've seen in the Mandalorian TV series. But the "canon" explanation seems to be that the Taung were the original Mandalorians, who died out, and that the Humans took on their culture, becoming the current Mandalorians. Not really sure how I feel about it.